Nekromanti Random Starting Equipment


8 Jun 2012
KORT VERSION: Ge mig tips på kul equipment som en karaktär kan få börja med om de har tur med lite tärningar, eller om de har extrem otur med dem. Go!

LÅNG VERSION: Jag har haft ett projekt pågående i ett antal år, där jag har byggt en serie slumptabeller för karaktärsskapande. I tabellen ingår ras, klass, samhällsklass, familjerelationer, forna erfarenheter och äventyr, och Starting Equipment. Just nu finns det en färdig tabell för vapen och en motsvarande för rustning, samt en tabell för andra tillgångar, så som investeringar i företag, ett eget förband med legoknektar, osv, men det jag behöver hjälp med är items för den helt vanliga tabellen. Såhär ser den ut än så länge:
Class kitPick on kit, and add it to your inventory
huge handcash12D6 x250 gold
large handcash6d6 x10 gold
medium handcash3d6 x5 gold
small handcash1d6 gold
Riding muleA mule (Horse donkey hybrid), equipped with a saddle and trained for riding. Not very fast, with a max speed of 30ft, but strong and reliable.
Mighty SteedA specially bred horse, fast like the wind at 100ft, with a silvery white coat, shining armor, and a regal-looking (Though unofficial) banner and shabrak.
Villager's ClothingClothing of a base standard. Not very impressive, but they are whole, socially acceptable, and have pockets.
A rockYou got a rock!
Townsfolk's ClothingClothing of a good standard, looking clean and cultured, something equivilent to a 3 piece pinstripe suit, giving you a +2 on all social rolls with people of seemingly lower standing.
HearthstoneA magical artifact that can be activated once per day to teleport you, and nobody else, to the safest, most comfortable place you know.
Fine ClothingFine clothing, of noble stanadrd, decorated with gold and jewels, and with a variety of insignias representing titles and awards you do not have, or that don't even exist, giving you a +5 on all social rolls with people of lower standing.
Wondroud ItemThe gamemaster gives you a wondrous item, according to

Systemet är Pathfinder, men grejerna behöver inte ha detaljerade regelvärden, och settingen är World of Warcraft, men generell fantasy tenderar att fungera.

Tack på förhand


6 Sep 2016
A small statuette of a dragon. Pressing its tail will light a small flame in its mouth, insufficient for shedding light in and of itself, but enough to light a candle, a torch, kindling for a campfire or something similar.


8 Jun 2012
Har lagt tilt Makarons förslag
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Hunting Hound: You have a trained Hunting Hound, a Bull Mastif. The Mastiff has no magical effect, but is a cool animal companion that is a fairly good fighter.
A mysterious collection of keys: A collection of around a hundred keys, on a ring of bent steel. You don't know where the keys go, but generally, a key will have a design that makes it look like the lock with which it fits. If you can't immediately see a key that could fit in the lock, roll 2D10, if you roll a natural 20, you find a key that fits a given lock. This does not apply if the lock is magical, or isn't opened by a regular key.