Detta är en Forgotten-kampanj. Ursäkta att den är på två språk men jag har inte originalet här och är mitt uppe i en översättning. Öka bara tolernasnivån på Watredeep-borna så funkar de mest udda grupper. Den svenska delen är omskriven för att passa en annan miljö och jag har ändrat tillbaks till originalet där jag sett nya namn.
Something's Rotten in Waterdeep
Stil: Politisk intrig
Händelsesummering: En medlem av ett av stadens adelssläkten misstänker att ett annat adelssläkt handlar med olagliga varor och anställer rollpersonerna för att hjälpa honom i hans undersökning. (Alternativ introduktion: En av rollpersonerna är en medlem av den släkt som de facto sysslar med olaglig handel och upptäcker vad hans fader håller på med.) Faktum är dock att adelssläktens olagligheter bara är en liten del av ett mycket större hot.
För 10 år sedan försökte en mäktig demon (Orcus) sända en hantlangare in i världen men blev stoppad av några personer. Enda sen dess har han planerat sin hämnd, en hämnd han ska ta ut på hela världen och de som sätter sig upp mot honom den här gången. Han gav nekromantikern Karlaz en syn och beordrade denna att följa demonens order. Han ombads samla ihop en stor armé av vandöda med hjälp av en magisk artefakt kallad Nordanbenen. Mycket behövdes för att sätta planen i verket och Karlaz byggde med tiden upp ett extensivt nätverk som nu växt bortom Karlaz kontroll.
Plats: Huvuddelen av handlingen utspelar sig i Waterdeep men involverar sidospår ut i vildmarken, den bistra norden, underjordiska grottkomplex och andra dimensioner.
Karaktärer: Demonen Orcus. Demonen ska vara en ordentlig fysisk utmaning för rollpersonerna om de kommer så långt att de möter honom.
Ajanz. Demonen har satt denne person att bevaka alla händelser. Karlaz må tro att han är någon speciellt utvald person med en bra position när demonen hämnats på världen men det är nog Ajanz, om någon som har vunnit demonens favör.
”Spindeln” är en före detta tjuvgillesledare och är den person som I princip är central I Karlaz nätverk, den som har kontakt med de flesta.
Karlaz, nekromantikern är härföraren för demonens armé. Han har ingen aning om Ajanz men känner till ”Spindeln”. Under Karlaz finns hans tre lärljungar som sköter om det dagliga arbetet i Karlaz bas. De ser också till att Karlaz allierade humanoider är tillfredställda. Huvudanledningen till humanoidernas lojalitet är att deras schamaner vill lära sig de nekromantiska kunskaper Karlaz har. I grund och botten är de beskydd och budbärare åt Karlaz.
Olagliga adelssläkten är så att säga i centrum, eller åtminstone kommer det verka så för rollpersonerna i början av kampanjen. Från sin herrgård i Nabourne så styr de en slavhandel som de tjänar mycket pengar på. De kontaktades för att bli del av en drogsmugglingshandel också men begränsade resurser tvingade dem att vända sig till en annan adelsfamilj som sköter om den delen, under uppsyn, självklart. Den familjen får hjälp av Karlaz vandöda men de har inte direktkontakt med nekromantikern. Det sköts av den olagliga adelssläkten.
Kloakhumanoiderna, en del av Karlaz beskydd har bosatt sig i kloakerna runt den olagliga adelssläktens hemliga källare. De skyddar den mot tjuvar som använder kloakerna för att undkomma stadsvakter och för de patruller som ska hålla kloakerna fria från riktigt ohälsosamma monster.
Den trevliga adelssläkten, den som han som undersöker den olagliga adelssläkten tillhör är faktiskt också insyltad. Familjefadern har kontakt med de få tjuv- och lönnmördargillen som finns i staden. Tjuvarna får fatt på saker som behövs och lönnmördarna röjer undan dom som står i vägen för slavhandeln. Den trevliga adelssläkten drogs in i det hela på grund av stora förmögenhetsförluster och står i stor skuld till den olagliga släkten.
”Skugglöparen” är en äldre tjuvgillesledare som tvingades fly staden när stadsvakten upplöste tjuvgillet. I många år har han bidat sin tid och planerat återuppbyggandet av ett gille från en bas långt söderut. Han kontaktades av “Spindeln” för några lönnmord. Fler och fler av medlemmarna i hans organisation flyttat till Nabourne och de har sitt högkvarter i en del av kloaksystemet.
Huvudmålet med organisationens flytt är att återta de skatter de tvingades lämna när de flydde från stadvsakten. Skatten är gömd i det forna högkvarteret som nu används av stadsvakten som fängelse.
Pasha Alima är en syndikatsledare från södern som styr droghandeln från sina plantage i söder.
