Search results

  1. R

    D&D Varför finns gnomer?

    Gnomes, as "small folk" with a nature connection seem very likely to be based on one of the characters in Three Hearts and Three Lions, a book we know Gygax enjoyed (since the paladin, lay on hands, quest spell, troll and more are from here)
  2. R

    Beskriv svenska rollspel med ett ord

    Alternatively Mutant 2089 - Guns Kult - GUNS Mutant Chronicles - GUNS!!!
  3. R

    Beskriv svenska rollspel med ett ord

    Mutant Chronicles - RAD
  4. R

    Historiska eller vetenskapliga fakta som kan förstöra stämningen i rollspel

    Can I throw in a book ? Both by Philip Haythornthwaite: Napoleonic Infantry or alternatively The Napoleonic Sourcebook. Both do a fantastic job explaining how black powder era warfare actually worked and looked and making it very easy to use in a campaign of...something. While is writing is a...
  5. R

    Nya Hero Quest - hett eller snett?

    In addition to that, the game could use a fix to prevent the heroes always stacking up at the doors and making most fights boring as the monsters only get to attack one at a time. Allowing the monsters to attack diagonal works pretty well.
  6. R

    Nya Hero Quest - hett eller snett?

    If I may and you dont mind English: I own the new game (and the old one) plus the two expansions (Kellars and the Witch bro). I grew up with the Danish version of the original, which I believe was mostly identical to the UK and presumably Swedish versions. Rules wise, the game is 99% identical...
  7. R

    Chaosium vill sälja digital konst via NFTs vilket medför arga användare

    Old Eon had a bunch of bizarre coins in every nation (1 of this equals 6 of that, which equals 27 of this) but they all happen to have a coin that coincidentally lines up to be equal to 1 Denar :)
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    Chaosium vill sälja digital konst via NFTs vilket medför arga användare

    The US dollar is backed by the incredible ability and willingness of the US government to inflict violence.
  9. R

    Chaosium vill sälja digital konst via NFTs vilket medför arga användare

    Its worth bearing in mind that the goal of any of this stuff is to force people to buy ETH, thus making it in higher demand and increasing the the value of the coin. The rest is just coming up with schemes to achieve it.
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    Eon Kickstarter för Troll & vättar och Tre äventyr 17 februari

    over 200% already. I threw in my imperialist american money dollars for some PDFs :)
  11. R

    KH Om att göra strider i KH roligare och mer utmanande

    Also try to contrive fights where the characters are split up across the area you are fighting in, so they have to move around, can't support each other right away etc.
  12. R

    KH Om att göra strider i KH roligare och mer utmanande

    If I may give a few suggestions from a year of running HT weekly for my American friends (and should be directly applicable to KH as well): - The heroes are much much much stronger than in most BRP games. - "Cannon fodder" enemies will get mown down effortlessly. Use these to add some minions...
  13. R

    Eon Kickstarter för Troll & vättar och Tre äventyr 17 februari

    Alright alright, if you are going to twist my arm like that. :cool:
  14. R

    1992 in Swedish gaming?

    Ah okay, fair. I've only read the first part of that campaign (and that seems to be the one everyone talks about anyways). Was this the book where it expected you to also memorize half the Trakorien book to figure it out?
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    1992 in Swedish gaming?

    So it's full on edgy vibes all around! I thought Kristalltjuren was well liked?
  16. R

    1992 in Swedish gaming?

    Warzone (the minis game) came out some years after Mutant Chronicles right? Did Target do minis at all by 92?
  17. R

    1992 in Swedish gaming?

    "Reglerna baseras på rollspelet Khelataars system" I have concerns :eek:
  18. R

    1992 in Swedish gaming?

    Hey friends, hope you can help. Me and a friend of mine are going to be doing a silly project where for 30 days, all our media will be from 92 or earlier. Meaning watching tv shows and film from that period, music, books etc. Just for silly fun. I obviously want to read some gaming books too...
  19. R

    The Rings of Power

    Okay definitely feeling into it now.
  20. R

    The Rings of Power

    Theres a lot of intelligent discussion that COULD be had and at least from what I saw on twitter, nobody is actually having that.