Reading vs. Improvisation. In Suldokar’s Wake, the good AI is not the one who always narrates freely, but the one who occasion- ally lets the adventure material have a tangible, direct presence for the players to hear or see. Reading aloud from time to time is expected. After all, a written description phrased with care can be more succinct, complete and flavorful than what the AI invents on the spot. It is also a change of pace and can mark a milestone in the game story. Bear in mind that reading aloud isn’t everyone’s forte: The AI isn’t required to deliver professional declamations—just to relate the adventure text as written, when it says that she should.
As Written vs. Modified. Suldokar’s Wake features procedurally generated content which is carefully weighed against hard coded parts and allotted spaces for player input and AI improvisations. Adventure text always takes priority over general rules in this re- gard. Messing with this order may make an adventure less special and ruin its replayability. There are setting and rules switches, rare endings and obscure options for character development that have to be discovered, looted or procedurally generated in play. If you want to be able to honestly compare your findings and campaign developments to those of other groups, you should refrain from picking instead of rolling and avoid altering the prerequisites for special things to happen. Playing as written gives you more than enough room for your own contributions.