Jag tyckte det var guld tills jag läste den här posten

Det förklaras med att han "måste" fortsätta erövringen hans företrädare satt igång.
Men någon som faktiskt läst böckerna kanske kan ge en bättre insikt?
" Emhyr was a young emperor. His father was dethroned by the “Usurper” and killed, little Emhyr would have been killed too if not for the help of a man that helped him escaped. He lived in the woods near Cintra until he finally went back to Nilfgaard after marrying (and losing) Pavetta. He managed a coup and was basically put on the throne. As he began to rule he kind of had to continue the attacking spree that the Usurper and his father (albeit in a limited way) started. The nobility was pushing for a war for him to demonstrate his capabilities as a leader. This lead to the “Slaughter of Cintra”. He lost the war though and replaced all of his generals and killed off a lot of the nobility so a similar doesn’t happen anymore."
Så det låter som att han skulle uppfattas som svag om han gjorde på det sättet.