[OpenTTD] Make Tea Not War, säsong 2

Björn Wärmedal

Björning Wheel
29 Dec 2007
Jag bjuder in alla som vill till ett regelbundet multiplayer-spel av transportsimulatorn (tillika Årets Spel varenda år sedan 2004) OpenTTD. Här är den fulla inbjudan som jag sprider varthän jag än kan:

Hey OpenTTD fans and those curious of the game!

Last year I ran a multiplayer game at a set time, a couple of hours every other week. I had fun and want to do it again.

- Every other Tuesday at 17:00-19:00 UTC (regardless of DST) starting Feb 4th.
- Public server, and discord voice chat for those who want to.
- 512x512 map, NewGRFs for tea industry, a couple of extra trains, and more road vehicles and ships.
- Game runs from 1950-2050.
- No competition; friendly and kind attitude.

We'll be playing version 14.1 until 15.0 comes out, then upgrade.

There's no commitment to play every time, nor to be there from the start. Come and go as you please.

I enjoy introducing others to my hobbies and pride myself on being a good host. If you're new to the game or haven't played in a long time and want some mentoring I'd love to have you!
Spelet är gratis och finns för alla plattformar. Det är tillgängligt från Steam, men också från https://www.openttd.org/downloads/openttd-releases/latest