Läste följande i designdagboken för Black Company d20:
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Läste följande i designdagboken för Black Company d20:
Många räddningsslag blir det... Undrar hur detta påverkar längden på striderna?The most significant change is the ramping up of Massive Damage's importance. Instead of setting Massive Damage at 50, it now equals the character's Constitution score plus his character level. In addition, the DC for the Fortitude save made to resist dropping to 0 hit points equals 10 + 1 per 5 points of damage dealt. So, a 5th-level fighter with a 14 Con, has a Massive Damage Threshold (MDT) of 19. If the fighter takes 19 or more points of damage in a single attack, he must make a DC 13 (10 + [19/5=3 rounded down]) Fortitude save or immediately fall to 0 hit points. This is ugly as hell, but it gets a lot worse. Characters don't have a negative hit point cushion. We felt that –10 hit points arbitrarily adds 10 extra hit points to every character regardless of their health and experience. Instead, all damage taken after you fall to 0 hit points comes straight off your Constitution score. And then, each round you have to make a Fortitude save (DC 10, +1 for each round spent in the dying condition) or kick the bucket.
The most important aspect of fighting in the novels is the ability to outwit your opponents. The Black Company managed to win as much as they did because they planned carefully, set up elaborate schemes and ruses, and used traps to defeat their opponents. Consequently, The Black Company Campaign Setting favors those who play smart. The core to this is the Surprise round, which ties neatly into the role of the modified MDT and Constitution. During the surprise round, every damaging attack forces a character to make a save as if he had taken damage in excess of his MDT. So, during the surprise round there are plenty of opportunities to get the jump on your opponents and kill them. (As an option, we also provide guidelines suggesting all damage dealt during the surprise round counts as Con damage, but for most, this is far too lethal).
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