Nekromanti Bosdkaps tjafs

King Kromm

1 Dec 2000
Kungsbacka, Sverige
Har tänkt mig att inom en snar framtid att spelleda en liten western kampanj, har dock inte funderat ut allt och bestämt helt vad den kommer handla om, om någon har något tips som han/hon själv har spelet och tyckt att det har varit lyckas så skulle jag bli glad, men jag har också två frågor, vilket tid på året var det som boskapshjorarna började sin resa norrut? och hur stora var de?

/King Kromm


24 Nov 2000
Ställde frågan vidare och fick detta svaret, tyvärr ännu inte vilken tid på året:
There were drives from Texas to New Orleans starting in about 1842, some smaller ones before that. But the first big drive north from Texas on record was in 1846 when Edward Piper trailed a thousand head to Ohio. They traveled over what was known as the Texas Road to setllers, the "cattle trail" to drovers and later the Kansas Trail, then finally the Shawnee Trail. Bigger herds were trailed, in 1884, Walter Billingsley and crew moved 5,400 head from Dodge City to Montana. But the record size herd was 15,000 in 1869 from Texas to California. It wasn't until the 1860's that the many well known trails were established, like Chisum Trails, Ellisworth Trail, Goodnight-Loving Trail, and the Chisholm Trail. These were established to drive cattle to the rail heads at Dodge City, Wichita, and Abilene, Kansas for eastern markets. Most of the big drives took place after the civil war and lasted well into the 1880's. A change in the face of the drives begain with the invention of barbd wire in 1874 that fenced off water holes and feed. The great trail drives and beef bonanza came to an end, after a series of droughts, winters, and range wars, when in the winter of 1886-87 a huge number of the cattle driven north didn't survive the blistering cold because they were fenced off and couldn't get to feed. The days of the longhorn cattle was over and meatier, fatter farm raised cattle began.

Det var lite info i allafall.


24 Nov 2000
Här är resten av informationen. Också på engelska:
The cattle were gathered in the early spring and put into trail herd for driving when the grass and water was plentiful. For the first few days of the drive they would push them very hard to get them out of their home range at a pace of 25 or 30 miles per day. When the home range was well behind them they would settle back to a pace of around 10 miles per day. Because of the trip starting in early spring they faced dangers of swollen creeks and rivers to cross, plus rains and flash floods. The lighting would cause stampedes and lost cattle. Cattle drives starting in Texas traveled 350 to 800 miles to the railheads in Kansas, some of the famous big drives even farther, and they could be on the trail three months or longer. Each cowboy would take 3 to six horses with him for the trip, trading off as they got tired.