Eon Strid book: help with translation


26 Dec 2023
Eon has been a gust of fresh wind for me and my group, we are already in our 4th session and we are loving the game.

As it seems then that the systems has come to our table to stay, I am translating more books. Currently I have 3 books translated to English in their original pdf format (hopping to be able to print them); these are Grundbok, Magi and Pyrotropi.

Now I am translating and formating Strid. There I have a bit of an issue with the "Kast" entry on page 60, which I include here to see if I can get some help
"Kast [2+] (endast närstrid): Anfallaren lyckas kasta iväg sin motståndare eller våldsamt kasta denne till marken. För 2 Övertag blir en motståndare med högst 2T6 mer i Kroppsbyggnad ivägkastad, för 3 Övertag kastas en motståndare med högst 3T6 mer, och så vidare. Anfallet gör normal skada för obeväpnad strid, men skadan räknas som Fallskada. Har man inte båda händerna fria kostar Kast ytterligare ett Övertag."

In particular my issue is with the sentence in black, which I understand it reads that the attack does normal "unarmed" damage, but the damage counts instead as "Fall" damage. Does this imply that this Anfallarens fördelar can only be chosen when you perform an unarmed attack?


9 Jul 2004
Eon has been a gust of fresh wind for me and my group, we are already in our 4th session and we are loving the game.

As it seems then that the systems has come to our table to stay, I am translating more books. Currently I have 3 books translated to English in their original pdf format (hopping to be able to print them); these are Grundbok, Magi and Pyrotropi.

Now I am translating and formating Strid. There I have a bit of an issue with the "Kast" entry on page 60, which I include here to see if I can get some help
"Kast [2+] (endast närstrid): Anfallaren lyckas kasta iväg sin motståndare eller våldsamt kasta denne till marken. För 2 Övertag blir en motståndare med högst 2T6 mer i Kroppsbyggnad ivägkastad, för 3 Övertag kastas en motståndare med högst 3T6 mer, och så vidare. Anfallet gör normal skada för obeväpnad strid, men skadan räknas som Fallskada. Har man inte båda händerna fria kostar Kast ytterligare ett Övertag."

In particular my issue is with the sentence in black, which I understand it reads that the attack does normal "unarmed" damage, but the damage counts instead as "Fall" damage. Does this imply that this Anfallarens fördelar can only be chosen when you perform an unarmed attack?
That would be my reasoning as well. Especially since it depends on having the hands free.


24 Mar 2014
Birmingham, UK

you can use the Advantage "Throw" regardless of how the attack was performed, but it will cost you +1 Advantage due to holding a weapon. The part that references damage just means that if you performed a Throw as part of an armed attack, you do not get to apply your weapon's damage. Instead you use your Unarmed Damage and any Serious Injuries are rolled on the Fall Damage Table.

I hope that makes sense :)


26 Dec 2023

you can use the Advantage "Throw" regardless of how the attack was performed, but it will cost you +1 Advantage due to holding a weapon. The part that references damage just means that if you performed a Throw as part of an armed attack, you do not get to apply your weapon's damage. Instead you use your Unarmed Damage and any Serious Injuries are rolled on the Fall Damage Table.

I hope that makes sense :)
Ok, are you saying that damage dealt in this case will be only Grundskada?