Nekromanti [Säljes] LOTR Lord of the Rings TCG (Decipher)


22 Sep 2011
Jag säljer samlarkortspelet LOTR, Sagan om Ringen, allt är oanvänt och oöppnat (utom 1 starter).

Booster Box (36 packar x 11 kort)
Realms of the Elf-Lords - 400 kr
Mines of Moria - 300 kr
Two Towers - 250 kr
Shadows - 400 kr

Booster Pack (11 kort)
Fellowship of the Ring - 90kr/6st
Mines of Moria - 60kr/6st
Realms of the Elf-Lords - 90kr/6st
Two Towers - 54kr/6st
Shadows - 90kr/6st

Starter Deck (63 kort)
Mines of Moria - Gimli - 45 kr
Mines of Moria - Gandalf - 45 kr
Realms of the Elf-Lords - Boromir - 45 kr
Two Towers - Aragorn - 45 kr
Two Towers - Theoden - 45 kr
Battle of Helm's Deep - Eowyn - 45 kr
Battle of Helm's Deep - Legolas - 45 kr
Siege of Gondor - Merry - 45 kr
Siege of Gondor - Pippin - 45 kr
Mount Doom - Sam - 45 kr
Mount Doom - Frodo - 30 kr (öppnad)
Black Rider - Mouth of Sauron - 45 kr
Black Rider - Sauroman - 45 kr

Skicka mig pm med din epostadress om du vill köpa eller har frågor, jag finns i Umeå.


22 Sep 2011
Jag har även:

Booster Box (36 packar x 11 kort)
Ents of Fangorn - 350 kr
Black Rider - 300 kr

Booster Pack (11 kort)
Ents of Fangorn - 72kr/6st
Black Rider - 60kr/6st

Fellowship Draft Pack - 30kr


22 Sep 2011
Jag har även Booster Box av
Fellowship of the Ring - 300 kr
Bloodlines - 750 kr

Ages End (40 Foiled kort) - 200 kr


22 Sep 2011
Ny uppdatering 2013-02-12.

Booster Box (36 packar x 11 kort)
Fellowship of the Ring - 300 kr
Mines of Moria - 300 kr
Realms of the Elf-Lords - 400 kr
Two Towers - 250 kr
Ents of Fangorn - 350 kr
Siege of Gondor - 600 kr
Mount Doom - 450 kr
Shadows - 400 kr
Black Rider - 300 kr
Bloodlines - 750 kr

Booster Pack (11 kort)
Fellowship of the Ring - 60kr/6st
Mines of Moria - 60kr/6st
Realms of the Elf-Lords - 80kr/6st
Two Towers - 50kr/6st
Ents of Fangorn - 70kr/6st
Return of the King - 90kr/6st
Siege of Gondor - 120kr/6st
Mount Doom - 90kr/6st
Shadows - 80kr/6st
Black Rider - 60kr/6st
Bloodlines - 150kr/6st

Ages End (40 Foiled kort) - 200 kr
Expanded Middle Earth Deluxe Draft Box - 300 kr
Fellowship Draft Pack (29 kort) - 30 kr
WETA 2004 5 promotion kort - 90 kr

Fellowship Anthology - 400 kr
Two Towers Anthology - 300 kr
Return of the King Anthology - 400 kr

Starter Deck (63 kort)
Mines of Moria - Gandalf - 45 kr
Realms of the Elf-Lords - Legolas - 45 kr
Realms of the Elf-Lords - Boromir - 45 kr
Two Towers - Aragorn - 45 kr
Two Towers - Theoden - 45 kr
Battle of Helm's Deep - Eowyn - 45 kr
Battle of Helm's Deep - Legolas - 45 kr
Siege of Gondor - Merry - 45 kr
Siege of Gondor - Pippin - 45 kr
Black Rider - Mouth of Sauron - 45 kr
Black Rider - Sauroman - 45 kr

Jag har flera exemplar av vissa saker, och lämnar mängdrabatt -15% vid köp över 1000 kr.

