DyD Sanningar och PbtA


Förlorad dotter
27 Dec 2001
Umeå, Västerbotten
Okej. En hel del av er som hänger här har både spelar PbtA spel (Apocayps world m.m.) och @GnomviD s Den Yttersta Domen.
Förmodligen såg ni också mitt inlägg om Occult Vessels.


En av de knepiga grejerna jag vill kombinera är DyDs Sanningar och Lögner, med PbtA. Och jag funderar på att göra det helt genom att lägga XP systemet på Sanningarna och Lögnerna. Det här kommer behöva speltest innan man hittar hur många Xp duttar som är lagomt för att levla upp skills men det här är ett utkast.

Truth Moves and Experience
Bold and vulnerable
If you take a risk for one of your Truths, being either bold or vulnerable, mark a point on the Experience track

The Storyteller may ask
  • What going trough your head right now?
  • Why do you do it?
  • What do you fear?
  • What do you hope for?

When your Truth is challenged
When someone deeply challenges one of your Truths, tell the storyteller how you try to handle it and roll the relevant stat.

On a 10+ you are chill, mark that Experience track

On a 7-9, mark the Experience track and chose one
  • You handle it but takes -1 against that character or in that situation to the end of the scene
  • You need to act to defend your Truth

On a -6 mark the Experience track but, you are rattled and can no longer get experience from that Truth until you had a recovery scene.

Push someone to act on their Truth
When you are not present in a scene or bystander to a conflict you might as a player (not character) push someone to act on one of their Truths.

- They get +1 if they accept
- They get -1 if they decline.

The storyteller might do this at any time.

Act on a Lie
If you act on one of your Lies, mark two points on the Experience track and erase that Truth. It no longer defines you. At the next gaming sessions start by recording a new Truth.

Evolve a Truth and Advance
When you have 5 marks on an experience one of your Truths must evolve. Change either the description of the Truth, the Lie or both. You have changed.

Pick an option from the advancement list of the character sheet.