Nekromanti [The Fog of War] Code of conduct


12 Nov 2001
Ereb Altor
Jag tyckte att det kunde vara kul att ha med en code of conduct i spelet, en slags pastish på amerikanska arméns egna, fast riktat till spelarna. TFoW är lite Story Now-aktigt, påminer lite om Arvids impromodell och Genesis mushu-manifest. Så, vad tycker ni om det här? Vad fattas?

a. As a participant in the game you are a part of a group and are to respect those around you at all times and they in turn will respect you.

b. Your obligations as a player is to know and study the rules. Learn them by heart.

c. Just as you have a responsibility to the group they have an equal responsibility—to keep faith with you and stand by you.

d. To live up to the code, you must know not only its words but the ideas and principles behind those words.

e. You will always be honest towards your protagonist. You willl care for him, feel for him. You may rest assured that your fellow players do the same.

f. You will never surrender your own free will. You will always make the choices you think is right.

g. There is no story but the one you create together during play

h. Have fun.