Jag hittade några grejer jag skrev på 90-talet


27 Sep 2000

C:a 1995-2000 fanns det två grejer som dominerade mitt liv: internet och World of Darkness. Jag var aktiv på en jäkla massa epostlistor, usenetforum och ... webbringar kanske det hette? Jag hade en angelfirehemsida som hette Hello Mr Purple Cat som hag använde som någon sorts proto-blogg/dagbok/diverse.

Jag skrev en jäkla massa grejer online, helt enkelt. Det mesta är såklart borta, vilket känns trist. Jag la ändå mycket tid och möda på alla dessa forum. Av en händelse kom jag idag ihåg min allra första epostadress och började söka runt. Och hittade några GULDKORN från 90-talet som jag givetvis vill dela med mig av.

Först tre stycken magiska föremål, som jag tror är till Changeling? Vet inte riktigt. Och sen ett utkast/idé till WoD-rollspel där man spelar katter. Eller är det att katter ska vara med andra WoD-spel? Jag vet inte. Scrolla ner och avgör själv.

Gissar att allt är skrivet någon gång 95-96.

Shooting Goggles
Level Three Treasure
Description: While wearing these goggles the user sees perfectly in darkness, smoke, fog, etc. Only magical darkness, fog, smoke, etc. can reduce his vision.

Wallet of Miraculous Recovery
Level One Treasure
Description: This wallet cannot be stolen or lost (though everything in it can). If a pick pocket steals the wallet and makes off with it, he will eventually lose it and the owner will find lying around somewhere. The thief may have emptied it, but the wallet in itself is always recovered.

Stout Pair of Traveling Boots
Level One Treasure
Description: These boots are never worn out, and the wearer will never get sweaty feet.

Cat: The Guardian
Cats are the sworn Guardians of humanity from all supernatrual threats. This task was given them by their parents, the great Celestines Luna the Moon and Helios the Sun, as well as the Kings and Queens of Arcadia and other, darker, beings.

In the past, every cat was a Guardian and each of them chose a human, or a whole family, to Guard. But now the number of Guardians is decreasing. More and more cats are born without the Magic, without the power to Guard. With this decline of Magic more and more humans fall prey to the supernaturals. They become Ravaged by the Fae, tainted by the Wyrm, killed by the Werewolves and eaten by the Vampires. The Guardians remaining cannot hope to be able to protect all of humanity, so they must choose the ones to Guard carefully. No longer can a cat afford the luxury to only Guard one single human; they must guard whole families, sometimes whole neighbourhoods. As not even cats can be everywhere at once, they are bound to fail sometimes.

All Guardians have magical sight. This sight allows them to see things that mundanes cannot see. They can see and interact freely with the Dreaming and its Chimerical creatures. They can also see into the Umbra and the Shadowlands, but they do not have the power to enter these places; at least most of them don't.

In addition the Guardians have the power to see the true nature of a creature. This means that she can identify a vampire, werewolf, changeling, mage, and even a human possesed by a wraith at sight.

The cats have two kinds of magic at their command: Tail-Magic and Whisker-Magic. Each Guardian has a rating between 1 and 5 in each type of magic.

Tail-Magic is a slow but powerful kind of magic. The cat needs at least 20 minutes to perform the intricate ritualistic movements needed to complete a spell. When the spell finally is activated; it is quite powerful though. Guardians often uses Tail-Magic when they suspect that their Guarded are threatened, and it is also common for them to use it before they go to sleep.

The rituals used for casting the spells often involve running around at high speed, pushing things from tables and shelves, and meowing without appearent reason.

To use Tail-Magic you roll Tail-Magic + Intellegence against a difficulty determined by the ST. Here follows some examples on what can be done with Tail-Magic.

Ward of Warning
Difficulty: 3
Description: This spell is cast upon an area determined by the cat, normally the home of its Guarded human. Whenever a supernatrual being enters the Warded area the cat knows about it. She doesn't know what entered of where; she just knows that something has. This spell is the most commonly used one, and is normaly cast before the cat goes to sleep. The Ward lasts until sunrise/sunset.

Difficulty: 5
Description: Invisibility allows the cat to, well, become invisible. She can only be detected by magical means, and the difficulty for doing so is equal the number of successes rolled on the Tail-Magic + Intelligence roll. If the cat attacks or manipulates anything physically the spell is broken; otherwise it will last for as long as the cat wishes.

Ward of Inattention
Difficulty: 6
Description: This spell is cast in the same manner as Ward of Warning. The difference is that with this spell all supernatruals don't notice the area Warded; they just walk right past it. The number of successes when casting this spell determines how hard it is for someone to look beyond the Warding.

Difficulty: Depends on how powerful the spirit or wraith is.
Description: This spell drives away a spirit or wraith from a place or person.

Cleansing of Flesh and Spirit
Difficulty: Depends on the power of the taint. This spell cleans a person from any supernatrual taint in his body or spirit. Examples of such taints are: Wyrm-taints, vamipiric Domination, changeling Geasa, and Mage Mind/Spirit spells.

Ward of Weakness
Difficulty: 8
Description: This ward causes all supernatruals entering the warded area to become physically weaker. For every success the cat got on his roll, one point is subtracted from all physical abilities of the invader. If one of the attributes are reduced to 0, the critter faints and does not waken until the ward expires (sunset/sunrise) or he is removed from the warded area.

Death Ward
Difficulty: 9
This works in the same way as the Ward of Weakness, but it causes aggravated damage instead of reducing physical attributes.

Whisker-Magic is the other kind of magic cats can use. It is a lot faster than Tail-Magic (about 1 turn), but it's not as powerful. It is often used in combat or other situations that need instant results.

To use Whisker-Magic you roll Whisker-Magic + Wits. With Wisker-Magic you can do things like this:

Personal Ward
Difficulty: 3
When activating this spell the cats lies down very closely to the person he wants to be affected by the spell. As long as the person keeps physical contact with the cat he is protected from all mental and spiritual attacks of supernatrual origin. The difficulty to penetrate this protection equals the cat's willpower.

Difficulty: 4
Moon-Jumps enables the cat to jump incredible distances (his normal jumping-length x3).

Mind Attack
Difficulty: 6
Description: With this spell the cat attacks someone's mind. For every second success the target loses 1 dot in intellegence and wits (temporary).

Hypnotic Gaze
Difficulty: Target's Willpower
Description: The cat can paralyze someone by looking into his eyes. When using this power the cat's eyes glow.

Thought Reading
Difficulty: Target's Willpower
Description: The cat can read someone's thoughts. The more successes the more detailed information.

Final Strike
Difficulty: 9
By using this spell the cat inflicts 10+Number of Successes of aggravated damage to all supernatrual creatures within 20 yards radius. By casting this spell the cat himself dies.

Soothing Purr
The Guardians have one ability that isn't Tail or Whisker-Magic. It is called the Soothing Purr. When using The Soothing Purr the cat lies in the lap of his Guarded and purrs. The purr releases all strain in the Guarded and lets him relax. The Purr can even heal minor wounds, both physical and mental.


27 Sep 2000
Det här får mig att minnas hur otroligt mycket fanmaterial som producerades till WoD under den här perioden. Folk skrev hela spel/settings där man kunde lira drakar, änglar, aliens, highlanders, smurfar och allt vad det var. För att inte tala om antalet fan-klaner/tribes/kiths/mm.