Master Pelle
Ok, jag har inte fortsatt min gamla anime high school rollspel projekt ganska länge så jag bestämde fortsätta arbeta med den. Anledning jag försöka fortsätta den igen är för att jag har spelleda några rollspel med en grupp rollspelare som alltid sluta med att de gör lite oseriös eller gör galna grejer. Jag försökte komma på bra genre som passade för spelarena tills jag kommet på den klassika anime high school genre.
Jag kunde har använt BESM system eller skaffa Teenagers from Outer Space. Men jag ville har ännu enklare system och lägga in regler som jag tycker det är bra.
Jag har kommet på enklare rollspel system som basera på Krille's T10 systemet och West End Game's T6 system och liten andra system. Istället för traditionel att har egenskaper, fördelar, färdigheter och förmågor har jag bakade in allt som kallas Talent. Denna system kommer bara använda en T6 för enkelheten skull.
För spelvärlden kommer den utspela sig på en ön som kallas Marxer (tillfälligt namn så länge) Island som just ligger vid öster om Japan. Spelare kommer spela som elever som försöker uppnå deras mål eller försöka leva normalt liv. Alla elever gå till skolan som heter Randale High School som är inte rikitg normalt skolan för att det är nästan fullpackat med både konstiga och mäktiga figure.
Här är exempel hur min nuvarade rollspel ser ut men den är lång ifrån färdigt än. Jag vill påpeka att jag har skrivit den på engelska för att flesta folk skall kunna förstå den. Men min engelska grammatik är inte så hyfsat...
Jag kunde har använt BESM system eller skaffa Teenagers from Outer Space. Men jag ville har ännu enklare system och lägga in regler som jag tycker det är bra.
Jag har kommet på enklare rollspel system som basera på Krille's T10 systemet och West End Game's T6 system och liten andra system. Istället för traditionel att har egenskaper, fördelar, färdigheter och förmågor har jag bakade in allt som kallas Talent. Denna system kommer bara använda en T6 för enkelheten skull.
För spelvärlden kommer den utspela sig på en ön som kallas Marxer (tillfälligt namn så länge) Island som just ligger vid öster om Japan. Spelare kommer spela som elever som försöker uppnå deras mål eller försöka leva normalt liv. Alla elever gå till skolan som heter Randale High School som är inte rikitg normalt skolan för att det är nästan fullpackat med både konstiga och mäktiga figure.
Här är exempel hur min nuvarade rollspel ser ut men den är lång ifrån färdigt än. Jag vill påpeka att jag har skrivit den på engelska för att flesta folk skall kunna förstå den. Men min engelska grammatik är inte så hyfsat...
Kay Terrance have newly moved from his home country USA to a small island that call Marxer Island that just lie far east of Japan. Kay slowly walked on the street walk where he is heading to the Randale High School. He was not very popular in his old school and he was hoping that his new school are not the same.
Suddently Kay aciddently bumped against a big guy with leather jacket so that he fall down.
"Ouch! I sorry about t..." When Kay tried to excused the stranger, the big guy took a hold on his jacket and lifting him up.
"How dare you bumped into me! Don't you know what I'm?" The big guy asked him while Kay reply with weak no. The big guy was so angry that he dropped him into the ground.
"It seem that little boy don't know my name... Can you guys tell him what my name is?" The big guy said as several leather jacket people pop behind him and they said "This is our big boss Heavy Dreg!".
Heavy Dreg pulled out pair of short sticks from his jacket as he look pretty intimidating over Kay. "What will I do when people bumped into me?" He asked to his gangs as they reply "Beating him up!". "That is the right answer!" Dreg said as he smiled evily over Kay who are shaking in fear. When Dreg is about to hit him with his stick, a boy in chinese clothes suddently appear in lightning speed where he standing in front of Dreg. "You will never
learn..." He said as he kicking into Dreg's jaw so hard that he fly into the sky. The Dreg's gang went panic as they scream "Big boss!". The gangs started chased after the flying Dreg.
The boy in chinese clothes hold out his hand as he asked him, "Are you ok pal?"
