Playbooks till Occult Vessels


Förlorad dotter
27 Dec 2001
Umeå, Västerbotten
Jag jobbar ju på mitt projekt Occult Vessels. Om människor "Kärl" som tas i anspråk av olika väsen (gudar, demonen, skogsväsen, änglar, naturandar, etc) för att vara deras verktyg i våran värld. Just nu jobbar jag på playbooks, alltså typ classer för rollerna.

Eftersom jag har en massa folk jag bollar om det här medpå engelska skriver jag på engelska.

Så jag postar det här ocksådet blir drygt att ständigt översätta. Sen får jag se om jag publiserar på engelska eller svenska i slutändan.

Playbooks Occult Vessels
These playbooks are about your relationships as an occult vessel for different entities. Humans who allow them to affect and act in this world. This is often not a consensual thing.

The playbooks are about your relationship to entities. (There will be a different part of the character sheet related to different supernatural powers.)

What playbooks do you find interesting? Which is boring? What more would you like to see?


The Host - An entity had made your body their home. Who does your body really belong to?

The Pact Maker - You are an independent occultist that makes deals with different entities. As long as you don't lose your independence

The Worshipper - You truly worship and follow your entity. TYour faith is pure, but are you worthy and are they worthy of you loyalty

The Broken Vessel - When something both in your human side and supernatural side had broken and you no longer wanted it as a vessel. Unless you manage to heal. Objectively the worst playbook mechanically.

The Hunting Dog - You are a tool for an entity, or perhaps a beloved pet, but you are meant to work and be effective at a task

The Beloved - Your entity loved you and love can be a terrible thing

The Punished - You pissed off an entity and it has bound you as a punishment

The Untouched - You are a potential Vessel but so far unclaimed by the supernatural (may quickly change playbook into one of the others)

The Discarded - You were once claimed by an entity, but now they have forgotten or discarded you. You are on your own.

The Plaything - An entity has claimed you as amusement. You better keep them amused.

Så vad gillar ni? Vad gillar ni inte? Vad mer borde finnas?


Förlorad dotter
27 Dec 2001
Umeå, Västerbotten
Testade skriva om dom med mer fokus på karaktärens attityd istället för väsenets.

The Host - An entity had made your body their home. Who does your body really belong to?

The Pact Maker - You are an independent occultist that makes deals with different entities. As long as you don't lose your independence

The Worshipper - You truly worship and follow your entity. TYour faith is pure, but are you worthy and are they worthy of you loyalty

The Broken Vessel - When something both in your human side and supernatural side had broken and you no longer wanted it as a vessel. Unless you manage to heal. But what do you want to do with your broken self? Objectively the worst playbook mechanically.

The Falcon - You are on a mission, there is something that needs doing in the world. An entirety has chosen you as thier partner or tool, you dont care because you stove for the same thing.

The Lover - You are in love, deeply, passionately in love with the entity and love is a terrible thing.

The Punished - Some action of you brought you here. Perhaps you deserve it, perhaps it is unjust. But an entity has chosen you for punishment for something you once did.

The Untouched - You are a potential Vessel but so far unclaimed by the supernatural (may quickly change playbook into one of the others)

The Discarded - You were once claimed by an entity, but now they have forgotten or discarded you. Perhaps you rebelled and were too much of a hassle to bother with, perhaps they grev bored with you or disappointed in you. perhaps they merely forgot. You are on your own. Do you want to keep that freedom?

The Entertainment- Like the scalds, poets and artists of the ancient world that claimed the favors of goods and being alike you win favor with one or many entities by pleasing them. They delight in you and you better keep them amused.


Mest spelbar
19 Oct 2001
En arketyp jag känner att jag saknar är den där spelaren var tänkt som ett offer, men istället för att guden åt spelarens själ hände det motsatta, och spelaren absorberade en bit av gudens själ. En ofrivillig pakt från båda sidor, men ingen vågar riktigt bryta den för att konsekvenserna är okända.

Eller är jag helt fel ute med hur saker och ting fungerar i Occult vessels?


23 Oct 2012
The Lover är amazing!

The Broken Vessel får mig att tänka på Moon Knight.

Man skulle kunna ha en där man ärvt att vara ett Vessel? Som The Darkness där när den som har det blir far till sin första son så dör de och sonen tar över. Men att det är en familjegrej så man har ett support nätverk i familjen, för alla har sett det här hända i tidigare generationer. Lite som att ha Kinfolk i Werewolf eller The Legacy i Mask.


Förlorad dotter
27 Dec 2001
Umeå, Västerbotten
En arketyp jag känner att jag saknar är den där spelaren var tänkt som ett offer, men istället för att guden åt spelarens själ hände det motsatta, och spelaren absorberade en bit av gudens själ. En ofrivillig pakt från båda sidor, men ingen vågar riktigt bryta den för att konsekvenserna är okända.

Eller är jag helt fel ute med hur saker och ting fungerar i Occult vessels?
The Mistake
You were ment for something else. Perhaps you were a ment as a sacrifice in a ritual, perhaps someone else was ment to be the chosen one. But something happned and you were liked to entity not by choice but by chance.

Det hade varit ett coolt concept men tror det är lite för snävt för att ha som en grund playbook


Förlorad dotter
27 Dec 2001
Umeå, Västerbotten
The Lover är amazing!

