Tabeller för att personifiera dystopiska mega rymdskepp och dess besättning - till 40k och liknande.


22 Dec 2013
Hittade den här tabellen till RT med samma tema som min tabell: Rogue Trader Crew/Ship Quirks Table v.98 - 1391726375847.pdf ( (anger tyvärr inte upphovsmannen så jag vet inte vem jag ska ge äran åt) - ett antal av resultaten passar i det stora hela minna idéer/teman för ett RT skepp medan ett antal andra inte passar ett dugg, så jag har tagit de idéer som passar och lagt över dem till min lista (om än i flera fall med vissa ändringar i ordval, grammatik och/eller en-två tillagda meningar):

451. The primary currency on ship are used adamantine bolts, which the Mechanicus’ mark as lawfully removed (so as to discourage the scrounging of new bolts from the hull). The removal of a bolt by a non-tech-priest or the forgery of an Mechanicus’ mark is punished by spacing.

452. Centuries ago one of the cargo holds was claimed by a noble family. They have established an estate there and don't want to leave.

453. The ship stores press ganged crew in cryogenic storage containers until needed. Due to a problem with the ancient system, they often wake up groggy and with mild amnesia. Their thawing is treated as a birth by the existing crew, who celebrate their "birth" and assign them to a new family. Between social pressures, heavy stigmatization of discussing past lives, and the amnesia, most forget their past lives and consider their "birth" to be when they were de-thawed.

454. The position of press-ganger has become highly prestigious and religious. Youths must strive for years to be accepted into the Cult of the Press. When released into an unsuspecting port they go forth with ceremonial masked outfits. Their membership is secretive, but they bring back exceptionally good candidates for the crew.

455. A monastic order with vow of silence joined, or was founded on, the ship centuries ago. The “Silent ones” sometimes parade through main decks and when they do all activity ceases in the area they are in. Still, they are good for morale.

456. The ship’s farming area/s are protected by vicious guard dogs descended from australian shepherd stock: small, energetic, and fast, but hairless and with razor sharp teeth. But rather than protecting from wolves or other predators, their main job is to guard against rating raids and larger ship’s vermin.

457. One of the decks or sections has been totally overtaken by a dangerous deathworld like ecosystem, though it doesn't seem interested in spreading to other decks. The crew don't mind though. The lower crew use it for any number of "coming of age" rituals, and the captain treats it as a ship-board, private hunting range. They also use it as an execution chamber, and the cameras the previous captain installed means it doubles as entertainment for the crew.

458. The astropath's spire is one huge garden. Each successive generation of psykers assigned to the ship has added to it. Some of the plants are psycho-reactive, and help the astropaths work and relax. Don't ever damage any of the plants, though.

459. The traditional work songs of shipboard life have gotten WAY out of hand, and there are now songs for literally any possible occasion, and crew are socially required to burst into song at regular occasional. New crewmen are social pariahs until they too join Rogue Trader: The Musical.

460. Whenever the main lance arrays fire, gunnery crews report the faint sound of a child's voice reciting hymns coming from the power conduits. No source for this noise has been found.

461. Despite the absence of any found triggering system do the ship's internal lights become blindingly, scorchingly bright in any section invaded by boarders. The ship's defence forces has taken to wearing heavy dark eyewear and letting the light do much of the work for them.

462. A network of cracks in the shape of a stern male face has appeared in one of the gunnery spotting bay portholes. Ever time the glass is replaced, the crack returns. The ratings have begun leaving it offerings and placing purity seals on the pane. Though the bay has suffered numerous direct hits in combat, it has never been breached to the vacuum.

463. The ships gunning crew believe that the Emperor speaks through his weapons, which has given rise to a cult wherein the priests diligently listen to the sounds of the weapons as they fire during battle. These priests dedicate their time to trying to decipher the Emperor's messages hidden in the sounds of gunfire. Many will lose their hearing and even their lives in this theological pursuit, but it must be done.

464. The gun crews have their faith revolving around their cannon and worship it as a literal manifestation of the Emperor's wrath. The tech-priests use this to their advantage in order to ensure the swiftest repairs and reloads manageable, as the gun-crew wouldn't dare displease their idol by following incorrect procedure, or anything less than all of their effort in providing their gun with the means to speak.

465. A ship was cobbled together out of several wrecks to hold off a WAAAGH! or similar great conflict due to time constraints, the various parts had to be shoved together however they would fit, with no time to correct the gravity panels. Centuries of conflict without rest and hundreds of hasty, scavenged repairs have resulted in the ship resembling an escher painting in terms of gravity. However, the crew has had centuries to adjust, and have actually found many ways of taking advantage of the situations, and boarding parties are of more danger to themselves than the ship.

466. There is a "secret" fight pit on the lower decks the crew doesn't think the high officers knows about. Bloody underground fighting leagues battle for scrap, booze, and fame.

467. The ship has a small cottage industry making scrimshaw art from nun-human bones, xeno-bones are preferred, the ship comes across. Whenever their is an opportunity for shore leave, the crew excitedly combs the world for new life to harvest for their bones. They sell their scrimshaw to the captain, who then sells it in civilized space to collectors, where it has actually gained a small following among the nobility. It nets the dynasty a small, but respectable profit.

468. It's heavily stigmatized to not be married as soon as possible, both for officers and for ratings. And it’s just as stigmatized to not get children as soon as possible, either through breeding or adoption.

469. Deep in a huge abandoned storage bay, the crews have set up high-speed derbys. The crews regularly work on and race hodgepodge and ramshackle vehicles that often fall apart at the starting line. This has lead to rivalries between the different ratings, but surges in morale are common during particularly exciting or messy races. Select events are often filmed for the entertainment of the higher-ranking officers.

