Nekromanti The Combatants


14 Mar 2003
Nu har jag sorterat om texten några gånger, lagt till några av de förklaringar och regelförtydlingar som tidigare föll bort, samt lagt in några fler bilder.
Det är fortfarande en del upprepningar i texten (mycket på grund av omkastandet av stycken och att jag valt att ha kvar det på vissa ställen tills jag vet att jag kan lämna redigerandet).

Ska väl skriva ett scenarioexempel, fylla i en FAQ och sen kanse se det som att jag kan lämna den här. Var inte meningen att hålla kvar vid den så här länge (mest skrivet för att jag är mitt emellan delar i en kampanj jag spelleder med en kompis över nätet).

Regler (google doc):

Spelkort/playerboard (pdf):


14 Mar 2003
Prövar mig på att färgkoda texten lite lätt, så man ser vad man måste läsa och vad man kan läsa senare. Helt klart onödigt arbete som egentligen borde göras i en PDF eller liknande, men eftersom den nog kpommer stanna som ett googledokument så leker jag med det där. Hur ser ni på "Så här spelar man"-videor för rollspel, använder ni er av sådana någon gång? Vad vill man och vill man inte se i en sådan, när system skall förklaras?


14 Mar 2003
Quadrante;n315128 said:

Lyckades få ner det till en begriplig ensidessammanfattning (vilket var en nyttig övning).

In this game, you roll six-sided dice and allocate these to get a final combat result. This value is used both as your chance to avoid being struck by ANY opponents and as your chance to land a blow at ONE opponent.

These final combat results are compared between players to see who succeeds with its onfall. The difference between values is the quality of the blow, and are used for fatigue and damage.

Turn order and actions may interfere with the attack, distance and protection may change the level of fatigue and damage.

When a combatant is attacked by several opponents, the combatant’s combat result will count as the defence value against them all, fully or partially lowering potential damage, both during a successful and a failed onfall against one of the opponents.

When a combatant is attacking to damage, gets a higher result, and thereby succeeds with the onfall against one, lower this opponent's stamina by the difference between the two results minus any penalty from distance.

Independent of how many dice you roll, only ONE of the combat dice is chosen and with its full value be used as base combat value. The rest of the dice will be used in dice combinations, to either increase this base value or as actions

To aid you during gameplay there will be cards used as playerboard, to visualize and display your decisions, both to yourself and other players.

Each combatant will have a combat skill level and each skill level will gain you one combat die to roll. The combat skill will range between zero and nine and the most common level is between two and four. In addition to this, there may be bonus dies and sometimes dice are removed from play or temporarily locked.

If you choose to perform any of the various actions instead of, or at the same time as your general melee. Dice will be used for action quality instead of as part of the combat result.

At the beginning of every new turn, you reroll all of your available combat and bonus dice and change your turn order. Priority of placed dice, onfalls, defences and actions are resolved in turn order. Your fighting style will determine your turn order and actions may change it.

Resolve order of onfalls and actions is determined by a cycling sequence of timeslots. The timeslot sequences are determined by the fighting style and are ranging from one to nine, a higher timeslot number acts later in the turn. You may voluntarily choose to act later within your own sequence and this may come with a benefit.

Three blue are dies placed on your character card to be used as damage and fatigue level trackers. As your combatant gets hit, you reduce the value on one of these health dies equally to the value of the quality of the blow, starting with the topmost die, continuing until the whole value is accounted for. As soon as one die is down to zero you remove it. A removed die will reveal a penalty. Your combattant will be knocked out if all of your three health dice are removed.

There is no death in this game if you not specifically choose to incorporate this. If you want to tell a more deadly story, you may allow for serious consequences.

The aim of this game is to both be a tool in a narrative and like a game of duelling, you would even be able to play this as a regular board game, player versus player, teams versus teams or in a Battle Royal style.
Dessutom gjort en "display" med alla kort.