Nekromanti Terra [Karaktärsgenerering - Unga åren]


7 Jan 2010
Hej allihopa!

För länge, länge sedan började jag knåpa på ett Steampunk rollspel som ska utspela sig i den fiktiva världen Terra.

Jag har skrivit en del om världen i sig och fått mycket bra feedback i trådar där jag behandlat världsbeskrivningen. Nu har jag kommit till delen där jag vill skriva ned karaktärsskapandet (den delen av alla rollspel som jag själv gillar mest) och jag har bestämt mig för att det inte ska finnas någon slump med i karaktärsskapandet. Din karaktär kommer inte på något sätt att slås fram utan istället handlar det om poäng-placering.

Ironiskt nog så tycker jag att karaktärsskapande är mest intressant så som det är gjort i Mutant Chronicles eller Neotech där man går genom faser av livet under skapelsens gång snarare än att bara dutta ut hur din karaktär är just nu. Det gör karaktärsskapandet till en resa och hjälper att forma din karaktärs bakgrund, övertygelser, erfarenheter och öde på ett sätt som andra rollspel inte gör (in my humble opinion).

Hur fungerar Terras system?

Terra har tre Natural Talents. Dessa är Body, Mind och Soul. Dessa är länkade till två attribut vardera, Physique, Agility, Intelligence, Awereness, Ingenuity och Charisma.
Varje attribut har sen sex stycken Skills länkade till sig. För att lyckas med någon manöver i spelet så slår man två T10, adderar ett Attribut samt en Skill och försöker få resultatet att nå en viss svårighetsnivå, vanligtvis 20.
Snittvärdet för en yrkesutövare inom ett visst fält är mellan fyra och sex i Attribut och Skill.
Tillexempel Physique + Feats of Strenght för att sparka in en dörr eller Awareness + Empathy för att gissa sig till om inte den här sheriffen verkar lite -för- nöjd?

Här är en mycket grov sketch av alla natural talents, attributes samt skills

Utöver dessa attribut så finns även Traits, vilka är totalt sex stycken värden. Dessa används mer som karaktärsdrag i Noir än som egna färdigheter, det vill säga att de kan ge bonusar eller avdrag på vissa slag när så är lämpligt.
Dessa traits är Aggression, Ambition, Desire, Dogma, Honor och Loyalty. Alla spelare startar med 3 i samtliga, vilket är ett neutralt värde då 1 är total avsaknad av och 5 är total dominans av.

Hur fungerar karaktärsgenerering?
Tanken som den ser ut just nu är att spelaren får gå genom livsfaser. Max kan en karaktär gå genom åtta livsfaser och är då över 75 år gammal. Varje livsfas ökar din ålder med en någorlunda fast siffra och förändrar dina Attributes samt Skills.

Faserna ser ut som följer:

The early years (0-7)
Growing up 8-16
Becoming an adult 17-22
Young adult 23-30
Mature 31-41
Middle aged 42-53
Old 54-75
Venerable 76-???

Här nedan tänkte jag posta texten jag har skrivit angående The Early Years och jag tar jättegärna mot feedback av alla dess sorter!

The early years

When creating a character for Terra you get to follow your character from the earliest days in her life and up to the point where you start off the game. This is done through making decisions together with the story teller to make up an interesting background. A lot of these decisions could also help you in writing your background and should be thought through carefully. Needless to say we recommend all players to pick the decisions that seem most likely for your character, focusing more on story rather than what seems “best” stat-wise. The decisions are not fully balanced and it is not the aim to make them so.

Natural born talent

Player characters in Terra are natural born talents in one field or another. This is represented by players allocating one point into Body, Mind or Soul. This point is then considered a bonus to all checks if the Attribute is drawn from their Natural born talent (Physique and Agility for Body, Intellect and Awareness for Mind and Charisma and Ingenuity for Soul).

The early years (0-7)

In the earliest years of your life your character has very little influence of her surroundings. Age wise this would represent from being a newborn until roughly when you reach the age of seven and most likely your character live with her family and relatives or possibly in an orphanage.
If things are really bad she may end up in the streets where criminals, prostitutes or perhaps just a kind soul will look after her. Being born in a wealthy family doesn’t automatically mean a safe environment though, a couple of parents who cares little for one of their children might even live a more unsafe life than the street child that is looked after by a retired priest. In either case you are dependent on someone else to feed you, warm you and clothe you.
Your home environment is determined with three decisions. First of all where you grew up, secondly in what social class and thirdly how well you were looked after. Finally you are to select three events under ‘The early years events’.
Motivate your choices to your storyteller and discuss your thoughts as you create your characters background.

