Nekromanti Stjärnbilder, Forgotten Realms


24 Feb 2003
Jag håller på att dra upp riktlinjerna för en ny kampanj.
Jag har bestämt mig för att den ska utspelas i Forgotten Realms.
Jag har också hittat en modul som jag tänkte spelleda, men modulen är till ett annat spel (inga större problem att konvertera). Modulen refererar dock till vissa astrologiska händelser och nu undrar jag om det finns någon motsvarighet till våra stjärnbilder i FR?

Det enda som jag hittat är dessa två sajter:
Någon som känner till något mer?
(jag har inga större problem att hitta på något själv, men det hade varit kul om det fanns något färdigt till FR).

Jag är alltså INTE intresserad av planeter, utan stjärnbilder. Jag har dessutom Spelljammer.


Liten kantbaron
18 May 2000
Malmö/Lund Metropolitan Axis
Wtf, menar du att Forgotten Realms som har en så absurt lång och massiv utgivningshistoria, inte har någon officiell stjärnkarta? Liksom, Eon hade en över norra stjärnhimlen redan tidigt i sin utgivning, och nu finns södra med sedan ett bra tag.

- Ymir, förbryllad


24 Feb 2003
Ymir said:
menar du att Forgotten Realms som har en så absurt lång och massiv utgivningshistoria, inte har någon officiell stjärnkarta?
Fastän jag spelat DnD/ADnD sedan 80-talet har jag lustigt nog aldrig spelat i Fogotten Realms (hur nu detta är möjligt).
Min "hemvärld" i DnD är Greyhawk där jag säkert spenderat hälften av min DnD-tid. Andra världar som jag spenderat mycket tid i är Dragon Lance och Realms of Ravenloft - men inte FR. Jo vänta, när jag tänker efter har jag spelat i Kara-Tur en gång (Oriental Adventures) som faktiskt är "fjärran östern" i FR.

Nå, när jag frågade mina spelare om de ville spela 4E för första gången och vad de i sånt fall ville spela sa de: "ja, men vi vill spela i FR".
Nu är detta inget problem. Eftersom jag är tokig så köper jag det mesta som kommer ut i rollspelsväg, vilket betyder att jag har ungefär en halv hyllmeter FR-böcker - som jag aldrig läst. :gremwink:
Och där har du svaret på din fråga: jag vet inte. :gremlaugh:


24 Feb 2003
CapnZapp said:
Googlade du "forgotten realms star constellations"?
Jo, det var den första länken som jag hittade och läste. :gremsmile:
Tyvärr läste jag inte färdigt eftersom det inte verkade intressant.
Tack vare dig surfade jag dit igen, läste igenom hela sidan och längst ner fanns givetvis den info som jag ville ha. :gremsmile:

Från FR Campaign Setting:

I Forgotten Realms är klockor ovanligt.
Ett dygn är 24 timmar långt, precis som på jorden - men man delar in dygnet i 10 mer praktiska delar istället:
Dawn, Morning, Highsun, Afternoon, Dusk, Sunset, Evening, Midnight, Moondark, Night's end.

Ett Forgotten Realms-år är lika långt som på jorden: 365,25 dagar. Året består av 12 st 30-dagars månader + 5 festivaldagar (Annual holidays) + 1 skottdag (Shieldmeet) var 4:e år.

Hammer = January
Annual holiday: Midvinter
Alturiak = February
Ches = March (Spring Equinox Ches 19)
Tarsakh = April
Annual holiday: Greengrass
Mirtul = May
Kythorn = June (Summer Solstice Kythorn 20)
Flamerule = July
Annual holiday: Midsummer
Shieldmeet = Leap day every 4th year
Eleasis = August
Eleint = September (Autumn Equinox Eleint 21)
Annual holiday: Highharvestide
Marpenoth = October
Uktar = November
Annual holiday: The Feast of the Moon
Nightal = December (Winter Solstice Nightal 20)

Varje månad består av exakt 3 "veckor", s.k. "tendays", men veckodagarna har inga speciella namn; istället säger man 1-day, 2-day, 3-day etc.



Sun = Sun
Anadia = Mars
Coliar = Mercury
Toril = Earth (Selûne = Moon) (Tears of Selûne = Asteroids)
Karpri = Venus
Anadia = Mars
Chandos = Saturn

Constellations of the Torilian Zodiac
The Sun's Signpost = Aries
The Swordsman = Taurus
The Chamealeon = Gemini
The Double Daggers = Cancer
The Lion = Leo
The Jester = Virgo
The Horn = Libra
The Serpent = Scorpio
The Archer = Sagittarius
Velessea = Carpicorn
The Wizard's March = Aquarius
The Triton = Pisces

The role of elements of fire, earth, air, and water, and planetary rulerships

Plantary Ruler: The Sun, Anadia
The Caltrop
The Lion
The Archer

Plantary Ruler: Chandos
The Swordsman
The Jester

Planetary Ruler: Coliar
The Chamaeleon
The Horn
The Wizard's March

Planetary Ruler: Selune, Karpri
The Double Daggers
The Serpent
The Triton

Astrological signs

The Sun's Signpost

This constellation is formed by three converging lines of stars, each with a cluster of stars at its outward end, or "point." Where the three lines come together is due east. To humans, these stars are also known as the Arrows of the Gods, or the Sun's Signpost. The elves call this constellation "Adarivael," and hold it sacred to Solonor Thelandira.

