Re: Exalted -FAQ!
Jag har norpat FAQ'n från den officiella Exalted-mailinglistan...
Here's the latest version. If you asked a question and it isn't attributed, please
pipe up.
Exalted Errata
(AKA, "Doh, how did we all miss that!")
Virtues without Bonus Points
The rules contradict themselves on pages 100 and 104. The paragraph immediately
below the bulleted Virtue descriptions on page 100 is in error - the maximum value you
can to a Virtue without the use of Bonus Points is 3.
(spotted by Tanuki)
Fire And Stones Strike
This one is entertainingly confusing. Clearly, nazi ninja frogmen secretly altered the
For every mote you spend on Fire and Stones strike, one of your damage dice will not be
rolled, it will be an automatic success. It does not add to the damage of the attack, it
merely takes what would normally be dice rolled for damage and converts them to
automatic successes. This is a wager - if you do less dice of damage than you paid the
conversion cost on, you have wasted the Essence. Obviously, if you can hit them at all
while using this Charm, you will generally do at least one Health Level of damage, since
all successful attacks do 1 die of damage. If the opponent is protected by Invulnerable
Skin of Bronze or something else that completely defends against wimpy attacks, and
you throw a wimpy attack at them, you will not do an automatic health level.
(Spotted by madchemist)
Corona of Radiance
The description of this Charm mentions the Charm "Solar Blaze". That's what Corona of
Radiance was before the name changed.
Golden Essence Block
This Charm is an exception to the general Ability + Attribute rule. When using Golden
Essence Block, you can't make your dice pool exceed your normal parry pool (Dexterity
+ Melee + whatever bonuses you may have lying around from the weapon or your
specialties). It's mostly useful in parrying multiple attackers.
(spotted by Brandon Quina)
Heavenly Guardian Defense
It says this can block unblockable attacks "including those from arrows", implying that
you normally can't, when the Drama chapter clearly states you can. This is a holdover
from earlier versions of the rules, when Archery attacks were harder to block. Heavenly
Guardian Defense can still block pretty much any sort of physical attack, it's just arrows
aren't anything special anymore.
(spotted by Dace98)
Heaven Thunder Hammer
Read "For each health level of damage he inflicts before soak." as "For each point of
raw, pre-soak damage he inflicts."
(spotted by madchemist)
Irresistible Questioning Technique
On the sixth line of the first paragraph of the charm's description, it says that a weak
effect occurs if the target's Willpower is less than or equal to "twice the Exalted's
Willpower". This should read "twice the Exalted's Essence" instead.
(spotted by Laurel)
Judge's Ear Technique
This reads "Minimum Ability: 2, Minimum Investigation: 1", it should read, "Minimum
Investigation 2, Minimum Essence: 1"
(spotted by Laurel)
Reed in the Wind
Each mote spent on Reed in the Wind adds 2 dice to the character's Dexterity + Dodge
pool, not 1 die as the Charm description at one point implies.
(Spotted my madchemist)
Foul Air of Argument Technique
This Charm is lacking a Type. Its Type is Simple.
(spotted by Laurel)
Venomous Rumors Technique
This charm is also lacking a Type. It is also Type: Simple.
(spotted by Laurel)
The Other Rule Of 10
On Page 241, it states that Extras don't reroll 10s. This means that 10s don't count as 2
successes for them. Doh.
(Spotted by rook111)
Infection and the unExalted
If you make the Stamina + Endurance roll to beat the infection of an infected wound, the
fever breaks and the infection goes away. Sorry that wasn't explicit.
(Spotted by Stephenls)
Abyssal Ox-Body
In the third sentence second paragraph of the first column of page 198, there is a
potentially misleading typo. It says that Abyssal Exalted's Ox-Body Technique gives
them "a -0 and two -1 health levels". This should be "a -0 OR two -1 health levels".
(Spotted by dspaul)
Cut Off Exceptional Weapons Text
The boxed text on page 326 should end with the sentence:
"Improving a thrown weapon's range adds 10 to its range characteristic." Everything
but the word "improving" was lost.
(I caught this before anyone brought it up)
Exalted Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the scale of the map in the main book?
A: The scale of the map in the main book is about 1:50,688,000. 1 inch equals about 800
(Answered by the inestimable Cason Snow)
Q: Can you start with spells?
A: You can exchange starting Charms for spells on a 1-for-1 basis, provided you know
the proper sorcery Charm for the spell. This is clearly stated in the first full paragraph of
the first column of page 100.
(everyone asks this question)
Q: Could you make sure that nobody gets confused by the specialty pricing system?
A: Specialties for Caste Abilities are listed as costing 2-for-1. This means you get 2 dots
of Speciality for 1 Bonus Point, not vice-versa.