The City

To have grown up in a city means that you’ve been raised in a place with more than a hundred thousand citizens, a bustling metropolis of people, ideas and thoughts merging together. The concept of silence and being alone is probably strange and far from you and so are the ideas of animals living close to humans.
The closest you got to nature was probably in the stories or when visiting the market and seeing farmers ready to sell their goods. Learning what time it is synonymous with living in a city as you go up at a certain hour, the adults go to their jobs at a certain hour and food is served at a certain hour.
People of the cities are servants of the clock and its hands.

The Countryside

The countryside includes anything from large towns with a few thousand citizens and down to lone farms far from the closest large city. Labor could be hard if you live at a farm and little time is left for being a child as every hand strong enough needs to help looking after the animals, reaping the fields and repairing the tools.
On the other hand at the times when you do not have to work parents feel fairly safe when allowing you to leave the farm and play in the nearby wildlife. The people of the countryside allow time to be controlled by the sun and the seasons.
When it is dark and cold you stay indoors or close to the farm and vice versa. Stress however is something you would seldom consider far from the cities and the stop watches of the factories.

The Wilderness

Far, far from the safety of the civilized areas of the world rests the wilderness. It could be in a far off colony where extreme temperatures and weird wild life make the life difficult for colonizers and their families but it could also include areas of general lawlessness.
What unifies all people who live in the wilderness is that they more often than not only have themselves to depend on; there is rarely any law enforcement or neighbors who could reach out an open hand in times of need. On the other hand if you do find yourself living close to other people small communities are quickly formed where you are willing to help each other out. Friends are rare out in the wild and those that you find you often want to keep as close as possible; there is after all no one else to count on.

Social classes – Determine home social class

Different environments have different social classes, but they all follow the same basic pattern. The richer you are and the more influential you are the more respect people will show you.
Social class reminds the lower class people that they should stay in their place and that the upper class people are privileged, but it also puts a huge amount of responsibility on the people of the upper classes. They are after all in charge so if things with the economy, the weather, wars and what not go bad then the upper class is to blame and riots and rebellions are sure to follow.


In the city you have laborers, the bourgeoisie and the aristocracy. Included in the laborers is anyone who’s dependent upon an employer to have an income and generally has a low education, be it a waitress, a factory worker, a soldier, a police officer or a sailor.
Amongst the bourgeoisie you find anyone who has a work requiring an education or specialized training, alternatively they run their own business.
It could be a clockmaker, a clergyman, an artisan, a bureaucrat, a military officer, lawyer or a teacher.
Lastly you have the aristocracy who are the crème de la crème of the cities, noblemen, bishops, generals etc.


On the countryside you find the drifters, the peasants and the landlords. Amongst the drifters are poor travelling merchants and peddlers, farmers who do not own their own land but rather travel from farm to farm to help out when there’s a need and criminal gangs roaming the countryside, outside the reach of the law.
The peasants on the other hand are hardworking people who own their own plot of land, often for livestock or agriculture. The size of their land and their employees may vary but commonly they break their backs on the fields to feed not only themselves but also nearby cities. The peasants also include people with minor businesses such as smiths, animal trainers and inn-keepers.
Finally you have the landlords who include anyone on the countryside who is too rich to be a common peasant, be it the local clergy, large landowners, nobles, etc.


In the far of reaches of the wilderness social class is not a thing that is as present as it is when you are closer to civilization. It does exist to some extent though and people still respect the differences that what little there is of society has put upon them.
Amongst the vagabonds you find nomads, trappers and people who have escaped society for whatever reason. With the settlers are common folk who for whatever reason have left society to help their nation create new cities and inhabitable lands. Peasants, laborers, workers, soldiers and most common duties in the colonies are performed by the settlers.
Finally there are the colonizers who are the lords and masters of the colonies in one way or another, be it as clergy, as chiefs of staff, commanders and what not.

Family relations

Family relations cover how much your family cared for you and how protective they were of you. Even in cases where you did not necessarily grow up with your biological family there were still adults of some kind who looked after you, fed you and made sure you managed to get by.
They could’ve been working at an orphanage, priests at a temple where you were left or criminal underbosses who pick up street rats to train them into little pickpockets.


