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FrostByte Books
De senaste åren har mina StoryCubes kommit till användning i alla möjliga situationer: för samberättande med familj och vänner, solospel, scenarioskrivande, spelledande utan förberedelser och så vidare. Och nu har The Creativity Hub tagit fram enkla rollspelsregler till tärningarna:
Läs mer på deras Kickstarter-sida: quite some time, we’ve wanted to create something that captures what we love about roleplaying games - the shared world building, the constant twists and turns, watching your character grow - then marry it with Rory’s Story Cubes to create a simpler, more accessible experience for a wider audience. This is a project that’s been brewing for a while, but now we think we can honestly say that we have designed something rather special. Untold: Adventures Await is here, and we can't wait for you to play it!