470. A certain cult of the ecclesiarchy has taken root among the crewmen and ratings of the Rogue Trader's ship who believe that they have an Emperor-given duty to spread happiness and merriment. Sometimes this means subjecting cruel officers to incredibly elaborate practical jokes as revenge for their misdeeds.

471. In times past the ship was outfitted for specializing in the exploration of aquatic worlds, and a large portion of the ship is filled with water instead of air. A sizable portion of the ratings and crewmen are a stabalized, sanctioned abhuman offshoot with gills. Onboard Enginseers augument new ratings to breath and function efficiently underwater. Submerged sections become and less common in the higher decks, with the officers’ decks having no fully submerged sections, though portions of rooms are often submerged.

472. The ships murder servitors are ancient artifacts from the Dark Age of Humanity, black nautilus like abominations of death. No one has the ability to control them anymore, nor have they since before the birth of the Imperium. They can only be shot in the right direction before being activated, where they will vent their fury on everything in sight. After a set period of time their hibernation protocols will activate and they will return to their storage chutes. Unfortunately, they have a glitch in their programming. They will randomly activate, only for a fraction of a second, but that is more than long enough for them to kill anyone within reach (about two metres). This usually occurs once or twice a month. A mechanus death cult has cropped up around them. Those taken by them are said to be chosen of the Omnissah, and have been brought into his presence by his most holy of creations.

473. A past rogue trader that owned the ship was apparently an unabashed xenophile - the current captain has discovered a hidden boudoir with stasis chambers holding an assortment xenos. Most are female, some are...not so easily defined.

474. There is a legend that one day a chosen one will be born on to the ship who will start a new great crusade and golden age for the imperium. The legend says that he will make himself known by having a vision of glory after drinking the coolant from engine 12. So far all of the would be messiahs have died, but that just shows they were unworthy.

475. The ship has a roving band of minstrels and entertainers that conduct prescribed songs, chants and plays. They never ask for any form of payment. They are masked and call each other buy their stage names, roles or clear monickers, and no one knows where they go to after they get done entertaining one area. All attempts to follow or track them have met with failure.

476. The ship operates on a three-shift rotation, over thousands of years each shift has developed it's own culture and ritual, and now the ratings for each ship, often cannot speak to one another. There is a ritual mass dance similar to the haka at the end of every shift as the shift taking over communicates roughly "if you've left a mess for us we will fuck you up" and the shift leaving communicates roughly "Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough". This state of affairs has been allowed because the intense competition between the three tribes leads to a slight gain in efficiency in regular operations, though it does lead to a commensurate decrease effectiveness in actions that require all hands.

477. Certain pipes running through the ship will leak a thick reddish liquid when the ship is put under stress; the Tech-priests claim it is only water with rust and other contaminates, but most of the crew swears that it's blood. There's superstition around drinking or marking yourself with the “blood of the ship”.

478. The crewmen who work near the Warp drives keep being born with green hair. This happens no matter how many times they are killed and replaced. The captains have given up by now, and green hair has taken on a specific mystique with the crew, who see those "touched" as soothsayers.

479. Two duty areas (like gundecks) of the vessel have, since time immaterial, been in a constant feud with one another. The insular and clannish nature of the crew means it's almost impossible for officers to learn the direct cause, but whispers amongst the ratings insist that the feud began with the theft of a spoon at mealtime, centuries ago.

480. A broken heating system for generations means that the ratings prefer to wear large insulating coats during their duties. Officers and other high-ranking crewmembers have correspondingly warmer and fancier coats. Passing down a coat is seen as nominating someone as your successor or favoured child. The crew must be allowed to hunt for new pelts when the ship arrives at a suitable location lest crew die of exposure, mutiny over a lack of coats or even start killing each other for skin.

481. There are strong superstitions and mistrust a-board regarding writing on paper or vellum. The crew's reluctance to put pen to paper extends to all aspects of traditional penmanship. As a result, the crew records all information on extremely thin etched metal sheets. There is rich cultural significance to the metal being used, with laws being etched in adamantine, official documents in silver, especially important ones in gold, and steel, brass, copper, and lead all having unique meanings in various circumstances. Purity seals are scratched into the wax of the seal or on small slats bound to the seal with string rather than on hanging paper. While crewmen may use nails, or metal styluses, the officers have a large collection of dictation servo skulls equipped for the task. It is seen as bad luck to mark yourself with text tattoos, sometimes to the point where people with prominent writing on their skin are pushed out of airlocks in an attempt to eject any bad luck they might have brought.

482. Legend says that one day, a child will be born on the ship. That child shall be entirely unable to feel pain. They will be the doom of the ship, for as they turn 20 years old, the ship will be destroyed and everyone on board will die. There is even a sort of secret police on the ship that are out to kill anyone suspected of being the doomchild. Thus, the whole crew makes sure to always overreact to pain of any sort, loudly screaming at the slightest poke.


22 Dec 2013
483. Each of the ship’s different social groupings (be it worker-guilds, duty-unions, crew-clans or other) each have their own militia – with their own uniforms, traditions, and fighting style – that are expected to help with boarder repelling, vermin fighting, order keeping and possibly also as boarders.

484. The ship’s voidsmen-at-arms style themselves after the skitarii, in appearance if not in modifications and weapons.

485. Much of the ship’s internal light is from luminescent crystals.

486. Exotic energy-crystals – black with glowing, green patterns appearing and disappearing, in sizes from ostrich-egg to Sentinel-walker – function as secondary energy sources all over the ship, and the main source for some un-essential systems.

