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Krister Sundelin
Top contributor
I'm afraid I don't have a timeline at the moment, but at least I can give you a status report:
The Great Champagne Gallop is written. I have a few tweaks from playtesters to insert before I send it off to the editor. All maps are done, and illustrations are coming in.
The Ghost Knight still requires a better map of the catacombs before writing can be finished, and I need to finish the map of the town Strigova so that I can finish the description of the town. But it's just those bits left. All illustrations are in. After that, I can send it to the editor.
After both adventures are edited and all illustrations are in, they will go to layout, and then there will be a crowdfunder campaign. I want them layouted and done before the crowdfunder so that they can be sent to the printers (and the PDF to the funders) the moment the crowdfunder is finished. I had hoped that I would be at that stage this summer, but this year has been ridiculously busy for me. I really need to clone myself.
What's after that? Well, I did jot down some notes on a structure for another adventure, Carnevale set in Nice, Rome and Venice, and I could also translate Gustaf Gadd's adventure The Flying City, which was played at GothCon, the annual convention here in Gothenburg. But I won't do serious work on those until the Champagne Gallop and Ghost Knight are done.