Nekromanti Arkham Investigations


Sinister eater
27 Jun 2001
Nu när katten är ur väskan så tänkte jag posta en liten inofficiell expansion jag pillat ihop till Arkham Horror.

Länk: (338 MB, det är bilder på alla 540 korten, då blir filen stor. Långsam lina, så det kan ta en stund.)

Bilderna har jag brutalt snott från nätet, men för privat bruk så bör det vara fair use.

Den är speltestad i ett tiotal partier, och vi bedömer inte att den gör spelet lättare eller svårare, men den ger större variation och skapar fler "medellånga planer" (oftast är planerna antingen för hela spelet eller för nästa runda). Den försöker också göra visa saker som händer extremt sällan lite vanligare. Den är gjord för att ge mycket innehåll, men ganska lite regler, så den är enkel att lära sig. Spelarna vill gärna använda den igen, så den verkar populär.

Expansionen är gjord utifrån att man kör med alla expansioners items (vanliga, unique, exhibit), allies, monsters, skills, spells, men man behöver inte köra med alla planer.

Var dock beredd på att det kan ta en stund att skriva ut och skära till 540 kort, så gör det inte 10 minuter innan spel...

Ett litet tips är också att ta hem den om man vill ha äventyrsuppslag till rollspelet. Varje kort innehåller en mer eller mindre utförlig stämningstext, som i de flesta fallen kan utökas till ett spelscenario (eller del av ett).

Jag tänker inte gå in i detalj på vad den gör, utan jag klistrar in reglerna och låter dem tala för sig själva (reglerna finns också i utskriftsanpassad form i filen).

Arkham Horror – Investigations
an unofficial Arkham Horror expansion by Anders Troberg

Arkham Horror, so far, has had investigators, but also a lack of any feel of following the clues of an investigation. This expansion tries to fix this, as well as to address several other issues:
* Giving a greater sense of urgency, giving a feel of “Hurry up, or the trail will go cold”.
* Regulating the flow of clues, so that it’s more even throughout the game, instead of starting with an initial torrent quickly turning to a trickle. Now, there will probably always be clues to pick up, but they will require some more work to get, and will require some planning ahead.
* Encouraging players to take encounters in places where they normally wouldn’t.
* There are some new considerations to make. Use clues now, or wait and finish the investigation for the rest of the clues and the reward? We can only finish one of these investigations, which investigation should we blow?
* Occasionally, there are dull periods in the game with little to do (all open gates have people in them and there are no monsters to kill). This will provide some background tasks to do.
* Giving more variation due to different combinations of pressing requirements, thus giving greater replay value.
* Adding some considerations to the ”Who needs to be where?”-element of the game.
From a game theory perspective, this expansion will make more clues available, but lower the incentive to use them, as they will be tied up in ongoing investigations. Also, it will give an incentive to take more encounters at locations otherwise not usually visited. It will also provide the players with additional stuff to do, thus reducing the risk of the occasional "what do I do now; there is nothing urgent to do".
From a game theme perspective, it will enhance the feeling of the investigators actually investigating, not just drifting around and stumbling on clues.

Game setup
* Unlike normal setup, do not place any initial clues on the board.
* Shuffle the investigation decks, one stack for each expansion in play, depending on which board the first location is on.
* Give each player one investigation based on their starting position. Place a clue on the first clue symbol of each investigation.
* Place a clue on the location of the second clue symbol on the investigation card.

Conducting an investigation
To conduct an investigation, an investigator needs to visit each location or, in some cases, do what’s specified, in order to collect the next clue. As soon as a clue is collected, place it on the investigation, and place a new clue on the next location on the game board. The goal is to collect all clues for the investigation, at which point the reward is collected.

Using clues
Clues may be used immediately after picking them up, but that will fail the investigation. The only way to use them without suffering any side effect is when the investigation is finished.

Succeeding an investigation
Collect all clues in order, without any of them being used. When an investigation is finished, collect the reward.
Rewards that give an effect for the rest of the game does not carry on to new investigators, so if an investigator is devoured, the effect ends. This goes for penalties for failing as well. Even effects that apply to all investigators ends for all investigators.

Failing an investigation
* If a clue can’t be collected, such as, for example, it’s removed due to a gate opening, the location is barred or another player picking it up (you don’t have to pick up all clues at a location, you can leave some), the investigation fails. Likewise, in case the next clue is to be placed on an illegal location (typically a gate or barred location), the investigation fails.
Smart investigators will check where the next clue will popup before picking up the current clue, so that they can wait instead of failing the investigation.
* Using a clue from an unfinished investigation will also cause an automatic fail.
* The investigation also fails if you are devoured.
* All unfinished investigations fail if the great old one awakens.
* If the special fail conditions for some investigations are met.
If an investigation fails for a reason that leaves the next clue on the board, that clue is immediately removed.
An investigation can’t just be failed voluntarily; it has to be done through the methods above. Investigators don’t give up easily.

New investigations
Whenever a new clue is placed on a map location, usually from a mythos card, picking it up also starts a new investigation, where it’s placed on the first clue symbol of the investigation card. Draw investigation from the deck corresponding to the board you are currently on.
Clues that are placed on the map due to ongoing investigations do not start new investigations
Clues gained from encounters or other events which does not require them to be placed on the map for later pickup does not start investigations, nor do they work as clues in any ongoing investigations.

Finished investigations
When an investigation is finished, successful or failed, keep it until the effects no longer apply, then put it in a discard pile. If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard pile to form the new deck.
When an investigation is finished, successful or failed, the clues gained so far are kept and can be used.

Trading investigations
Investigations can not be traded between players.

It’s suggested that two kinds of tokens are used for clarity:
* Ordinary clue tokens. Used for clues on the board which has not yet started an investigation, and for any clues the player holds.
* Active investigation tokens. The next token in an ongoing investigation. Needs to be different to avoid accidental pickup.

Unless otherwise specified, monsters which appear as the result of an investigation can be taken as trophies and remain on the board if not defeated.

Expansion symbols
When there is an expansion symbol next to an investigation clue on the investigation card, it’s an indication of where that location is. However, if it’s more than a simple visit, such as earning a monster trophy, the symbol just represents which expansion the card belongs to, the actual trophy can be taken anywhere.


Sinister eater
27 Jun 2001
En sak till: Om någon gör fler kort så är det helt OK, och jag tar gärna mot dem och lägger in dem i den "officiella" leken.

Go wild!