[Dinoblast] Skills


29 Sep 2003
Jag har fastnat lite på det här med skills till Dinoblast, har svårt att bestämma vilka som ska finnas och vad olika arketyper ska ha så skulle behöva lite hjälp med det.

Varje arketyp följer en mall med 1 skill med level 3, 4 med level 2, 6 med level 3. Totalt 50 poäng enligt nedan tabell.
(Varje level omsätts till 1T6, man lyckas på 4+)

Utöver detta så har man 12 poäng att spendera fritt på skills.
Skill LevelCost in DP per stepAccumulated Cost in DPDescription

Man man max ha skill level 3, sedan måste man köpa på sig feats som ger olika bonus.

Just nu så har jag denna fördelning och är rätt nöjd men känns inte helt rätt samt att det finns några luckor. Jag vill att varje arketyp har en tydlig roll men ändå bredd som känns lämplig för dem.
3 Farming3 Diplomacy3 Ranged combat3 Research3 Medicin3 Survival
2 Craftsmanship2 Communication2 Control Chip2 Education2 Research2 Ranged combat
2 Repair2 Leadership2 Tactics2 Repair22 Tactics
2 Survival2 Education2 Close combat2 Hacking2 Communication2 Control chip
2 Management22 Evade2 Medicin2 Education2 Riding
1 Ranged Combat1 Management1 Survival1 Heal1 Survival1 Leadership
1 Control Chip1 Tactics1 Sprint1 Evade1 Repair1 Medicin
1 Tracking1 Control Chip1 Demolition1 Craftsmanship1 Diplomacy1 Farming
1 Leadership1 Research1 Repair1 Control chip1 Control chip1 Close combat
1 Education11 Hacking1 Communication1 Farming1 Diplomacy
1 Driving11 Diplomacy1 Management1 Leadership1 Communication

Varje arketyp har sedan 3 specialiseringar och tanken är att man antingen spenderar sina 12 poäng fritt eller köper en specialisering för 12 poäng som då innehåller ett färdigt paket med ytterligare skills värda 12 poäng plus lite extra utrustning.
Men exakt vilka skills varje specialisering ska ha är jag osäker på.

Finns även luckor här som behöver fyllas.

HunterCommanderExplosive expertMechanicSurgeonCavalry
Site ManagerHeavy weapons expertArchaeologistTherapist

Här är en beskrivning av alla skills.

◊ Education: This is a broad skill that indicated that a character has had extensive theoretical education is various fields starting at a young age. This skill is usually given by any faction that has the resources to offer it to their citizens.

◊ Close combat: Can be used to defeat an enemy in close combat. Martial arts, brawling, boxing, wrestling etc. All goes under the same skill but gives a flavor to the character on how they fight.

◊ Ranged Combat: Used to shoot at and hit a target at a distance with any type of ranged weaponry.

◊ Sneak: Allows the character to sneak without getting noticed using cover and improvised camouflage.

◊ Hacking: Is used to hack into systems and networks to gain access to restricted information, bypass security systems like secured doors and computer consoles. It can also be used to manipulate dinosaurs with a control chip or robots.

◊ Sprint: Allows the character to move from one location to another even when he or she is under suppressing fire from enemies. The equal amount of successes needs to be rolled to the number of enemies that shoot the suppressing fire (dual weapons count two).

◊ Tracking: This skill is used to track dinosaurs and people in many different terrains.

◊ Evade: Is used to dodge or by other means get out of the way from harm. When mounted this skill can be used to evade incoming fire.

◊ Heal: Is used to heal wounds, it reduces the severity to a lower level: deadly to critical, critical to severe and severe to light. Healing deadly and critical damages cannot be done on by the character on his/herself.

◊ Repair: The skill is used to repair damaged structures and vehicles.

◊ Control Chip: This skill is used to force a dinosaur into doing something it would not normally do, engage in dangerous situations, hold its ground or simply stand fast when it wants to run away. In order to use this skill the user must be connected to the dinosaur using some form of neural interface like a control chip.

◊ Research: Used for gathering information, understanding complex topics, or finding clues.

◊ Medicin: Healing and medical treatment, including the use of InstaMend and other medical devices.

◊ Leadership: The ability to make decisions, guide the team, and maintain morale in both peaceful and high-pressure situations. A leader inspires trust, delegates tasks efficiently, and takes responsibility for the outcomes.

◊ Technical/Mechanics: The skill of understanding, maintaining, and repairing machinery and mechanical systems. This includes working with vehicles, weapons, or other mechanical tools.

◊ Tactics: The skill of planning and executing short-term strategies, especially in combat or dangerous situations. It involves assessing the environment, anticipating enemy moves, and making quick decisions that lead to victory or survival.

◊ Diplomacy: The ability to negotiate, mediate conflicts, and manage relationships between different groups or individuals. Diplomacy requires understanding others' motivations and finding common ground to achieve peaceful outcomes or beneficial alliances.

◊ Communication: Used to effectively conveying information, whether verbally, non-verbally, or through technology. This includes understanding different languages and cultural cues to facilitate smoother interactions between people or factions.

◊ Management: The skill is used to organize and oversee resources, tasks, and people to ensure that everything runs smoothly. Logistical thinking, delegation, and optimization of time and resources to prevent waste or inefficiency.

◊ Farming: The knowledge and skills required to cultivate crops and raise animals, essential for long-term survival. This involves understanding soil, water, and climate conditions, as well as caring for livestock to ensure a sustainable food source.

◊ Craftsmanship: The skill of creating, refining, or repairing objects with precision and expertise across various areas such as woodworking, metalworking, pottery, and leatherworking. This skill involves a deep understanding of materials, tools, and techniques to produce high-quality, functional, or artistic items that may be essential for survival, trade, or personal use.

◊ Sailing: The skill of navigating and operating watercraft. This includes understanding ocean currents, weather patterns, and navigation by stars or instruments.

◊ Survival: Is used to forage and hunt food, build shelters, treat wounds, navigate rough terrains and much more needed to survive in the wilderness.

◊ Demolition: The skill of safely and effectively using explosives or other techniques to destroy structures, clear obstacles, or disable enemy assets. This involves a deep understanding of explosives, structural integrity, and the controlled application of force to ensure maximum effectiveness while minimizing collateral damage. Knowledge of safety protocols, detonation devices, and the ability to calculate blast effects are critical.

◊ Riding: How well a character can ride dinosaurs using traditional ways without using control chip, but requires the dinosaur to be tamed and trained.

◊ Driving: The skill of operating and controlling various vehicles. It requires knowledge of different terrains, vehicle mechanics, and the ability to handle high-pressure situations like chases or difficult driving conditions. Advanced driving skills may include evasive maneuvers, off-road navigation, and vehicle maintenance.


29 Sep 2003
Något såhär kanske kan vara en början...

Farmer/Worker Specialiseringar:

(12 DP)

  • Ranged combat 2 (4 DP kostnad)
  • Tracking 2 (4 DP kostnad)
  • Riding 1 (2 DP kostnad)
  • Close combat 1 (2 DP kostnad)
Site Manager (12 DP)
  • Education 2 (4 DP kostnad)
  • Leadership 2 (4 DP kostnad)
  • Communication 1 (2 DP kostnad)
  • Diplomacy 1 (2 DP kostnad)
Transporter/Pilot (12 DP)
  • Driving 2 (4 DP kostnad)
  • Control chip 2 (4 DP kostnad)
  • Evade 1 (2 DP kostnad)
  • Riding 1 (2 DP kostnad)