Just nu köper jag:
The Keep on the Borderlands
AD&D 1st Ed:
H4: The Throne of Bloodstone
L1: The Secret of Bone Hill
N1: Against the Cult of the Reptile God
T1: The Village of Hommlet
DQ1: The Shattered Statue
AD&D 2nd Ed.:
For Duty & Deity
FOR2: The Drow of the Underdark
FRQ3: Doom Of Daggerdale
AD&D FR The Dalelands TSR 9392
AD&D FR Volos Guides to the … (all)
Auroras whole realm catalogue
Labyrinth of Madness
Player's Option: Spells & Magic
Player's Option: Skills & Powers
Player's Option: Combat & Tactics
FR: The Secret of Spiderhaunt
FR: The Sword of the Dales
FR: The Return of Randal Morn
Tome of Magic
World Builder's Guidebook
Axe of the Dwarvish Lords
Forgotten Realms Adventures 1990 HC
Birthright Campaign Setting
Night Below: An Underdark Campaign
AD&D 3,5:
Unearthed Arcana
Drow of the Underdark HC
City of the Spider Queen
The Tome of Horrors, Revised Edition(Necromancer Games: d20 3.5 (HC))
The Tome of Horrors II
The Tome of Horrors III
Games Workshop Minis(unpainted):
Dark Elf Hag Queen
Dark Elf Beastmaster (all 3)
High Elf Mage with crystal
Empire Merchant
Empire Scribe
Bretonnia: damsel on foot
Bretonnia: Knight with sword on foot
Mordheim : Bertha Bestraufrung
Mordheim: Aenur, Sword of Twilight
Mordheim: Johann the Knife
Mordheim: Town Cryer
Mordheim: Sisters of Sigma (later release + weapon sprue)
Mordheim: Elf Mage
Mordheim: Kislev Ranger
Mordheim: Halfling thief
Kontakt: spieleburg@gmx.de
The Keep on the Borderlands
AD&D 1st Ed:
H4: The Throne of Bloodstone
L1: The Secret of Bone Hill
N1: Against the Cult of the Reptile God
T1: The Village of Hommlet
DQ1: The Shattered Statue
AD&D 2nd Ed.:
For Duty & Deity
FOR2: The Drow of the Underdark
FRQ3: Doom Of Daggerdale
AD&D FR The Dalelands TSR 9392
AD&D FR Volos Guides to the … (all)
Auroras whole realm catalogue
Labyrinth of Madness
Player's Option: Spells & Magic
Player's Option: Skills & Powers
Player's Option: Combat & Tactics
FR: The Secret of Spiderhaunt
FR: The Sword of the Dales
FR: The Return of Randal Morn
Tome of Magic
World Builder's Guidebook
Axe of the Dwarvish Lords
Forgotten Realms Adventures 1990 HC
Birthright Campaign Setting
Night Below: An Underdark Campaign
AD&D 3,5:
Unearthed Arcana
Drow of the Underdark HC
City of the Spider Queen
The Tome of Horrors, Revised Edition(Necromancer Games: d20 3.5 (HC))
The Tome of Horrors II
The Tome of Horrors III
Games Workshop Minis(unpainted):
Dark Elf Hag Queen
Dark Elf Beastmaster (all 3)
High Elf Mage with crystal
Empire Merchant
Empire Scribe
Bretonnia: damsel on foot
Bretonnia: Knight with sword on foot
Mordheim : Bertha Bestraufrung
Mordheim: Aenur, Sword of Twilight
Mordheim: Johann the Knife
Mordheim: Town Cryer
Mordheim: Sisters of Sigma (later release + weapon sprue)
Mordheim: Elf Mage
Mordheim: Kislev Ranger
Mordheim: Halfling thief
Kontakt: spieleburg@gmx.de