487. Sound absorbing crystals – ice-blue, falsely semi-transparent – are placed in areas around the ship as sound dampeners. They are heat sensitive.

488. The Machine-Cult’s domains a-board are protected by mounted cult-troops.

489. The Machine-Cult’s domains a-board are protected by warrior-tech-priests supported by combat-servitors.

490. Cogs are holy as the symbol of the God-Emperor in his guise of the Omnissia. Wheels may be lesser forms of the cog but are still sacred and it's therefore a lesser blasphemy to dirtying wheels by having them spinning on the ground on vehicle.

491. Protective script or glyphs are tattooed on every crewmember's brown and cheeks.

492. The crew distrust mirrors and other reflective areas.

493. Mirrors are seen as items of power, depending on their placement are they a force of good or bad energy.

494. Carnivores black moss infest the ship. It has to be weeded out from time to time to prevent it from being a danger to the crew but are never fully exterminated since it take care of many vermin.

495. The ship’s guard are equipped with electro-guandaos, short axes and pistols. They movie in pairs and relay on gun-servitors for range attacks.

496. Most of the crew are (or were a generation or two ago) recruited from a Penal World, and they have kept their culture of ruthlessness, deed-tattoos, gang building, internal fighting and such.

497. Peacocks wander the ship, the decedents of the birds in a previous captain’s peacock-garden. They are protected by old laws on the pain of death.

498. A giant snake is the ship’s mascot. The snake is at least the size of a boa-constrictor, if not much larger.

499. A previous captain with a special taste installed amneo-vats for the creation of gene-sculpted, androgynous pleasure-abhumans. Things have happened since then and now a-days they make up a notable part of the crew, if not most of the crew.

500. All the important and/or far-reaching corridors have moving walkways.
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22 Dec 2013
501. An horti-cult has taken root a-board the ship.

502. Symbolic golden circuits mark the areas the machine-cult see as extra holy – all machinery is holy but some more so after all. Possibly are the higher tech-priests also marked with the: on augments, clothing or both.

503. There is a Xeno Extremis- or Terminus-class monster in a stasis field on the bridge or similar important area. It’s used as a display piece.

504. Feathers are used as honour markings.

505. The honoured dead’s [ smoke mummified heads | scrimshawed skulls | shrunken heads ] hanging from the roofs of their once duty-areas or living space to watch over their work/family

506. Mycelia-like webs and patterns seemingly made out of silver cover areas or equipment here and there on the ship.

507. Combat communication is done through instruments (like drums, horns, and bagpipes).

508. Rock gardens for contemplation and meditation can be found here and there onboard.

509. The ship’s tech-priests are cunning in the art of holograms, something they take pride in and like to show. This means that all the ship’s hologram-units function to their full capacity and are well taken care of, and that the tech-priests offer their services as holotech-specialists to any fellow ship or space-station they come across.

510. Sensor towers stand out around the bow of the ship, a-kin to whiskers on an animal.

511. Many of the crew are born damaged thanks to chem- and/or rad-damages, leading to them having short and painful life. Thoroughly indoctrinated and given strength throung faith and drugs they are used for kamikaze missions and suicidaly reckless troops as half-life war boys.

512. The ship’s guards and voidsmen-at-arms are armed with rifle-halberds and knife-pistols.

513. Temple-crocodiles protect the ship’s main church, and possibly also any lesser churches onboard.

514. All crew-members (not any ship slaves if such exist) have a torc around their neck.

515. As protection against mischievous or evil spirits do crewmember carry items with an iron edge (like a scissors, knife, or possibly even a sword).

516. Torcs are marks of honour.

517. After their rite of passage to join the crew/adulthood a crewmember is given a geas.

518. As punishment for failure the guilty voidsman has a finger removed, one finger for each mistake, beginning with the pinkie.

519. Each of the officers are expected to carry around their own fine-crafted cutlery, with the decorated gripes made out of rare wood, ivory, precious metal or similar. And also having digi-weapons in them.

520. Among the crew flamboyant displays of skill and bravery in the face of danger are viewed with the utmost respect and integral to a voidsman’s standing within his fellows. Combat-officers regularly use such displays to cement their place as leader and inspire their forces to victory.

521. In combat the crew favour the use of long rifles, silenced weapons and stiletto blades.

522. Keep minimal records, and the ones they write are in code.

523. Each of the ship’s combat-squads’ leaders are equipped with a nobori back-banner. Possibly is the higher officers marked by having two nobori and the Master-at-arms by having three.

524. The ship expects its crewmembers not to just master the arts of their duty-role but also learn at least the basics of rhetoric, poetry, and calligraphy. With games in those skills being common.

525. The low decks crew are rumoured to kill and maim over the slightest provocation.

526. The ship’s [ Verminators Guild | Fraternity and Sorority of Pound Scum Keepers | Kith of Light Keepers | Sworn Minions of the Steward ] are known to be quick to anger, and are taught to avenge slights to their honour with blood, even amongst their own.

527. Cleanliness is highly important for the ship-culture, both real and symbolic. Bathing is likely done at least daily, when possible, and crewmembers’ clothing and equipment is likely cleaned as often, or at least changed. There are purification rituals when facing unclean enemies, both before and after. Crewmembers will possibly not touch things they consider unclean. There are likely lots of purification rituals to make “unclean”-but-useful things be perceived as clean-ish to the crew. What the ship-culture considers clean and unclean may be different from other Imperial cultures, and it is possible that there is a cast of untouchables that take care of unclean tasks.