The nomads of Anauroch call the Caltrop At'ar's Arrows, and believe that they are three fiery arrows launched by the sun goddess, to clear and mark her way (as the sun rises here).

Ruler: Anadia
Element: Fire
Elemental Deity: Kossuth
Associated Archetypes: Lathander
21st March/Ches - 20th April/Tarsakh

The Swordsman

Also known as "The Warrior" or "The Sentinel," this constellation shares the same traits in cultures across Faerun; loyalty, guardianship, battle, freedom. Many legends and myths have been attributed to the Swordsman through the ages, although most recent human ones tend to center around the exploits of Torm or Tempus. In the Moonshaes, the Swordsman is called Cymrych Hugh, and is believed to be the soul of the legendary hero, placed in the heavens by the Earthmother.

Similarly, the elves have many myths about the Swordsman; the most popular is that the Swordsman was Auranamn, the first elf, who fought at Corellon's side during the great battle with Gruumsh. Although Auranamn died in that battle, Corellon lifted his soul up and placed it among the heavens, to spend eternity watching over the elven race.

Ruler: Chandos
Element: Earth
Elemental Deity: Grumbar
Associated Archetypes: Torm, Tyr, Helm, Tempus
20th April/Tarsakh - 21st May/Mirtul

The Chamealeon

Among the cities of the North, the constellation known as the Gorgon is generally agreed to come from the myth of the hero Uthgar, who once wrestled and killed a great gorgon with his bare hands, making the lands of the Savage Frontier safe for his peoples to settle.
Further south, the constellation shifts slightly, and is known to the nomads of the Shaar (and through them, the rest of the South) as the Chamaeleon, the shifty trickster of the gods who eternally pesters Uerdyl the Lion (the Swordsman constellation) as it follows him through the heavens.

Ruler: Coliar
Element: Air
Elemental Deity: Akadi
Associated Archetypes: Mask, Brandobaris, Uthgar
22nd May/Mirtul - 21st June/Kythorn

The Double Daggers

Located in the western sky, this constellation is two fuzzy clusters of blue-white stars, which appear as two side-by-side crescents or arcs in the sky, points downward. True west can be found exactly halfway between the two arcs - heading "straight between the eyes."
In the Sword Coast North, the Daggers are known as "The Eyes of the Watching Woman," and in the western Heartlands men speak of "where Selune looks back." To the Bedine of Anauroch, the Daggers are known as "The Two Jambiyas," or the "Eyes of Elah." Similarly, the elves know this constellation as "The Eyes of Uelaereene" (named after the long-ago Queen Uelaereene of Evermeet), and the halflings of Luiren connect the two arcs and call it "The Gull."

Ruler: Selune
Element: Water
Elemental Deity: Istishia
Associated Archetypes: Shar, Helm, Auril
22nd 21st June/Kythorn - 22nd July/Flamerule

The Leopard

This animal-shaped constellation is known by a different name to almost every culture on Faerun. In the Gulthmere, it is known as Nobanion, the Great Lion; in the Shaar, it is the Leopard; in the North, it is commonly referred to as Asglyn the Wolf, the loyal companion of Gwaeron Windstrom. To the Rashemi and Aglarondans, it is the vigilant Narnos the Dog; further south in the Old Empires, it turns into Ghastis, the savage Jackal.

The demi-humans, for their part, do not seem to recognize the constellation, and so have no names for it. However, for the elves, part of the Lion is used for Elael, the Songsmith (a censtellation based on an ancient elven fable about a bard who crafts a song so pure and sweet that even the gods are humbled).

Ruler: Sun, Anadia
Element: Fire
Elemental Deity: Kossuth
Associated Archetypes: Nobanion, Siamorphe
23rd July/Flamerule - 22nd August/Eleasias

The Jester

This constellation shines brightest in Eleint, especially around Higharvestide. It is known as The Jester to humans and halflings; to elves, this constellation is called The Dancer, and in recent years it has become associated with Eilistraee, the Dark Maiden (at least on the mainland. On Evermeet, elves have been known to react violently at any suggestion that the Dancer has become "corrupted" by "drowish notions").