The Broken Vessel får mig att tänka på Moon Knight.

Man skulle kunna ha en där man ärvt att vara ett Vessel? Som The Darkness där när den som har det blir far till sin första son så dör de och sonen tar över. Men att det är en familjegrej så man har ett support nätverk i familjen, för alla har sett det här hända i tidigare generationer. Lite som att ha Kinfolk i Werewolf eller The Legacy i Mask.

Ja! Ja minns att jag hade den här konceptet någon gång men glömde bort det när jag skrev listan

The Bloodline
Being a Vessel runs in your veins. For generations you been claimed by an entity and it has twisted your family. Now it your turn.


23 Oct 2012
The Hosts grundfråga är enormt stark, jag förstår att det är första boken på listan. För där blir jag direkt ”Jag vill se hur det ser ut i spel!”.


Förlorad dotter
27 Dec 2001
Umeå, Västerbotten
The Hosts grundfråga är enormt stark, jag förstår att det är första boken på listan. För där blir jag direkt ”Jag vill se hur det ser ut i spel!”.
Det är en av de Playbooks jag hunnit ge lite mer kött på benen.

The Host
An entity has made a home within your body. Sometimes it dwells within the bounds of your soul and flesh. Sometimes it uses you to walk this world and enjoy mortal things. Sometimes you are its eyes and ears only. Sometimes you are all alone in your flesh. But to whom does your body truly belong?

Are you:
  • The only host of a lesser Entity? (Spirit, ghost, lesser demon, lesser angel, being of myth)?
  • One of many hosts for a greater Entity? (God, force of nature, archangel, archdemon, primordial being)?

When the deity enters your flesh roll Body
  • On a 10+ your cores allow you to resist. You control your body but follow the deities instructions, but you may refuse anything that goes against your cores
  • On a 7-9 your cores allow you to resist if you suffer. You control the body but follow the deities directions, but you may take harm rather than do anything that goes against your cores.
  • On a 6- you are not in control and can only helplessly watch. The storyteller decides if the deity or you control the body.
Any roll taken by your body during possession is automatically at +3. If your body takes any action that normally would be a breaking point when you are possessed it only counts as a challenge to your core. You can only be possessed once between recovery scenes.
Patch me up
If your entirety isn’t displeased with you you can ask it to take care of your body and help you recover from injury. Roll Connection
  • 10+ Of course remove all injuries from one injury track.
  • 7-9 It will heal you but only at a price.
  • 6- You deserve to suffer

Double take
When taking stock of the situation the storyteller will answer one additional question (their choice) about what your deity notices that you do not.

If you roll a double (1+1, 2+2 and so on) on the roll, the entirety notices something it wants. And they want it now.


Mest spelbar
19 Oct 2001
Jag gissar att ett medium kan falla inom en rad olika kategorier, allt ifrån Pact Maker (om man gör individuella deals med andar på plats) till Host, Worshipper eller Hunting Dog?


23 Oct 2012
Det är en av de Playbooks jag hunnit ge lite mer kött på benen.

The Host
An entity has made a home within your body. Sometimes it dwells within the bounds of your soul and flesh. Sometimes it uses you to walk this world and enjoy mortal things. Sometimes you are its eyes and ears only. Sometimes you are all alone in your flesh. But to whom does your body truly belong?

Are you:
  • The only host of a lesser Entity? (Spirit, ghost, lesser demon, lesser angel, being of myth)?
  • One of many hosts for a greater Entity? (God, force of nature, archangel, archdemon, primordial being)?

When the deity enters your flesh roll Body
  • On a 10+ your cores allow you to resist. You control your body but follow the deities instructions, but you may refuse anything that goes against your cores
  • On a 7-9 your cores allow you to resist if you suffer. You control the body but follow the deities directions, but you may take harm rather than do anything that goes against your cores.
  • On a 6- you are not in control and can only helplessly watch. The storyteller decides if the deity or you control the body.
Any roll taken by your body during possession is automatically at +3. If your body takes any action that normally would be a breaking point when you are possessed it only counts as a challenge to your core. You can only be possessed once between recovery scenes.
Patch me up
If your entirety isn’t displeased with you you can ask it to take care of your body and help you recover from injury. Roll Connection
  • 10+ Of course remove all injuries from one injury track.
  • 7-9 It will heal you but only at a price.
  • 6- You deserve to suffer

Double take
When taking stock of the situation the storyteller will answer one additional question (their choice) about what your deity notices that you do not.

If you roll a double (1+1, 2+2 and so on) on the roll, the entirety notices something it wants. And they want it now.
Det här är super coolt! Det känns som att det borde finnas något där man kan vara i synk med sitt entity? Typ, man är överens om vad man vill göra så man är plötsligt väldigt effektiv.


Förlorad dotter
27 Dec 2001
Umeå, Västerbotten
Det här är super coolt! Det känns som att det borde finnas något där man kan vara i synk med sitt entity? Typ, man är överens om vad man vill göra så man är plötsligt väldigt effektiv.
Det är inbyggt i possesion. Du rullar allt med +3. Movet angör bara hur mycket kontroll du har att undvika att göra vissa saker,