528. The officers and ministers train in archery as a meditative exercise but possibly also use it in combat. Possibly do some of the normal crew also train in archery.

529. Crewmembers write death poems before battle, duels or other times of notable chance of death.

530. Believe it’s wrong to not treat dead enemies with at least the minimum of respect that they treat their own dead.

531. Worship a pantheon made up by the Emperor (as the high-god-king), the primarchs, and lesser demi-gods (Imperial Saints, heroes, and similar).

532. Libation - an offering involving the ritual pouring out of a liquid, most commonly consisted of watered down wine, but also sometimes of pure wine, honey, olive oil, water or milk - to the Emperor, the ship’s spirit, ancestors, and/or similar is a common practice among the crew when they think they should give thank or honour, or ask for help or guidance.

533. Animal sacrifices accompanied by singing and prayer, to the Emperor, ancestors, and/or similar, are done at fixed dates and before and/or after important events (like larger battle or dangerous Warp jumps).

534. Mosaic covered floors, at least in the areas where important people usually move around.

535. The crew practises animal sacrifices, accompanied by singing and prayer, to the Emperor, ancestors, and/or similar. Afterward, hepatoscopy (divination by examining parts of the sacrificed animal) is often performed.

536. The ship’s crew-population associated dance with religious ceremony and also hold it in high regard for its educational qualities (according to them).

537. The lyra, aulos, and pan flute are the instrument of choice for the chapter.

538. Athletic games are a custom part of the ship’s celebration, be it for victory or to honour the God-Emperor.

539. Thermal baths are used for relaxation.

540. The officers espouse chivalry and virtue, but their sense of honour is tainted with cruelty, and sometimes even sadism.

541. The officers, if not the whole crew, has a strong duelling tradition, sometimes to settle a point of honour but more often to test themselves and their swordsmanship.

542. The officers and ship’s fighters are highly honourable, most of them would rather lose a war then win it using dishonourable means. What they consider honourable and dishonourable may be a bit different from others’ ideas of those concepts.

543. The ashes of dead crewmembers are kept in decorative metal kraters.

544. Crewmembers usually perform small forms of religious observance in their daily tasks.

545. The bodies of the crew are decorated with seaman-ish tattoos. They might just be decorative or every one of them might have a specific meaning within the chapter, or a bit of both.

546. Eye of Ra style eyeliners.

547. One of the ship’s rituals involve crewmembers dancing around a pole to which they are fastened by rawhide thongs pegged through the skin of their chests.

548. Fine-crafted smoking pipes are marks of honour.

549. The crew is semi-superstitious with lots of rituals that have to be done at certain times or to prevent bad luck.

550. Sand painting are part of the personal meditation rituals of the ship’s priests. Maybe also other members of the crew-population.

Wow. Mäkta imponerad.
Sugen på att spela.
Tack :)
Du är fri att använda det till vilken SF värld som helst med dystopiska mega rymdskepp. Jag tänkte använda det till mitt kommande Rogue Traders av Lemurai sektorn - en hakning av 'Barbarians av Lemuria' för 'Rogue Trader' spel.
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22 Dec 2013
Tjugofem resultat till. Här någonstans (i inlägget ovanför ser jag nu) började jag namndroppa olika gillen istället för att bara nämna att det gäller någon av grupperna ombord, eller nämna de uppgifter som det rör sig om, vissa av dem rör roller som det känns rätt så förståeliga att de finns i ett gotiskt generationsskep, medan andra (t.ex. Fellowship of Falconers) är mer konstiga men kan säga något om skeppets kultur eller historia att det har ett falkeneraregille. Vissa av gillesnamnen gör det möjligt att det är lite svårt att lista ut vad de sysslar med men om någon undrar (och inte vill komma på själv) så är det bara att fråga. Jag tar även emot förslag på olika gillen som kan finnas med i listan.


551. The crew perform small forms of religious observance in its daily tasks.

552. The crew have a notable passion for eating, drinking, and storytelling, when not engaged in their duty-role.

553. The crew mark the eve of battle or Warp jumps in bawdy celebration, raising overflowing jacks to fellows they may be mourning once it’s all done. The crew will drink and make merry, for tomorrow, they may die.

554. The ship’s fighters are stubborn, wilful, and belligerent warriors, difficult to command but fearless in battle.

555. Disagreements between crewmembers, even small ones, are usually settled by trial-by-combat, with all parties concerned seeing both the undertaking and the result as honourable.

556. The ship’s Society of Penpushers and Paragraph-readers go around masked.

557. Only the lord-captain, the ship’s high priests and crewmembers above 100 years are allowed to dress in yellow.

558. All crew not of duty when travelling the Warp (gunnery, lookouts, stowers, etc.) are expected to copying manuscripts when the ship travels the Warp.

559. As a group the crew is macabre, proud and barbarous, likely obsessed with honour and glory.

560. Like lesser chieftains to their tribal king do the high officers routinely give tribute to their lord-captain. Possibly do the lesser officers do the same thing to their superiors.

561. The crew makes sacrifices of blood, food, drink, and/or small animals to the machine-spirits of the machins they work with and their equipments.

562. The Mechanicus cult-troops onboard dress in landsknecht-ish clothing (ex. jackets with slashed puff-sleeves, tellerbarrets with feathers, hoses with slashed knees, etc., all in at least two colours).

563. There is a mercenary guild onboard that hire their service out to the different factions among the crew during internal fighting.

564. The ship’s higher officers are followed by scantily clad people that dance, play music and/or are just being around them looking good.

565. The crew are straightforward and simple in their ways, with a disdain for those that make things too complicated, be it in warfare, speech or rituals. May react violently if they have to suffer such things for too long.

566. The ship’s mystics cast rune-stones/sticks as part of their rituals.

567. Pelts of predators hang from the officer’s uniforms. Possibly different animals for different ranks or each duty have their specific predator that marks them.

568. The [ Medicaes| Union of Bookkeepers | Combine of Shotgun and Shield | whole crew ] believes that any duel over honour or dispute should be to the death. In their extreme view, honour demanded no less.

569. Lots of internal fighting and upstaging for glory and honour between the ship’s work-gangs and duty-guilds. Maybe with real blood spill between crew-kin.

570. Menials sits on the floor, only officers may use chairs or stools.

571. In the communal areas and living spaces there are lots of paper walls, sliding doors, and movable screens.

572. The ship’s fighters are headhunters, with shrunken heads of worthy enemies hanging from their belts, neck and/or weapons.

573. The ship prefer close combat over long ranged warfare. Ship-to-ship with her enemy, and their defeat visible to her crew with their own eyes.

574. The officers, priesthood and others of culture are trained in tea-ceremony.

575. Each of the high-officers’ positions also come with a secondary role that some might see as more fitting in a noble court than on a ship bridge, like Cup-bearer, Keeper of the Seal, Food Taster, Court Marshal, Master of Ceremonies, etcetera.


22 Dec 2013
576. There is an odeon for musical activities such as singing, musical shows, and poetry competitions among the crew. On a larger ship there is likely many odeons.

577. Every officer – including the lord-captain – is mind-linked to their units. Depending on the quality of the ship the implants might be discreet affairs that can be hided with long hair and/or high collars, or it might be bulky and/or covering the whole scalp-area with lots of cables and ports.

578. Only one gender might be officers. All other ship roles are open for the other gender but officer.

579. The ship’s priesthood have nothing that prevent them from having children, passing down their duties or being nepotistic, leading to that the religious affairs are controlled by a group of priest-dynasties (or maybe one dynasty if it is a small ship).

580. Each worker-gang have one member with the duty as shrine carrier – usually the youngest, oldest and/or most damaged work-ganger. The shrine is closable and feature three hand-painted icons, with the central being one of the aspects of the God-Emperor, and the base unfolds to hold candles and/or incense burner and is usually carried on the back or at the top of a staff.

581. The ship’s keepers-of-order answer to the ecclesiarchy, and also function as moral-police.

582. Muck-battles – using black-powder weapons, colour-bullets, and fanciful protective masks – are waged across the decks during Warp-travel. The crew believes this helps to keep the evil spirits of the Warp away.

583. Large (at least a meter tall) monster masks are carried on the back by the members of the [ Aquaratio Guild | Ratters Cabal | Blood Guild | Laymen Shipwrights ] during their duty time.

584. Garlic is believed to turn away evil spirits and are therefore grown around any important area. While the smell of fresh flowers is seen as most protective do dried flowers, flower water, and the bulbs also help.

585. By old tradition do the [ Fellowship of Falconers | Geisha Guild | Cabal of the Wire | Corpse Reclaimers ] report to and fall under the lordship of the Choir-master Telepathica.

586. The [ Crawlspace Keepers | Banner of Bibliognosts | Kitchen Coven | Atmospheric Reclamators ] guild-militants are also the ship’s warrior-elite.

587. The ship’s Mechanicus’ cult-troops are Death Cult Assassin-ish.

588. The ecclesiarchy’s onboard cult-troops are Death Cult Assassin-ish.

589. The crew has a sauna culture.

590. By the ship’s reconning are portable voxcasters counted as small if they backpack sized.

591. The vox is used only for important messages, less important communication is done through runners and messenger [ pigeons | bats | foxes ].

592. Part of the ship’s sensor system come in the form of giant parabola discs.

593. A notable Adeptus Astra Telepathica presence a-board, with higher numbers than normal of support personal, ritualists, Black Sentinels guard-keepers, and others.

594. Lots of empty suits of armour standing around as decorations. Are they only decorative or are some (or maybe all) functional?

595. Keep hard on the tradition of hospitality and sharing of information between ship’s that meet in the deep void.

596. The ship’s fighter elite use sonic weapons and are heavy modified to use them at best capability and without danger themselves. Many of them have banshee-speakers augments and/or their sonic-blasters weapon-arms.

597. There is a guild-conflict onboard between the Crawlspace Keepers and the Caretakers of the Vents.

598. The oathsworn-bridgeguard are of unusual stock – 1) death world tech-barbarians; 2) cyber-ogryns; 3) death cult assassins; 4) monstrous servitors; 5) skitarii; 6) beastmen; 7) Armiger-pattern Knights; 8) psyber-linked beasts; 9) robots; 10) Arachni-servo-rig warriors.

599. The voidborn crew have large, light-sensitive eyes with barley any visible whites.

500. The ship's tech-priests wears brass masks and black robes.


22 Dec 2013
601. Most of the crew go around barefoot.

602. While the voidsmen-at-arms use Imperial standard equipment do they also employ black powder grenades, bombs, rockets and similar.

603. Braids hanging from the shoulder/s are marks of status/honour, with this lord-captain having a veritable mantle made of braids.

604. The ship's different duty-castes are not permitted to interbreed, leading to the ship needing new crew members from outside to replenish the gene pool. Only one duty-cast at a time may replenish their ranks.

605. None of the crew may turn their back to the captain or the command-throne.

606. By tradition is the weapon of office for the [ helm crew | shrine workers | vox-operators | ammo-haulers ] the [ half-hand sword | bardiche | staff-flail | sai ] and they, or at least the foremen, are expected to carry them.