Skicka mig pm med din epostadress om du vill köpa eller har frågor, jag finns i Umeå.


22 Sep 2011
Ny uppdatering 2013-08-23

Booster Box (36 packar x 11 kort)
Fellowship of the Ring - 300 kr
Mines of Moria - 300 kr
Realms of the Elf-Lords - 400 kr
Two Towers - 250 kr
Battle of Helm's Deep - 600 kr
Ents of Fangorn - 350 kr
Siege of Gondor - 600 kr
Mount Doom - 450 kr
Shadows - 400 kr
Black Rider - 300 kr

Booster Pack (11 kort)
Fellowship of the Ring - 60kr/6st
Mines of Moria - 60kr/6st
Realms of the Elf-Lords - 80kr/6st
Two Towers - 50kr/6st
Battle of Helm's Deep - 120kr/6st
Ents of Fangorn - 70kr/6st
Return of the King - 90kr/6st
Siege of Gondor - 120kr/6st
Mount Doom - 90kr/6st
Shadows - 80kr/6st
Black Rider - 60kr/6st
Bloodlines - 150kr/6st

Fellowship Draft Pack (29 kort) - 30 kr/st, 100kr/4st, 240/12st
Expanded Middle Earth Deluxe Draft Box - 300 kr
WETA 2004 5 promotion kort - 90 kr
Two Towers Anthology - 300 kr

Starter Deck (63 kort)
Fellowship of the Ring - Aragorn - 60 kr
Fellowship of the Ring - Gandalf - 60 kr
Mines of Moria - Gimli - 45 kr
Mines of Moria - Gandalf - 45 kr
Realms of the Elf-Lords - Legolas - 45 kr
Realms of the Elf-Lords - Boromir - 45 kr
Two Towers - Aragorn - 45 kr
Two Towers - Theoden - 45 kr
Battle of Helm's Deep - Eowyn - 45 kr
Battle of Helm's Deep - Legolas - 45 kr
Ents of Fangorn - Faramir - 45 kr
Ents of Fangorn - Witch King - 45 kr
Return of the King - Eomer - 60 kr
Siege of Gondor - Merry - 60 kr
Siege of Gondor - Pippin - 60 kr
Black Rider - Mouth of Sauron - 45 kr
Black Rider - Saruman - 45 kr

Jag har flera exemplar av vissa saker, och lämnar mängdrabatt -15% vid köp över 1000 kr.

Skicka mig pm med din epostadress om du vill köpa eller har frågor, jag finns i Umeå.


22 Sep 2011
Ny uppdatering 2013-10-28

Booster Box (36 packar x 11 kort)
Fellowship of the Ring - 300 kr
Mines of Moria - 300 kr
Realms of the Elf-Lords - 400 kr
Two Towers - 250 kr
Battle of Helm's Deep - 600 kr
Ents of Fangorn - 350 kr
Siege of Gondor - 600 kr
Mount Doom - 450 kr
Shadows - 400 kr
Black Rider - 300 kr

Booster Pack (11 kort)
Fellowship of the Ring - 60kr/6st
Mines of Moria - 60kr/6st
Realms of the Elf-Lords - 80kr/6st
Two Towers - 50kr/6st
Battle of Helm's Deep - 120kr/6st
Ents of Fangorn - 70kr/6st
Return of the King - 90kr/6st
Siege of Gondor - 120kr/6st
Mount Doom - 90kr/6st
Shadows - 80kr/6st
Black Rider - 60kr/6st

Fellowship Draft Pack (29 kort) - 30 kr/st, 100kr/4st, 240/12st
WETA 2004 5 promotion kort - 90 kr
Two Towers Anthology - 300 kr