Ruler: Chandos
Element: Earth
Elemental Deity: Grumbar
Associated Archetypes: Lliira, Sharess, Eilistraee, Shiallia
23rd August/Eleasias - 23rd September/Eleint

The Horn

A grouping of several stars in a V-formation. To ancient, primitive cultures, the symbol of a horn represented good fortune, wealth, and fertility. Thus, it is believed that the Horn figured prominently in early Waukeen-worship, especially among the societies of Amn, Tethyr, and the Western Heartlands. For the elves, the Horn is known more poetically as Shansibal, the mythic Cornucopia, and is sacred to the priesthood of Aerdrie Faenya (similarly, the halflings call the grouping Sheela's Bosom, after the halfling deity of feasting, revels, and romance).

Most interestingly, both the dwarves and the orcs refer to the constellation as The Dagger, and see it as much more of a martial portent. To orcs, especially, the Dagger is sacred, as it is seen as the manifestation of Ilneval, the god of war.

Ruler: Coliar
Element: Air
Elemental Deity: Akadi
Associated Archetypes: Chanteau, Waukeen, Tymora, Sune, Eldath
24th September/Eleint - 23rd October/Marpenoth

The Serpent

The name of this serpent-shaped constellation is ancient, so ancient that only a few sages and astronomers know its origins or meaning, and most simply call it the Serpent. The constellation was named by the inhabitants of ancient Raurin, before even the mighty empires of Unther and Mulhorand were born. In their legends, Maerilzoun was a huge, evil serpent that would one day descend from the skies at the end of the world to devour the sun (today, that figure is known as Dendar the Night Serpent, an Elder Elemental Evil). In the Empires of the Sands, the Serpent is looked upon favorably by thieves, assassins, mages, and others who practice their black arts by night. To the nomads of the Shaar, the Serpent is the godly counterpoint of Uerdyl, the Lion (personified by the Swordsman constellation).

Ruler: Karpri
Element: Water
Elemental Deity: Istishia
Associated Archetypes: Tiamat, Garagos, Talos, Cyric, Hoar, Malar, Beshaba, Talona, Loviatar, Gargauth
24th October/Marpenoth - 22nd November/Uktar

The Archer

More commonly called the Archer, this constellation is often seen as a companion to the Swordsman, whom he faces across the nighttime sky (a major exception is the people of Thay, whose myths hold that the Archer is Rivalyn, a warrior famed for his part in defeating the first Mulhorandi invasion of Thay. The Thayans believe that Rivalyn gives unending chase to the Swordsman, called Amentira after the pharoah who launched the invasion, across the heavens).
The elves also call this constellation Labraen, and each elven enclave seems to have their own legends and stories about him.

Ruler: Anadia
Element: Fire
Elemental Deity: Kossuth
Associated Archetypes: Mielikki, Gwaeron Windstrom
23rd November/Uktar - 21st December/Nightal


This female-shaped constellation is of major importance to the silver elves of Faerun, as they believe it represents Angharradh, the tripartite goddess of Sehanine, Aerdrie Faenya, and Hanali Celanil. To humans, the constellation has a much less-important designation as Velessea, a powerful witch long famed in the North for her untiring battle against the hordes of goblinkin, and her timely aid of travellers and the needy.

Ruler: Chandos
Element: Earth
Elemental Deity: Grumbar
Associated Archetypes: Ilmater, Shandakul
22nd December/Nightal - 20th January/Hammer

The Wizard's March

A grouping of three stars known collectively as The Wizard's March. Although the name of the constellation (and, to a lesser extent, the names of the individual stars), have passed into common lore among the peoples of Faerun, it is believed that their origins lie to the east, in the lands of Rashemen and ancient Raumathar. The myths of these lands feature several stories about Ulazimir, Iziaslau, and Rahnieda, a trio of powerful mages said to have wandered the lands, defending people from monsters, brigands, and other enemies, while dispensing wisdom and advice to local rulers.

Ruler: Coliar
Element: Air
Elemental Deity: Akadi
Associated Archetypes: Azuth, Mystra, Oghma, Denier, Savras, Gond
21st January/Hammer - 19th February/Alturiak

The Triton

To humans, this reclining figure is known as the Triton, mainly due to the trident he holds in his upraised hand (this holds true in most cultures, although the name varies; in the region around the Alambar Sea, the constellation is "Poseidon"; in Calimshan, "Bhalaene the Sea King"; to the people of Sossal, it is Ulutiu).
The elves have named this constellation Sashelas, after the god of sea elves. Two stars to the left of the constellation have the names of Tilvadar and Tambaun, named after Deep Sashelas' two loyal dolphin companions.

Ruler: Karpri
Element: Water
Elemental Deity: Istishia
Associated Archetypes: Umberlee, Valkur
20th February/Alturiak - 20th March/Ches