Brädspel Norden skal forsvares! Figur spel

Ivan NWG

8 Aug 2023
Okay so this is an idea for a miniatures game, not an RPG but I hope you guys will not mind.

As you may know, I tend to write fairly narrative / character oriented campaign minis games where units carry over between games. An idea I have kicking around is a stand alone campaign game based around defending Scandinavia from invasion.
It would focus on a platoon or so of troops (so think 30ish grunts) with some figures gaining skills between battles.

Flow of the game would be to play through procedurally generated missions against the enemy, fight infantry battles and probably have a map thing, where you liberate areas and eventually win the whole thing.

The pitch would be that you could choose to play as Danes, Norwegians or Swedes and that you would be able to set it in either 1925 (Bolshevik invasion) 1940 (German invasion) or 1970ish (Soviet invasion). The gameplay would mostly be similar, but the weapons and so on would of course differ, as would the miniatures the player could collect and use.
I'd be tempted to try to cook up a British invasion in 1910 just to have a third enemy in there, but that's probably a bit too far fetched.

If I was later going to work on this, is this something you would have interest in checking out ?
Additionally would anyone be interested in helping out with tracking down information, particularly regarding Scandinavian military organisations, weaponry and so forth. Im pretty okay for Denmark but there's a lot to be dug up.


Tämligen dålig överlag.
15 Oct 2008
Off grid
If I was later going to work on this, is this something you would have interest in checking out ?
Additionally would anyone be interested in helping out with tracking down information, particularly regarding Scandinavian military organisations, weaponry and so forth.
Det är lite fel skala för mig. Jag gillar mest spel på Brigad eller Fördelningsnivån.

Passar på att påminna om den här tråden.

Lycka till!

:t6b: :t6b-2:

Ivan NWG

8 Aug 2023
That was part of gathering up information yes :) this has been brewing for a while, as I have been kicking around how to approach it.

I usually max out at the battalion for historical games but the platoon level is my go-to. Though for this project, I want it to feel closer to the likes of Necromunda (or my own Five Men in Normandy) than to Command Decision / Spearhead if that comparison makes sense

much appreciated!
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