Aboleths. Nordanbenen är egentligen en apparat denna ras använder för att hjälpa dem färdas på land en längre tid. Nekromantikerns användande av Nordanbenen har fångat deras uppmärksamhet.
The Harpers är en organisation av utbygdsjägare och druider dedikerade åt att bekämpa ondska.
Plot: These are the objectives that the PC’s will accomplish.
-Discover the web of criminal activities led by the Mind Flayer Ajanz
-Put an end to the slave trade run by the Anteos family
-Put an end to the drug trade run by the Stormweathers and Pasha Alima.
-Help the Tespers break free from Anteos grip and put an and to the thieves and assassins of the city.
-Put a stop to Karlaz undead army and the necromancers.
-Put a stop to the Aboleth threat.
-Uncover the returning Shadowrunner and his thieves.
Subplots: These are some sidetreks that can be used as you wish. Subplots may also develop as the campaign evolves. None of my subplots were established from the beginning.
-Romance. If you like to add some pressure on the PCs have them be romantically involved with a lady of a noble house that’s involved in the conspiracy and play up the economic disaster that the house will face when the PCs destroy part of their income, not to mention kill off some family members.
-Rivalling adventurer groups. To add to the fun you can introduce one or more adventuring bands that compete with the PCs for the fame and fortunes.
-Any extra adventure needed. Players being what they are may want some hard hitting action among their socializing and detective work and for this I used Undermountain. It’s generally a deep dungeon with plenty of traps, monsters, abandoned dwarven temples and such. I used the first three levels of it but there are more to get. These extra adventures, if you have full control, should come if the players need to raise their levels for their trials ahead.
Story Structure: Apart from the introduction I allowed my players great freedom. It is very important in an adventure as large as this to be flexible.
-Introduction. See story summary above. It’s important to have this set the tone of the campaign with lots of detective work and interaction with the NPC’s. If you’re starting a game from scratch tell your players that it will be largely citybased so they should go for social proficiencies but they should not neglect the wilderness. I allowed my players any choice for race and class including kits but be sure to read through what they want to play to see if it fits your vision of the adventure. If they do make new PCs make one of them or several of them be noble. This will have them adventure not for money but for fun, to prove themselves, or to gain independence from their family. My final group consisted of a human ninja, a human mage, a svirfneblin fighter, a lizardman fighter/mage, a human priestess and a fighter of a race that will be mentioned later. My suggestion for a well balanced group would be two priests, a fighter, a thief, a bard and a mage. Races should preferably be any non-monstrous, reasonably large type (that is, no giants and such). It’s really best with any of the standard races.
In the introduction the players will notice that the Tesper family is dealing with criminals (a small thieves guild) and will stop this in whatever way they choose, either by force or by detective work and leave the fighting to the city watch. Either way they should learn that another noble house is behind it all (Anteos).
-Part 2: Now the players will have to find out what Anteos business is. Before they will get a chance to investigate they are asked by one of the PC’s noble houses (or the man who hired them, as in the story summary above) to find a caravan that was lost in the wilderness between two villages/towns/cities/trading posts. Have one of the caravan members be someone important to the PCs so they will readily accept this. They will travel to where it was lost and find the remains away from the main route. None of the caravan members are found and whatever the caravan was transporting is either eaten or trashed. It looks like it was attacked by trolls so noone would have survived. The PCs return and report. (In reality the caravan members are now slaves to Karlaz.)
When the PC’s return they will be told that Anteos will hold a banquet soon (as in a day or so). That is nothing unusual, noble houses have them all the time and it’s part of their socializing. Good food and entertainment…and an excellent opportunity for the PCs to sneak around the Anteos estate. Here they should somehow discover that Anteos is making a lot of money on whatever they’re shipping out from a harbor on the coast some distance away from the city. How they discover it depends, they can overhear a conversation, find ledgers detailing incomes and so on. This first noble house party should be an opportunity for you to introduce some of the others involved in the story. Which ones and in what way is up to you. If you feel the need for fighting have them find the secret entrance to the sewers/Undermountain and bash some orcs and find some of what is stashed there.
One major NPC that should be introduced now is a member of a noble house of your naming choice. (Mine was named Helve which is what he’ll be referred as to in the text.) This NPC could be the one that first hired the PCs to help him in the investigation or he could be new for now. He should mention that he is interested in helping/getting help from the PCs. This NPC is to be used mainly as a driving force if the players miss a clue or need direction.
-Part 3: This is the main body of the adventure and as such it should be structured as you feel you like to play. I usually let my players roam around and go about their normal lives among the adventuring and investigation but it can be played in a more focused way as sessions. A lot of things will happen here and the order you spring it on the players is up to you.
