Snabb översikt över rustning och vapen (1100 - 1600)


Ödestyngd världsvandrare
18 May 2007
DnD har en fråga: allt det där finns ju på samma gång, det är något som inte stämmer? ... och killen under 1525 tycks inte fatta att en sköld ger +1 i AC (eller +2, välj din edition).


Jag har sett liknande sådana där, men den var snygg.

Ivan NWG

8 Aug 2023
That is really cool, thanks for sharing!

I can add for the English Civil War (1640s) the "shot" (men with muskets) are not generally wearing armour. The pike are supposed to, but a lot of units either don't have armour at all or have buff coats instead of a cuirass.

Cavalry is also often either partially armoured or not armoured at all, but varies by unit.
After that, armour for cavalry drops off very quickly and disappears almost entirely for infantry.


Leo carcion
8 Mar 2004
That is really cool, thanks for sharing!

I can add for the English Civil War (1640s) the "shot" (men with muskets) are not generally wearing armour. The pike are supposed to, but a lot of units either don't have armour at all or have buff coats instead of a cuirass.

Cavalry is also often either partially armoured or not armoured at all, but varies by unit.
After that, armour for cavalry drops off very quickly and disappears almost entirely for infantry.
Detta är bland annat varför jag föredrar perioden innan 30-åriga kriget före 1640+/de tre kungarikenas krig. Tyngre rustade Arkebusiärer är mycket coolare än de mer renodlade musketörerna, och slåss bredvid rena svärdskämpar. Det finns kyrassiärer och lansiäret. Det finns både effektiva Tercio och början på holländsk exercis. Moritz av Nassau genomför i princip den taktiska revolution Gustav II Adolf sedan renodlade redan vid slaget vid Nieuwpoort 1600.

Sedan är alkemi och vetenskaplig revolution och John Dee och Kejsar Rudolf II.

Och Solomon Kane ;)

Och Sea Dogs och dunkirkers

Det är helt enkelt en perfekt rollspelsperiod

Ivan NWG

8 Aug 2023
We absolutely need more "pike and shot" RPGing, agreed 100%. My main interest is usually the English Civil War but I can definitely go earlier as well.

If you can make it through the archaic english (translated from French at that),;view=toc this is a fantastic read of a French infantry officer in the 1500s with a lot of observations on infantry fighting in the period, how heavy the armour was and whatnot.

Now the Enemey had placed their Canon by the side of the little house, which play'd directly into our Battaillon; Monsieur de Mailly then advanc'd with ours and pla∣cing himself close by us, began to shoot at those of the Enemy by the little house; for there where we maintain'd the skirmish he could not do it, without killing our own men: when, looking towards our own Battail, I saw Monsieur de Tais, who began to march with his Pikes, charg'd directly towards the Italians; whereupon I ran up to him, saying, Whither do you go, Sir, whither do you go, you will lose the Battel; for here are all the Germans coming to fight you, and will charge into your flank. The Captains were the occasion of this, who ceased not to cry out to him, Sir, lead us on to fight; for it is better for us to dye hand to hand, than stand still here to be killed with the Canon.