Nekromanti Big damn heroes - efter världens ände?

Max Raven

20 Oct 2009
Har suttit och funderat på om man skulle spela något online med folk. Just nu har jag en preliminär tid på onsdagar.

Frågan kommer då till vad som ska spelas - om jag ska spelleda vill jag göra något som jag tycker är roligt. Ett av de saker som jag är lite sugen på att köra för tillfället har att göra med den här trailern till Resistance 3.

Jag vill ha en del av den där känslan - RP deltog i kriget/vad som än triggade undergången, men den sida de var med i har i princip förlorat - zombierna/utomjordingarna/transhuman-sovjeterna ( :gremwink: ) äger världen och de är del av en liten skara människor som försöker överleva.

Miljömässigt är jag lite dragen till något dieselpunkigt - en technivå kring ett andra världskrig där något gick fel. Kanske plus lite magi/psykiska krafter - det beror lite på (om settingen är typ "lichar bildade kollektiv, uppväckte horder med odöda i teknologimiljö runt alt-historig Andra Världskriget" så känns iaf nekromanti rätt). RP vill jag gärna har liksom jordnära i vad de behärskar, men även att de är Big Damn Heroes - att de är väldigt bra på det de gör.

Lite idébollande skulle vara trevligt - hur kan man få den här känslan av att allt är över, men att RP vägrar att ge upp? Vilka typer av settings fungerar bra med sånt här? Vad skulle jag kunna låta Lede Fi/Undergången vara? Vilket spelsystem skulle fungera bra med sånt här - helst något hyfsat fritt tillgängligt f n? Etc etc?

Max Raven

20 Oct 2009
Lite flavour-text:
"The plan was to fall back, regroup on the East Coast. We reasoned the enemy would continue its westward push, which meant anything they had already overrun would be empty. Ghost towns and villages, fields left untended. They had no need for shelter or food.

By then we knew we were in trouble. Losing the city meant they could swarm through Hell's Pass and into Neuropa. Wars had been lost in that pass. We were no exception.

We were 14 days out of Bermin when the first stragglers hit us. Not an organized force - probably some people changed in a rush and left behind in the rush of the final push.

They got Jenker, took his throat right out. Poor bastard had barely learned to hold a rifle and he just stumbled into them first. There was nothing we could do for him - we just kept quiet and hoped his misery would be short. Then we took our knives out.

Quick, quiet, efficient, just like they taught us back in training. Just like we learned the hard way, back in the trenches, artillery raining down around us. They look diseased, barely cognizant, but the fuckers can hear a bullet in a hail storm. Didn't want to risk attracting more than we already were, feeling our way through the Wald.

We continued east for another four days. On the sixteenth day we found a tank with some gas and ammunition left in it. At that point, they either couldn't hear us anymore, or they were gaining on us quickly. We gunned the engine, across the river Wölga, down to Rat Beach. We weren't the only survivors, but were in a hell of a lot better shape than most of them. We had ammunition water, rations, penicillin, our medkit was almost full. Our tank hadn't been used - we couldn't tell if its ammo was any good, but at least it provided some protection.

And so we waited, along with 400 000 other soldiers. By the second day, ships arrived to rescue some. By the third day, the enemy had arrived, and we had to defend and evacuate troops while under siege. My team was the last of the 300 000 rescued. I still regret losing the tank."

Notes: 'Germans' (well, Preussian equivalent rather) conquered most of Not-Europa two generations ago. Neue Europa = Neuropa. Rat Beach is actually the name post-evacuation, with 200 000 dead there, Wald is German for forest.

Max Raven

20 Oct 2009
"We kept flying for months at a time, the reactor keeping us in the air. We were supposed to have airlifted the Council*, but the secure facilities at the Pentagon had been overrun before we got there. Last we heard the Council had done an emergency evac, Gods know where.

We didn't have any coherent radio contacts for weeks, just incoherent reports, people being overrun, panicked screams and coded messages we didn't have the key for. Then just silence, broken by the occasional coded signals.

The nuclear reactor kept us in flight, and we had an engineer to keep it running. Up in the air we were safe - some of them are clever enough to use guns once or twice, even some simpler vehicles like trains, but even if they had managed to get a plane in the air, they are shit at maintenance - those planes wouldn't have lasted long. The problem was when we had to land.

Unlike the reactor, which could keep us in the air for a long time as long as we didn't mind some radiation - from being high up, more than from the shielded reactor - we needed food. We had some food stores, but not enough to last us longer than a few weeks. So we had to land, which was always a risky business, and go hunting for food. Shopping malls had some canned food, but you usually had better odds raiding the home made shelters underneath people's houses. The rewards came with its own set of risks though.

People had dug holes beneath their houses, thinking they were safe, as if the dead were some tornado they could weather. It kept the regular out, but any trained soldier could tell you, salt is the only way to keep the dead out, and even then there are rumours that some of them can cross that. I hear that's how Bermin fell. All those soldiers crossing salt lines, being careful to leave them unbroken... Maybe someone screwed up. It happens.

Anyway, so people locked themselves into their shelters, gun in hand, ready for the regular crawlers... It didn't keep all of them out. But it sure kept those who barred themselves in trapped, and left their bodies trapped inside after they turned.

So shelters were risky. More often than not, you'd have a pack of dead scurrying out of a cellar, trying to grab at you, as soon as you get the door open. Luckily, a shotgun is pretty good for putting them down. Once you got past them, there was usually plenty of food.

Sometimes we didn't land for food. The islands seemed to have fared best when it came to survivors - too scattered to motivate any attack by whoever was in control of the dead - we figured out eventually that countries with any decent military defenses and technology were the prime targets. Anything beyond that was added bonuses. No plague of locusts, this. It explained why Avalon was hit, but not many of its island colonies."

*Free States Council, leaders of most of the New World, writer's note.

Max Raven

20 Oct 2009
(Ja, jag postar på annat ställe på engelska)
Some ideas on how parts of the world should have evolved:

Thinking of skipping Christianity, but keeping a version of Judaism and Islam. "One" polytheist religion in not-Europe (Neuropa) with heavy but evolved Norse influences, along with a Renaissance influence from Greek mythology being imported back into then-Europa from outside sources.

Neuropa has a mountain range splitting the "continent" into two halfs, due to tectonic plates colliding (this means there are earthquakes there). There is a single larger pass which needs to be crossed if you want access to the other half of the continent - Bermin is situated in the middle of this place, called Hell's Pass. This was also the traditional border between not-Preussia and not-France.

Last big war which unified Europe into Neuropa basically was Preussia's armies curbstomping newly revolutionary, non-monarchist not-France and conquering over the main continent under one monarch's (Kaiser's) rule. Ironically, the defeat and subsequent unification meant that ideas on democracy spread throughout the empire, causing reforms which meant the Kaiser had to share power with a democratically elected council (except for wartimes, where he shares power with the military). This sat badly with the Kaiser, as he still claimed to possess the divine blood of legendary heroes.

not-France on the other hand, had enough surviving disenfrenchised revolutionaries who didn't think the reforms were thorough enough (short of mounting the Kaiser's head on a pike they wouldn't have been near satisfied) and they started building up a revolutionary army. This is around the time they struck a faustian bargain with a group of occultists...

I'm unsure on what to do with Avalon. The country should have been hit, being close to Neuropa, but its sea power and manifold colonies means it could have a large amount of resources and people moving across the oceans. A nation of ships.

This is some of the world ideas I had. I know, kind of silly to build up a world only to have it crushed by swarms of monsters.