Having grown up in a sheltered environment means that your parents and relatives have looked after you very well, perhaps needlessly much so. There’s a good chance that whenever you faced troubles they solved them for you without really giving you a chance to try it on your own and dangerous plays such as climbing and exploring where you might get hurt was definitely off the table.
On the other hand you probably felt very secure with your family and you learned quickly to depend on others, even if it at times meant that you also felt as if you were imprisoned or protected from a dangerous world that you weren’t allowed to fully see or enter. More so there is a good chance that many of your activities were in door activities which may have helped developed your mind and your social capabilities more than your physical ones.


Your family looked after you well enough but not enough to try and hamper your development. They balanced on the scale of trying to protect while still allowing you to try your own wings. It meant playing with friends and possibly working in the home too when need be, but never outside of the watchful eye of older relatives. There were times when you got hurt in one way or the other and called out for help without it arriving immediately but those experiences also helped you to learn to rely a bit more on yourself, developing a dependency from adults and the world around you. Most people who grow up in Terra would have families that are protective of them, looking after their young ones while still giving them a chance to experience the world around them on their own.


For whatever reason, be it lack of time or lack of interest, the adults around you didn’t care very much for your well being. They made sure you didn’t starve to death at least but more often than not you had to rely on yourself to get dressed, got to bed on proper hours and didn’t get into trouble.
Someone who has been raised by careless parents often has troubles trusting other people and prefers to rely on themselves than anyone else. If they do trust someone else it is most likely made up of gangs of other abandoned children with their own social hierarchy often based on age, needless to say though social and educational skills are often severely underdeveloped for children who are not looked after and raised properly.

Where were you raised? (Attributes)
The city – Intelligence or Charisma 2
The countryside – Physique or Agility 2
Wilderness – Awareness or Physique 2

To what social class did you belong? (Attributes)
City: Laborer – Physique or Agility 2
City: Bourgeoisie – Intellect or Charisma 2
City: Aristocracy - Intellect or Charisma 2
Countryside: Drifter – Agility or Awareness 2
Countryside: Peasant – Agility or Ingenuity 2
Countryside: Landlord – Intellect or Charisma 2
Wilderness: Vagabond – Physique or Agility 2
Wilderness: Settler – Physique or Ingenuity 2
Wilderness: Colonizer – Intellect or Charisma 2

How were your family relations? (Attributes)
Sheltered: Charisma, Ingenuity and Intellect 1.
Protective: Physique, Agility and Charisma 1.
Careless: Physique, Agility and Awareness 1.

What were your interests as a child? (Skills)
Allocate one point into ten different skills of your choice. Motivate your decisions to your storyteller.

The early years – Events (Traits)
Close ties. Your caretakers kept you close and they made sure you never felt truly alone. You appreciated the safety you felt with family and later on in most groups. +1 to loyalty.

Abusive caretaker. For whatever reason your caretakers didn’t only care little for you, they actively worked against you and made growing up more of a challenge than a play. You had a hard time trusting adults and as a result later on groups. – 1 to Loyalty.

Violent home. One of your caretakers frequently beat up other family members, possibly including you. It taught you that violence is the solution to most problems and has turned you into quite a hothead. +1 to Aggression.

Fanatical environment. Your caretakers kept close to an ideology or faith of some kind and they brought the teachings onto you. Increase Dogma by 1 and alter one of your character traits to reflect the teachings they brought onto you.

Freethinkers. Your caretakers were freethinkers and rarely fed their ideas to you allowing you to make sense of the world on your own. -1 to Dogma.

Ascetic raising. You were raised simple, not necessarily under poor conditions, and learned to enjoy what little life had to offer. -1 to Desire.

Spoiled. Whenever you pointed you got something and whenever you cried you were given a treat. Life has loads of fun to offer as long as you want it. +1 to Desire.

Ambitious caretakers. Your caretakers had great ambitions for you and made sure you knew early on that to get somewhere you have to want it bad enough. +1 to Ambition.

Humble upbringing. Your caretakers inspired you to live simple and humble lives as they have throughout their lives. -1 to Ambition.

Kind caretakers. Your upbringing was filled with kindness and warmth and it allowed you to learn to trust the world and the people who inhabit it. +1 to Honor and -1 to Aggression.

Inspiring presence. Someone who wasn’t a direct family member but still present in your earlier years, such as a neighbor, uncle or close friend inspired something in you. Reduce or increase a trait of your own choice by +/-1.

Tack för att ni tog er tiden för att läsa vad som stod här. Jag är medveten om att det är en väldans massa text!