Kay holding out his out so the boy could pull him up. "I'm ok... Thank for saving me... By the way... My name is Kay Terrance!" Kay said as the boy smiled calmly at him and respond. "Glad to meet ya Kay, my name is Bruce Wang from Hong Kong!"
After Kay made a new friend with Bruce, they started to head to school while surrounding with some students. Kay looked at Bruce and asked him, "I'm new student.. so I wondering if you can tell about the Randale school?" Bruce scrached behind his head as he answered him. "I can tell you one thing... That school is unnormal."
"Unnormal? What do you mean by that?" Kay asked him with confused look as Bruce turned to him and said, "You will see when we arrive there..."
After they arrived at the Randale school, they witness a huge war bettwen the clubs of the school. A crazy scientist student riding on his mecha fighting against a girl who are shooting at it with her rocket launcher. A mage student tried to summon a huge demon who will fight against the kendo fighter but it ending that the demon started chasing on the summoner instead. A muscle guy look intimidating at the very weak scientist student until he drank a potion that turned him into a huge muscled red hulk so that the muscled guy started to run away from him. A pair of girls fighting over a boy while pulling him. Kay just stared at the scene with blank look as he said, "I see... I now understand why you call it unnormal...".
"Good... Now we should hurry to our class or else our cross-dressing teacher will punish us!" Bruce said as he started to pulling with Kay inside the school. Kay wondering himself why he could't live a normal life.
Dice: In this game we use a single six-sided dice to roll.
Feat Points: Feat points give students extradionary ability to perform stunts or required to be used with some talents.
Student: The player is called as students because they will play as students in the game.
Talents: Talents is ability to make character be better and stronger or have special ability.
Teacher: The gamemaster is called teacher of this game.
Weakness: Weakness is drawback.
To create a student characters, it is pretty simple if you know what type of character you like to play with. First you need to come up the concept of your character so that it give you a guideline what type of character you like to play. After the coming up the concept, try to come up with your character's strongest ability and if it have any weakness. When you are done, you can checking upp the Talents and Weakness lists.
Or else you can simple write down with one of the Archtype that are listed below.
Academic Student
Action Shooter
Alien Visitor
Baseball Fighter
Henshin Hero
Magical Girl
Martial Artist
Mecha Pilot
Normal Student
Pervert Boy
Soccer Fighter
The talents is special ability that give character a edge over other normal characters. All Talents have level that showing how powerful or how good they are. At level +1 they are above average, at level +2 they are good, at level +3 they are very good, at level +4 they
are powerful, at level +5 they are very powerful and at level +6 they are legendary. The new character are started with 4 Talents level where they could choose from this list at below. Look at Weakness to see how you gain more Talents level.
Agility: The character are very agility and know how to bend their body better or perform more gymnastic movement. For each level of Agility they gain +1 to dodge.
Alternate Form:
Blast: The character can blast someobdy with their mystical energy, lightning, fireball or using inbuild weapons at far range. For each level of Blast they gain +1 to blast damage.
Chemical Genius:
Computer Expert:
Gunfighter: The character are skilled in fighting with firearms. For each level of Gunfighter they gain +1 to hit with firearms.
Mechanical Genius:
Speed: The character are very fast and can move quickly than normal characters. For each level of Speed, they gain +1 to intitative rolls and their movement increased by 5 meter.
Super Form:
Strong: The character are strong, they can lift up heavy thing and deal damage. For each level of Strong they gain +1 to melee damage and throwing damage. At +1 they could lift a huge table. At +2 they could lift a motorcycle. At +3 they could lift a car. At +4 they could lift a truck. At +5 they could lift a jetplane. At +6 they could lift a battleship.
Swordfighting: The character are skilled in fighting with swords. For each level of Swordfighting they gain +1 to hit and parry with swords.
Unarmed Combat: The character are skilled in unarmed combat. For each level of Unarmed Combat they gain +1 to hit and parry while fightin in unarmed.
Weapon: The character equipped with a weapon or more weapons. The weapon could be melee weapons or ranged weapons. For each level of Weapon they gain +1 to damage when using it.
Weakness is drawback that give character weakness or limitation of their ability. For each level they take Weakness, they gain 1 free Talents level. You can't take more than total 6 weakness level.
Short Temper: