Snubblade över Jubensha idag...vilket fantastiskt fenomen i Kina! Skalan på hur många som spelar är det som slog mig!
People makes games kom precis ut med en video också som dyker lite djupare i olika aspekter. Värt en titt! roleplaying games - or LARP - have been a huge cultural influence in Nordic countries such as Norway and Sweden. While tabletop RPGs and roleplaying video games have become very well-known worldwide, the majority of people outside of said countries are still not as familiar with LARP.
However, China has developed its own LARP phenomenon in recent years. Jubensha is far more commercially successful and influential than anything we have seen before even in Nordic countries - and there is a good chance it might change our perception of what live-action roleplaying games are capable of in the future.
“Jubensha is not just a form of entertainment [like other live-action roleplaying games in the West], it might be the most significant form of social interaction among the [Chinese] youth in the post-COVID era,” says Jubensha scholar Rouyu Wen, a researcher at Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Uppsala University. “While live-action roleplaying games are often a niche phenomenon in the West, it is almost as mainstream as digital games in China.”
People makes games kom precis ut med en video också som dyker lite djupare i olika aspekter. Värt en titt!