Helve’s reason for getting involved is because his younger sister (namedMiriam in my campaign) has disappeared. Helve has taken it on himself to find her even though the head of his noble house has enlisted others to find her (another adventuring band/the city watch) and in his investigation he has found out some interesting things. She was kidnapped because she was an easy victim by thieves and sold to Karlaz. Helve managed to trace the thieves to Tesper and has found out that they were forced to do this by orders of Antos otherwise they would be bankrupt. Antos now has the Shadowrunner and his thieves to perform the same functions Tesper once did. From observing Anteos various family members he has found out that they run a slave trade from a sheltered bay north of the city. He has been there and knows of Karlaz by name and that he is looking for something called the Bones of the North by following the Ancients Way.
Pasha Alima moves to town. He is favorably welcomed to the city as he brings a printing press to the city as a gift to it’s library. He moves into a mansion. He brings a retinue of 40 men, most of which are Shadowrunner’s thieves.
The PCs will be attacked by the Shadowrunner’s thieves and be alerted to their comeback. To show the PCs what level of threat these thieves present you can have them off the PCs’ friends, family, or if you have introduced other adventuring bands have one of those be killed except the survivor who can tell what happened to the PCs.
If you wish to run with the Aboleth invasion then this is the time you should let them find a portal that takes them to one world that the Aboleth have conquered and see what will happen. They will notice that the waters of the big seas has turned black and poisonous, large tracts of land has been scourged. Around the beaches at an even distance from each others are what look like three long bones tied together with string. This is exactly what the Bones of the North look like and it is alarm beacons that Aboleths use to protect their territory. The artifact bones have been enchanted above this of course but still retain their warning function and that’s why the Aboleths will notice when Karlaz uses them and so start on a new conquest. (Depending on when you let them pass into this conquered world they might know or not what the Bones look like. If they do know this can lead to some fun red herrings.) Whatever device you let them travel to the Aboleth conquered world they should be able to travel to it once per week at most. The first time they travel there they should be able to explore and meet the conquered peoples (I had two main races, the greys and the greens. The greys were long, thin, agile and the greens huge, supermuscular and mute.) The second time the Aboleth will have their pearl fortress rise to the surface and go to attack against the last of the peoples. The third time the Aboleths will have won and a fierce winter storm plagues the land. This visit is to show how dangerous the Aboleth are.
After that visit I let them visit another world and this time they could warn the authorities of the threat the pearl fortress is. So the word was sent to all heroes and together with this world’s heroes the PCs could defeat this invasion. This time they learned some of the Aboleth weakness and so will be prepared when they invade your world. (This second world was my own homemade world but any will do as long as it has water enough for the Aboleth to survive.)
During this time you should stage enough noble house parties that the PCs can collect enough information to later justify their bashing of them/indite them for their crimes.
Sometime the players should check up on the harbor Antos use and either destroy it or at least scout it out for later.
The Aboleths attack, starting with your chosen city. The PCs have fun kicking them back into the sea and become heroes of the city.
-Part 4. The Harpers contact the PCs and reports that they have seen Miriam in the far North, in what the Harpers suspect is a necromancers lair. They want the additional help of the PCs before they assault the place. This attack should be a nice tactical ”military style” outing with scout reports, maps, miniatures if you have some, and discussions about the best way to attack it. My necromancers lair was a long natural cave with several entrances and exits so that the villains and PCs could flee if they needed to. The cavesystem was up in the mountains and went through, from one side to the other with the necromancers hideout near the far side. There where also enough place to house the orcs and bugbears that guard Karlaz. This should be the time where the players get their hands on the Bones of the North. If the necromancer dies, fine. If he escapes have him return in either Ajanz’s fortress or Orcus’ palace. In the necromancer’s lairs are found the members of the lost caravan from earlier, and Miriam.
-Part 5. Now it’s time to tie up all the loose ends from earlier parts. Which way is up to the players. Either discriminating evidence that leads to the convictions of the involved or a big battle if that’s more of their style or both. During the investigation evidence that points to Ajanz whereabouts must be found.
-Part 6. Ajanz is discovered and the players must enter his fortress. Make this a unique place that reflects the alien illithids culture. (Suggestions include a flying fortress, an underwater fortress, a spelljammer, a demiplane.) What they find here is among other things a gate to Orcus palace.
-Finale. The heroes travel to Orcus fortress where Orcus assault the PCs with their now undead former allies. Anyone that the PCs got close to during the adventure is fair game. Try to make this exploration/sneaking in the beginning then add some creatures (minor demons perhaps) that can hunt the PCs. Make the palace huge, this is the grand home of a being that has lived since the beginning of time. Use PlaneScape for flavoring but be sure that this does not suffocate your chosen worlds style. The artifact should be destroyed at this time (throwing it into the hellfires and such.)This will end with a hard battle in the main audience chamber. When Orcus is killed the campaign adventure will be over. The PCs will receive no reward for this last part other than what they loot from his castle.
Endgame: I hope this gives you enough information to work with and develop and use as you wish.