Slava Ukraini!
Charles Ryan avslöjade följande på WOtC:s forum i går:
På frågan om vad detta hade med SRD:n att göra, svarade Andy Smith:
Sedan följde en massa info om hur regler för logotypens storlek justerats, bla-bla, bla-bla. Därefter lade han till:... We're posting a new revision to the d20 License and SRD this week. ...
Vilket har föranlett Green Ronin att ändra namnet på sin kommande Medieval Player's Handbook till Medieval Player's Manual.the only significant addition is that no Covered Product may use the term "Player's Handbook" in it's title.
På frågan om vad detta hade med SRD:n att göra, svarade Andy Smith:
/Mikael - som blir svettig av tanken på allt material han får att översättaThe SRD is being updated to include material from the Epic Level Handbook, Urban Arcana, and a bunch of errata (mostly for d20 Modern and UA). I've been promising an epic SRD for a long time and I'm sure people were getting irritated with me for continually delaying it so I'm very pleased it's going up now.
Unearthed Arcana will be almost 100% Open Content (the only exception is a couple of iconic monsters and rules involving them). It's a very cool book, by the way.
Expanded Psionics will go into the SRD, but of course that won't happen until after the book is out (and I have time to write the SRD).