607. Ork-teeth are the currency of the ship.

608. Small dirigibles travel the upper levels of the high corridors and holds.

609. The ship’s barbers fall under the stewardship of the Chief Chirurgeon.

610. Lots of flamer weapons.

611. A population of uplifted [ bears | orangutangs | dolphins | gorillas ] are part of the crew.

612. Shantytowns hang from the ceilings of the larger holds.

613. In combat the crew favour the use of gun-glaive, heavy crossbows and axes.

614. There is no internal way to the [ Navigator’s quarters and spire | Carcass Reclaimers’ protein reclamator facility | the Astropathic Relay area | gundecks ], you can only get to there by void-walking.

615. Gremlins – cyber-homunculi tech-saboteurs gene-crafted from a monkey-base – are kept on the ship in hibernation-caskets to be fired in small boarding-torpedoes onto enemy crafts.

616. Dropping mustachos on men, the fashionable ones have mustacho-beads.

617. More or less everybody smoke, be it pipes, sticks, and/or other.

618. The ship has no production facilities which means that everything has to be imported, from uniforms to glowglobes to foodstuff (even Soylent Veridian).

619. Maid Cafés are spread out over the ship for the crew’s relaxation and entertainment.

620. The crew practises segregation of the sexes at almost every level, with very little contact between them except under strictly-ritualized circumstances.

621. In combat the crew are fast and deadly, and tend to have a strong bias towards hand-to-hand combat.

622. The ship's medical crew are all clones of the same Joi-template, they are marked out by their pink hair.

623. The ship's lawkeepers are all clones of the same Junsa-template, they are marked out by their turquoise hair.

624. The megaroaches that live near the Warp-drive can be harvested for biochemicals that can be used to create a very potent [ psy-amplifying | combat | Navigation | psychedelic ] drug.

625. The voidsmen-at-arms are united by colours not equipment, with every armsman having to get their own body armour, rifle, pistol and close-combat weapon, leading to an eclectic collection of equipment.
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22 Dec 2013
626. [ Dreadlocks | Bowler hats | Half-shaved head | knotwork facial-tattoos ] are the markings of the [ pilots | lightkeepers | stewards | lubricators ] and no other grouping on the ship may wear them.

627. Large testudines are used as pack-animals onboard.

628. The floors on many corridors (and possible also holds) are covered by ice and sleds and ice skates are used for transportation.

629. To most of the crew the captain and the bridge are something semi-mythical, with some believing that they are not real in the physical sense.

630. Everybody have nose jewellery, with the higher up in rank the more expensive and grandiose it becomes, with larger sizes, chains, larger gemstones and such.

631. A notable part of the crew, if not most of it, are created through esoteric biological means – rapidly grown in amneo-vats from flesh-templates and given a baseline knowledge of their ship and their duties in it delivered via cranial data-slugs. They are “born” ready to immediate full file their role, at least on a junior level.

632. As a group the crew are serious minded and sombre people, with a deeply deep-seated emphasis placed on order and hierarchy. May lead to problems when having to interact with less ordered people or organisations.

633. Monkey-based cybermals climb the walls, crawlspaces and such making repairs and logging faults too big for them to handle.

634. Because of [ plague | boarders | Warp incursion | sudden group suicide ] has most of the ship’s old representants of the Ecclesiarchy been lost and a new batch of clerks with support staff have been taken on. The problem is that those new ones belong to a cult that believes that since the Emperor created man into His image and that He was a he do it mean that males are more true to his visions than females, this in turn mean that females should always be subservient to males. This has created conflict between the priesthood and much of the crew that don’t believe in their teachings.

635. Have a grand library and within the librarians exist an order of ninja-trained acquirers who has as mission to get books and editions the library lack.

636. Lots of fine porcelain among the officers. The menials use enamel imitations.

637. The captain wear the deathmask of the ship’s first captain.

638. Is equipped with an ancient nightmare weapon that non on the ship wants to use except for as last measure because of how terrible it is. Non, that is with the exception of the tech-priests that take cares of it and suggest the use of it every time there is battle.

639. The tech-priest that work with the technology within the Navigators’ and Astra Telepatica’s areas are of a different order then the rest of the tech-priests on the ship, which is visible regarding their colours and symbols.

641. Has a [ guild | cast | estate ] whose role on the ship is as deal brokers, matchmakers, and social overseers.

642. Lots of tech-priests and Mechanicus lay-members.

643. The ship’s hierarchy is unclear, byzantine and mysterious to outsiders, as well as to many of the crew-population itself.

644. No matter the state of the ship or the duty that have to be done do the officers hold strongly to the proper etiquette and procedure. They are extremely formal, organized and polite. They never curse in public, never speak out of turn, and carry themselves with the same dignity and nobility expected at a royal court.

645. The [ officers | crew-population ] has an appearance of piety and religious virtues, but it’s a mask to help gain power and/or justification.

646. Lots of small flyers (some with living-space for 2-4 people) are locked to the hull with maglocks or airlock-connections.

647. The crew-population have a preoccupation with physique, and their style of clothing is often designed to reveal as much of their bodies as possible.

648. The crew-population keep their hair and beards (if any) long and braided.

649. There are very few escape pods, [ the captain | an earlier captain ] sold them of for a profit.

650. Alchymyst fleshteks are used to resurrected the ship’s notable dead into a false half-life with toxic blood and their minds stripped of whatever shreds of humanity they once had.
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22 Dec 2013
651. The captain has as advisor a female oracle. Is she a psyker, blessed by the emperor, both, or something else?

