I Generica så har jag en mekanik för att slåss mot gigantiska monster.
Lite bakgrund först:
I Generica så har alla en Defense, en stack marker som man först måste beta ner (med fintar, manövrering osv) innan man har en rimlig chans att göra skada.
Well, jättemonster har också det. Dock, de har en hög marker till. Dessa marker fungerar på liknande sätt, men man kan inte beta av dem genom vanliga vapenmanövrer, utan man måste hitta på klurigheter, tex locka T-Rexen att falla ner i en grop eller lura Gättejäddan Ejnar (som kan stavas fel som ingen annan) att snärja in sig i stålvajrar, eller "Go for the shield generators!" när man ska attackera en Star Destroyer. Först när dessa marker är slut så är monstret hjälplöst nog för att kunna gå in på vanlig strid.
Exempel från Generica:
A group of heroes are trapped in the remains of a small town terrorised by a huge subterrainean worm that likes to eat people. They have figured out that the worm can only burrow in loose soil. When we join them, Suzy has sought refuge on a roof top, Bob in his tow truck and Harvey in a small rock outcropping overlooking a small canyon. They make up a plan using their cell phones.
The worm is roughly ten times the size of a human, so it gains 100 additional SIZE DEFENCE for its size! Our heroes are in trouble.
Suzy starts to make a lot of noise to attract the worm. The worm, hungry for a Suzyburger rears its ugly head, partly demolishing the house in the process. Bob, using his rodeo skills, makes a lasso of the tow cable and with an expert throw manages to snare the worm, it’s a spectacular success, degree of success is 18, reducing the worm’s SIZE DEFENCE to 82. Bob jumps in the tow truck and floors it. He rolls for driving, makes another success (14) which pulls the worm out of the ground. Suzy topples a bunch of opened paint cans over the worm, confusing its senses (another 13 points down). Bob starts to move, pulling the worm with him. The canyon is a short drive away, so two more driving checks are needed, reducing the Size Defence with another 7 and 15 points, bringing it down to 33. When they reach the canyon, Bob leaves the car, throws his spare can of gasoline into it’s maw (8) and scrambles up hill, leaving Harvey free to set off his explosives on both sides of the canyon (14 and 12), setting off rock slides that partially buries the worm and reduces its SIZE DEFENCE to 0, as well as lowering ordinary DEFENCE by one.
Finally, the heroes are ready to start to actually attack the worm. Mind you, it’s not helpless, it can still fight, but now at least the heroes have a fair chance.