Efter allt snack om sjörövare och pirater borde väl många bli glada att D20 företaget Fantasy Flight Games utkommer med ett helt supplement om just sjökampanjer och allt vad det innebär.
Från Eric Noahs websida:
" This 176 page hardcover will provide players and DM's with all the information that they will need to adventure above and below the ocean surface. Included will be detailed descriptions and deck plans of all sizes of ships, rules for naval combat and boarding actions, rules for resolving aquatic encounters, new nautical skills, feats, prestige classes, spells, magic items, equipment, and monsters, and guides and resources to seaside towns and ports." November 2001.
[colorurple]Know the Rules, Rock the Game</font color=purple>
Från Eric Noahs websida:
" This 176 page hardcover will provide players and DM's with all the information that they will need to adventure above and below the ocean surface. Included will be detailed descriptions and deck plans of all sizes of ships, rules for naval combat and boarding actions, rules for resolving aquatic encounters, new nautical skills, feats, prestige classes, spells, magic items, equipment, and monsters, and guides and resources to seaside towns and ports." November 2001.
[colorurple]Know the Rules, Rock the Game</font color=purple>