652. Most of the crew’s clothing is tightfitting and made with lots of straps and layers that are knotted together, giving an appearance of being "bound to their duty". This also makes it hard to run.

653. The crew’s better-off (in rank or means) dress in bodygloves intended to defend and sustain the wearer in the possibly harsh ship environments. Semi-permeable membranes in the suit reduce the loss of the body’s dampness whilst numerous spots on the material change colour to inform the wearer of airborne pollutants and reduced levels of oxygen.

654. The ship have strict rules of etiquette surrounding how the [ officers | tech-priests | noble-blooded | imperial-priests ] interacts with their inferiors and vice versa.

655. The common crew revere their officers as not just their leaders but as their betters. This can lead to notable disciplinary enforcements if officers show themselves not living up to the set standard.

656. As a group the crew is noted as having cold eyes, and strong moody faces. In them is ferocity, and savagery, but not a wild, upbursting fury. Theirs is fierceness backed by grim determination and stolid stubbornness.

657. The charge of the crew’s fighters is terrible and overwhelming. But they had no patience; let them be balked of immediate victory and they are likely to lose heart and scatter or fall to bickering among themselves.

658. There is the patience of the cold void in the crew, a lasting determination that would keep them steadfast to the bitter end, once their face was set toward a definite goal.

659. A notable part of the crew is nomadic, living in portable tents-villages and -cities, wandering from area to area of the ship where their craft-skills or extra hands are needed.

660. The officer-cast have been highly prolific and right now there exists notably more officers then needed, even taking in account reserves and understudies. This has lead to many new officer duties (of more or less needed or reasonable kind) having to be created and/or officers now filling in many of the foreman positions (and similar) that used to be manned by the common crew.

661. The crew take pride in their artistic works and scholars. And a youngling that show the right talent will be taken from his semi-heraldic position and trained as an artisan or scholar.

662. During on-ship combat the tradition is to drown out any wireless communication. The voids-men-at arms use drums, trumpets, and whistling arrow to communicate orders and positions.

663. By tradition is all electronic communication through text.

664. In the lower decks long-range communication is done by drums and semaphores.

665. A wraith bone “garden” exist aboard. It’s tended to a mystery order of transhuman harmonists that keeps the “garden” alive, shape it and possibly even expand it by occult application of music and sound.

666. The rowing repair-gangs, lead by chieftain-like tech-priests, demand tribute and honours from the crew-population of the area they have parked their portable workshops and are doing repairs.

667. The crew loves to get drunk and engage in lavish feasts when possible.

668. The [ morticians | hydrologists | air-filter scrubbers | Omnissianic Congregator ] are also the ship’s main fabricators of semi-illegal drugs.

669. Everybody onboard use drugs. Drugs to keep calm, stay awake, build strength, lose fear, gain an edge in combat, and more. There are drug rations regularly given out with the chems seen as befitting peoples’ duties. There is also both an open and a black market for people wanting more or different drugs than what they are rationed.

670. The ship’s combatants paint their bodies, armour and crafts (if they have any) with lubrication oils and rust.

671. The ship as suffered a geller-field fluctuation and survived but there are remains of the horror still aboard the ship with strange claw- and acid-marks here and there; the dead remains of the over-mutated still being found in forgotten areas; reliefs of screaming faces found on both side of the hull; areas where the smell of honey, cinnamon and spoiled meat never fully disappear; etcetera.

672. Warnings systems in the form of statues “stigmating” red liquid, the bigger the warning the more areas “bleed” and the more liquid is pumped out.

673. Lots of statues of the Emperor, His saints, and angels.

674. Lightning crackle between the ship’s masts and towers, and as it moves is it not unusual for some of the lightning to be trailing behind it.

675. How you style your hair is highly regulated with duty deciding haircut and rank giving what kind of ornaments you may use and how many.


22 Dec 2013
676. Menials may not speak to or look upon the captain, officers may speak but must cast down their eyes with only the high officers having the right to fully look upon the captain.

677. Hair-less, colour-less semi-human vatborn exist on the ship. Short-lived creatures they seldom live over thirty even under the best of circumstances, and function as menials for mostly the medicies and tech-priests but can also be found working in other areas. They are [ developing their own society and culture unknown to their creators and masters | degenerating, each new “generation” being less human and/or shorter in life than the one before | full of secrets since the crew think nothing about them and talk openly in their presence | little more than servitors in mental capability and easily overtaken by lesser warp beings ].

678. The ship’s parliament is often a ruckus affair with parliamentarians physically fighting each other over disagreements.

679. No fixed illumination instead the one with status or means are followed by flying lumen-servitors and those without have to carry their own lumens.

680. A notable area of the ship’s hull adjutant space have been converted into something more akin toward the interior of a pleasure yachts, with great viewing windows toward the outside.

681. Brats gangs made up by the idle and decadent children of officers and ship’s nobility terrorise the lower decks.

682. While seen as illfortune and decommissioned from manufactory by Imperial authority do a complement of Dreadclaw assault crafts rest in the ship’s attack decks.

683. The militance and pilot crews of the ship’s transports, fighters, and bombers exist as tightly knit clans, with sets of pilots and crews competing against each other in savage duels for supremacy.

684. The underside of the ship is equipped with tentacular tubes that are folded out and expanded downward into the atmosphere when the ship is anchored above planets with breathable air. This to draw in new air and moisture to replenish the ship’s storages.

685. The officers have decoctive spurs with pajados that jingle when walking.

686. No safety railings, they are seen as a waste of materials. If people fall it is their own faults since they lacked the Emperor’s protection.