(asked by Leningrad, who wasn't actually confused, but was concerned someone might
Q: If I raise my Virtues during chargen, does my Willpower go up?
A: Yes. In fact, raising your Virtues during chargen is the only way to make your
Willpower go above 8.
(Asked by Madchemist)
Q: How do the number of motes I spend and the intensity of my anima banner relate?
A: The Anima Banner table on page 149 and the accompanying text on page 148 and 149
isn't entirely clear. The intensity of the display is cumulative over multiple uses of
Peripheral Essence, and not determined on a per-use basis. As noted, the display fades
at the rate of one entry per scene. If, in subsequent scenes, the character spends further
Peripheral Essence, the banner will increase in intensity. Assume that a fading banner is
at the very top of its display category, in terms of how many motes the character can be
presumed to have "spent"; in other words, if you spend even a single mote of Peripheral
Essence during the period when your banner is fading, the banner will instantly jump up
to the next category.
(spotted by Mike Todd)
Q: Why are there two slots for anima on the sheet?
A: The little one at the top is you to list what your iconic anima looks like - "pheonix",
"character as an angel", "hornytoad"; whatever. The big one on the bottom left of the
sheet is for you to record the anima power effects of your Caste.
Q: If something bypasses my armor, what Soak do I get?
A: Some Charms say they ignore armor and can be soaked only by your Stamina,
meaning the character's natural soak. A lot of Resistance charms increase your natural
soak. The effects of these soak-increasing Charms count as natural soak, not armor. For
example, if someone used Armor-Penetrating Fang Strike on you after you had hyped
yourself up with Durability of Oak Meditation and Iron Skin Concentration, the Fang
Strike wouldn't bypass your increased soak. Note that natural soak, Charm-enhanced or
otherwise, cannot soak Aggravated damage, only armor can. This does indeed mean
that if someone uses the Armor-Penetrating Fang Strike and the Essence Venom Strike
together against you in a combo, you will probably die if they hit you solidly.
(asked by Dbuss)
Q: What do Northerners look like?
A: Oops. Didn't include a description of this in the setting chapter. Northerners look like
Scandinavians - they have pale skin and black, red, blonde or white hair. They tend to
be apple-cheeked, with large frames and heavy builds predominating.
(Everyone asks this)
Q: How does Cascade of Cutting Terror work?
A: It doubles your dice pool, including specialties, equipment bonuses and so on. Note
that the Charm prohibits you from using this to split your dice pool 83,245 ways.
Cascade of Cutting Terror is compatible with precision of the Striking Raptor, so you
can explicitly double your dice pool, then add your Dexterity + Thrown on top of that.
This is there to help make up for the fact that Thrown-type weapons do little damage,
and the attack type lacks a flexible Ferocious Jab or Hungry Tiger Cut-style Charm;
Falling Icicle Strike is impressive, but only works if you're sneaking.
(Asked by Madchemist)
Q: Can I attune to an item that isn't of my Magical Material without it costing an arm
and a leg and the thing exploding?
A: Yes, but you don't get the special materials bonus unless you try to force it to
harmonize with your Essence
(nobody asked this one, I just decided to answer it)
Q: How much does it cost to attune a Reaver Daiklave?
A: It isn't explicitly stated that reaver daiklaves cost 5 motes to attune, but they do.
Q: If I have a Hearthstone set in an item, and I'm enjoying the Hearthstone's effects,
does it also help my Essence pool recharge faster?
A: Yes.
Exalted Rulings
(AKA "people will ask questions you could never begin
to anticipate")
The act of spending Peripheral Essence, and not having the Essence "extended", is
what makes the anima banner flare. Even if you spend Peripheral Essence that stays out
of your pool for many many scenes (for example, attuning to an object or commit it to a
Charm of long duration) the anima banner fades at the normal rate.
(requested by Winteredge)
If you commit Essence to an effect or attunement, the Essence comes out of the pool
you spent it from as stays out of that pool until the commitment ends, so you should try
to commit from your Peripheral Essence pool unless you like not having any Personal
(requested by Winteredge)
If you are a member of the Night Caste and you perform an act that requires committed
Essence, and you spend the motes from your Peripheral Essence pool and use your
anima ability to suppress the anima display, you do not end up with twice the required
amount of Essence locked up in the effect or attunement. To be explicit, if a member of
the Night Caste spends motes suppressing the anima display caused by committing
Peripheral Essence to an effect or attune to an object, the motes spent suppressing the
display of the character's anima banner return at the normal rate, even if the motes used
to generate the effect or achieve the attunement remain committed.
(requested by madchemist)
Geoffrey C. Grabowski Swing Heil!
Never let the weeds get higher than the garden.
--Tom Waits, 'Get Behind The Mule'
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