Starter Deck (63 kort)
Fellowship of the Ring - Aragorn - 60 kr
Fellowship of the Ring - Gandalf - 60 kr
Mines of Moria - Gimli - 45 kr
Mines of Moria - Gandalf - 45 kr
Realms of the Elf-Lords - Legolas - 45 kr
Realms of the Elf-Lords - Boromir - 45 kr
Two Towers - Aragorn - 45 kr
Two Towers - Theoden - 45 kr
Battle of Helm's Deep - Eowyn - 45 kr
Battle of Helm's Deep - Legolas - 45 kr
Ents of Fangorn - Faramir - 45 kr
Ents of Fangorn - Witch King - 45 kr
Return of the King - Eomer - 60 kr
Siege of Gondor - Merry - 60 kr
Siege of Gondor - Pippin - 60 kr
Mount Doom - Frodo - 45 kr
Mount Doom - Sam - 45 kr
Black Rider - Mouth of Sauron - 45 kr
Black Rider - Saruman - 45 kr

Jag har flera exemplar av vissa saker, och lämnar mängdrabatt -15% vid köp över 1000 kr.

Skicka mig pm med din epostadress om du vill köpa eller har frågor, jag finns i Umeå.


22 Sep 2011
Listan uppdaterad 2014-02-03

Jag säljer samlarkortspelet LOTR, Sagan om Ringen, allt är oanvänt och oöppnat.

Booster Box (36 packar x 11 kort)
Fellowship of the Ring - 300 kr
Mines of Moria - 300 kr
Realms of the Elf-Lords - 400 kr
Two Towers - 200 kr
Battle of Helm's Deep - 450 kr
Ents of Fangorn - 350 kr
Siege of Gondor - 600 kr
Mount Doom - 450 kr
Shadows - 350 kr
Black Rider - 300 kr

Booster Pack (11 kort)
Fellowship of the Ring - 60kr/6st
Mines of Moria - 60kr/6st
Realms of the Elf-Lords - 80kr/6st
Two Towers - 40kr/6st
Battle of Helm's Deep - 90kr/6st
Ents of Fangorn - 70kr/6st
Return of the King - 90kr/6st
Siege of Gondor - 120kr/6st
Mount Doom - 90kr/6st
Shadows - 70kr/6st
Black Rider - 60kr/6st

Reflections (18 kort) - 50 kr/st, 180kr/4st, 320kr/8st, 800 kr/24st
Fellowship Draft Pack (29 kort) - 30 kr/st, 100kr/4st, 240kr/12st
Two Towers Anthology - 300 kr
Two Towers, Elvish Card Set (18 st) - 150 kr

Starter Deck (63 kort)
Fellowship of the Ring - Aragorn - 60 kr
Fellowship of the Ring - Gandalf - 60 kr
Mines of Moria - Gimli - 45 kr
Mines of Moria - Gandalf - 45 kr
Realms of the Elf-Lords - Legolas - 45 kr
Realms of the Elf-Lords - Boromir - 45 kr
Two Towers - Aragorn - 45 kr
Two Towers - Theoden - 45 kr
Battle of Helm's Deep - Eowyn - 45 kr
Battle of Helm's Deep - Legolas - 45 kr
Ents of Fangorn - Faramir - 45 kr
Ents of Fangorn - Witch King - 45 kr
Return of the King - Eomer - 60 kr
Siege of Gondor - Merry - 60 kr
Siege of Gondor - Pippin - 60 kr
Mount Doom - Frodo - 45 kr
Mount Doom - Sam - 45 kr
Shadows - Gandalf - 60 kr
Shadows - Aragorn - 60 kr
Shadows - Legolas - 60 kr
Shadows - Eowyn - 60 kr
Black Rider - Mouth of Sauron - 45 kr
Black Rider - Saruman - 45 kr

Jag har flera exemplar av vissa saker, och lämnar mängdrabatt -15% vid köp över 1000 kr.

Skicka mig pm med din epostadress om du vill köpa eller har frågor, jag finns i Umeå.