687. There is a grand opera theatre onboard, and many smaller areas for full shows or just one singer performances. When anchored above worlds with operatic tradition the ship always try to get the best opera-ensembles it can afford to give show onboard.

688. The officers compete with each other by big game trophy hunting when possible. Most likely it’s not just about how grand the trophy is that count but also how close the hunter came to it, the weapon used to bring it down, how good told story about the hunt and/or similar.

689. The officers give an appearance of piety and religiosity with close ties to the Ecclesiarchy, but it’s a mask for plays for political power thought the church.

690. Long, lacquered nails are signs of status.

691. Lots of glassworks, both decorative and practical.

692. The officers are equipped with exotic side-weapons (ex. needle guns, duelling lases, kraken-tooth daggers, etc.), more as a badge of rank and means then as something they expect to use in combat.

693. The imperial eagle is [ tattooed | branded | carved ] on the forehead of all [ crew | members of the Ecclesiarchy | ship troops | officers ].

694. Shun the use of servo-skulls, preferring that the mortal remains of their fallen be interred whole that they might sit at the right hand of the Emperor complete.

695. The officers are known to respond well to having their pride stoked, but if they feel insulted or slighted in any way, they'll lash out.

696. The [ crew | officers | captain | onboard machine-cult ] are gatherers of knowledge about known and possible enemies and threats. They fear encountering foes about which they know nothing about, and are by this fear driven to seek out the most obscure lore; even that which seems composed entirely of unfounded rumour and hearsay is not beneath their attention.

697. Lots of servo-skulls hover around. They mostly [ make small fixes and simple repairs of the ship infrastructure, they also hunt vermin | keep their sensors out for intruders and will sound the alarm and attack with inbuilt weapons if any is found | take care of the candles, replace the burned down ones, and light the new ones and the ones that have gone out | nobody knows, but they must be doing something, right? ].

698. Lots of cherubs flutter around. They mostly [ act out allegorical plays of religious nature | play music and sing (or at least give the impression of that while the sound comes from semi-hidden speaker-implants) | make small fixes and simple repairs of the ship infrastructure, they also dust all high-up areas | hunt vermin. And sometime try to eat their captured prey ].

699. The ship’s machine-cult is unusually non-secretive about their knowledge, freely sharing what they know with other tech-priests, and the simpler mysteries with both lay-members and people outside the Martian Cult.

700. The machine-cult’s representatives onboard crave knowledge as much as they care about the machines they service, if not more so. And any chance for them to gain new knowledge they take it, on new worlds they will have representatives joining any expeditions to gather data, and if other members of the Mechanicum are there will they try to ask, beg, or barter for a chare of the others data hordes.
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22 Dec 2013
701. The variant of the Emperor-Cult the ship follow is [ Confucianism | Islamic | Shinto | Tibetan Buddhist ]-ish in practice and paraphernalia if not philosophy.

702. The ship’s tech-priests are [ Confucianism | Islamic | Shinto | Tibetan Buddhist ]-ish in practice and paraphernalia if not philosophy.

703. The Crew is divided in several cults and secret societies rivalling with each other.

704. The ship and crew are highly bureaucratic, to such level that more or less every request and/or task has its own forms that need to be filled out (likely in three versions) before it can be done. Possibly has this led to them ignoring important stuff because it was not done using the proper bureaucracy

705. The ship-scavvies are superstitious and fearful toward the officers and those wielding mystic powers (like psykers and tech-adepts). And will follow any order given by those out of raw fear.

706. There is a sense of home about the ship and family about the crew. There may be disputes between different parts of the crew, but such things are all in the family, not for the concern of outsiders.

707. The [ crew | officers | Machine Cult members | gundeck crew ] enthusiastically pray, but their strange rites cause a suspicious eye to question who exactly it is they pray to. Odd idols and iconography are littered throughout their areas of the ship.

708. Lots of internal sabotage and assassinations between members of the [ officers | Mechanicum | Ecclesiarchy | Aquaratio Guild ].

709. When reaching adulthood, each member of the crew takes an oath to avenge fallen ship-kin whose slayer/s still sails the void, whenever possible.

710. By tradition do the [ crew | bridge crew | officers |organised criminals ] speaks very poetically.

711. The crew belongs to an Ecclesiarchal sects, to which the "perfect form of Man" (of which the Emperor is the best example) is a subject of worship.

712. There are adepts and priests from the Magi Biologis of the Adeptus Mechanicus onboard, their main mission is to make certain that the holy standard human genotype don’t deviate too far.

713. The crew are religious and mystical. Aboard the ship can be found many strange religious items and constructs, as well as clerics, mystics, and flagellants.

714. The children of the officers and trusted underlings that show the right talent are handed over to an internal order of smoke-knights where they are trained in all the arts of stealth, infiltrations, and silent killing. As smoke-knights they function as elite guardians and agents for their superior.

715. Each of the officer’s worker-unit have a bard for entertainment and coming up with poetry and song-lyrics that praises the unit.

716. The [ officers | crew | Mechanicum members | Render clan ] see excellence as the highest virtue. High rank among them is not gained by the right breeding instead it goes to those who distinguish themselves, whether as a administrator, officers, hunter, weaver, dancer, or lorekeeper.

717. The ship holds lots of greenery, from grand gardens to smaller installations and potted plants.

718. The [ ship | officers | bridge-crew | Guild of Odd Fellows] are beginning to choke on the heavy burdens of dutiful tradition and dynastic obligations.

719. The officers no problems with their members using the underlings to slake their thirst for sex, violence or killing.

720. The crew never let go of a grudge and will bring their vengeance on their target’s decedents if they have the audacity to die by other means then the house’s hand.