I am in several rpg discussion groups in different social platforms, often when I bring the topic of Eon IV I receive comments by Swedish people showing a strong resistance against Eon. When asking, everything seems to originate due previous editions of Eon, and it is people that has not even...
The Necrotropy book, in the Sjukdomar chapter, in page 68, under Exorcism it reads "Lägg till Schamanism som en ytterligare låst färdighet."
But I cannot find any entry of Schamanism as a skill, expertise or similar in any of the books I own.
Can someone point me towards where is...
Me and my players haven been already playing Eon IV for several months on a bi-monthly base and we are enjoying it a lot.
It also means that we start to see somethings that we like more and others not so much.
Recently my players have bring to my attention that the Mystikfasen seems unfair to...
I am running a campaign with a big seafaring component. Some time ago I asked here how to handle naval combat and it was suggested to do it as a Conflict.
I wanted to ask again your opinion on the matter. Since the PCs are a pirate gang, I was thinking to divide the situation into two...
Just another brief rules question.
In Eon IV, spells come in "bundles" of 3 in what is called a Mystery. The game has rules on how to learn a mystery, from page 71 in the Magi sourcebook:
"Normalt lär man sig mysterier och besvärjelser genom att införskaffa en kodex eller bli undervisad...
The Kosmotropic spell Anomia granda reads:
Besvärjelsen påverkar de normer och ideal som är grunden för målets identitet och välmående, och sätter dessa i ett stadie av upplösning. Målet har svårt att identifiera sig eller känna sig delaktig i samhällets normer och förlorar 1 Välmående varje...
The kosmotropi spells Mörk nebulosa från Alrechalir (page 48), Mörk nebulosa från Kalangazeb (page 49) and Mörk nebulosa från Razalgenar (page 49) summon a nebulosa that affects /attacks creatures within the area of effect during the mystikfase.
What happens the round that the spell is...
Hi all!
I want to create a spell that grants armor. I know it is not really necessary because mages in eon can wear armour without penalty, but I guess I am a nostalgic and I am missing those mage armor, bark skin, stone skin spells and the like.
So, I was thinking on something along the...
I am very excited, it is a tough work, but I have finished translating the core book, the mages book, Strid and Pyrotropy and I think they look good for pritning! I drop you here some examples.
Hi all!
As much as I love the detail offered by Eon's IV combat, I find it slow. I specially feel it because I have a large group, 5-6 players.
One I thing it will speed up combat a tiny bit, is to get rid of the 1T10 body part roll, and made the units of the attack score be the number which...
I have done a quick read through the pdf and I have not seen any rules regarding Lättlärd och Svårlärd or the cost of skills when they are above or below the governing attribute.
Are these rules from Eon IV not in Eon V?
Hi everybody,
So far we have been playing with on mage from the Pyrotropic aspect and all has gone fine so far. Now, another player wants to try to play a mage and he is looking for a different aspect.
He has pointed out to me that some aspects, such as Kosmotropy or Astrotropy have...
I have used the conversion rules from Eon III to Eon IV to convert the Coomara from the Eon III Bestialiska folk to Eon IV (see attached pdf).
It has yield a Coomara that is arguably lower skilled that the average NPC I see in Eon IV, I would expect for example a higher swimming skill. I...
Hi, its me again.
Thank you all for helping me translating little by little this wonderful game. I have found another bit of text that I struggle to translate.
In this case is the Pike (Pk) enrtry in the Strid book, on page 102. It reads
"Vapnet är synnerligen långt och kan därför användas för...
Eon has been a gust of fresh wind for me and my group, we are already in our 4th session and we are loving the game.
As it seems then that the systems has come to our table to stay, I am translating more books. Currently I have 3 books translated to English in their original pdf format (hopping...
The corebook reads:
"Bågpil: Med ett lättillgängligt koger kan vapnet laddas snabbare. [Innan sidohandling väljs kan man för 1 Utmattning dra en pil. Ökningen orsakar inget
Chockslag. Sidohandlingen kan användas normalt.]"
Does this mean that by suffering 1 Utmattning (Fatigue) I can do the...
Hi folks,
I feel sorry for flooding these forums with English threads, but I am very excited with the game and I don't know where else to look for help and information.
This time is about seafaring in Mundana. Is there any set of rules for seafaring, ships, sea combat and the like for Eon, in...
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