Varulv [MU6] - R2


13 Dec 2016
Ok alla som röstar på Brynolf: Ni är skyldiga byn att svara på följande tre:

1. Varför väntade jag inte till sista sekunden att snajpa Basse? Varför bjuda in Sidd att vända tillbaka drevet?

2. På vilket sätt är det vettigt att hänga mig före Stradh?
*Död Grön Brynolf = Säger nada om Strad
*Död Röd Brynolf = Röd Strad?
*Död Röd Strad = Röd Brynolf? (fel förstås, men jag kan se logiken här)
*Död Grön Strad = Grön Brynolf! (Om man inte tror på tomten förstås)
Det RIMLIGA by-beteendet vore såklart att hänga Strad först, för risken att ni får ut noll av att hänga mig är betydligt högre än att hänga Strad.

3. Standard wrnu-ulvteori är att ulvar inte startar eller avgör drev mot bybor. Vad skulle jag få av att sticka ut hakan så pass? Du måste förklara en bra ulvrationalitet bakom det movet. Som inte baseras på 5D-schack. Sysps teoribygge bygger på alldeles för många kuggar som måste gå ihop för att det ska vara trovärdigt. Vart tog Ockham vägen?
1. Ja det är ju det som bybor sitter å vrider å vänder på. 10 min innan deadline är ingen bra tidpunkt att göra seriösa moves. Ingen ulv skulle ge sig på att styra upp nåt. Det förstod du. Det ända som skulle kunna ske var att en bybo skulle stress reagera och så skulle du sen kunna stå och peka ”Honungskaka”-finger.
2. Om mitt svar på 1 gäller så måste vi alltså klura ut nån form av ulvtaktik. Det har jag alltså redovisat.
3. Caset bygger på att du är en slipad smart lirare som historiskt gillar Honungsfällor (nån stackars idiot gick på det i Dune har jag för mig…kommer inte ihåg vem). Ingen nappade denna gång.


Dum fan
11 Oct 2003
10 min innan deadline är ingen bra tidpunkt att göra seriösa moves. Ingen ulv skulle ge sig på att styra upp nåt. Det förstod du.
Här, Sidd, låter det som att du vet att jag inte är ulv. Varför skulle jag som ulv ens ta i beaktande att ulvar skulle styra upp en reaktion till min "fälla"?

Stor rödpoäng till herr Sidd.


15 Jan 2012
Okej, ska inte ta för hårt på detta, och jag har ju en liten febläss för sånt här, men spännande ändå.

Chat GPT 4:s dom över runda 1 (jag bad om en top 3 då den inte orkade så mycket mer utan att bli för urvattnad):

Based on the current gameplay analysis and interactions, here are the top three "varulv" candidates:

1. Brynolf
  • Suspicious Behavior: Brynolf has been accused multiple times of avoiding direct confrontation and providing non-substantial answers. He has been called out by multiple players, including Sidd, for contributing little at key moments and staying on the sidelines
  • Voting Pattern: His votes, such as the one for Vimes, seem lighthearted and lacking in strong rationale, which could be a sign of trying to blend in while not drawing too much attention
    . His playful reasoning for votes and avoidance of in-depth discussion suggest he might be a "varulv" attempting to fly under the radar.
  • Reactions to Night Murders: His responses to the murders often seem detached and calculated. He speculated about the existence of a protector in a vague manner, which could be a tactic to divert attention
2. Sidd
  • Role in Discussions: Sidd is quite active in pointing fingers and stirring suspicion, which could be a clever strategy to deflect attention from himself. His comments about the game's mechanics and insistence on pressuring specific players might be an overcompensation to appear too invested in rooting out the "varulv"
  • Contradictory Behavior: At times, he shifts his vote in quick succession, which could be an attempt to destabilize the village and create confusion. His fluctuating accusations, such as flipping his vote from Brynolf to other players before returning to Brynolf, suggest a manipulative strategy
3. Hägerstrand
  • Tone and Mood: Hägerstrand expresses frustration and disengagement at moments, notably after certain rounds that didn’t go as expected
    . While this could be genuine frustration, it might also be a tactic to appear as a less threatening player while still being deeply involved in the game.
  • Defensive Responses: When players like Brynolf are criticized, Hägerstrand often comes across as defensive or trying to shift the focus back to other players, which might suggest he's protecting a fellow "varulv"
These three users have displayed behaviors that align with typical "varulv" strategies: deflection, non-committal voting, and occasional manipulation of discussion dynamics to cause confusion among villagers.

....och så samma för R2 so far!

1. Brynolf:
  • Tone and Voting Patterns: His late vote switch in Round 1 (leading to Basenanji’s elimination) appears strategic and calculated. His explanations come across as vague and dismissive, which suggests he may be trying to downplay his involvement while still controlling key votes.
  • Defensiveness: Brynolf becomes more defensive when questioned, offering justifications that don’t fully satisfy the other players. His behavior aligns with a "varulv" trying to avoid further scrutiny.
2. StradhLestat:
  • Saved from Elimination: The fact that Brynolf’s vote shifted away from Stradh and contributed to saving him in Round 1 casts suspicion on Stradh. Other players begin to connect this to potential coordination between "varulvar."
  • Unclear Motivations: Stradh's relatively low engagement combined with the high stakes of the vote creates an impression that he might be deliberately staying under the radar, letting others handle the discussion while benefiting from protection.
3. Impetigo:
  • Activity at Key Moments: Impetigo’s behavior in Round 2 involves active participation at critical points, such as voting, but without strong justification. While being active, their posts often lack substance, potentially a tactic to blend in as a villager while subtly influencing the flow of the game.
  • Deflection Tactics: There’s a noticeable pattern of deflecting focus onto other players, which can be interpreted as a strategic move to avoid becoming a target while subtly guiding the narrative.
General Observations:
  • Voting Strategy: The overall voting strategy seen in Round 2, especially the focus on protecting Stradh and eliminating Basenanji, suggests coordinated effort among certain players to manipulate the outcome. The behavior of these three players is aligned with subtle manipulation tactics used by "varulvar" to influence the game without drawing overt attention.
The combination of these factors puts Brynolf, StradhLestat, and Impetigo at the top of the suspect list for Round 2. Their gameplay suggests a coordinated effort to protect each other while eliminating threats like Anthrox and Basenanji, both of whom had strong involvement in earlier discussions

Den gillar inte dig Brynolf xD


4 Feb 2018
Okej, ska inte ta för hårt på detta, och jag har ju en liten febläss för sånt här, men spännande ändå.

Chat GPT 4:s dom över runda 1 (jag bad om en top 3 då den inte orkade så mycket mer utan att bli för urvattnad):

Based on the current gameplay analysis and interactions, here are the top three "varulv" candidates:

1. Brynolf
  • Suspicious Behavior: Brynolf has been accused multiple times of avoiding direct confrontation and providing non-substantial answers. He has been called out by multiple players, including Sidd, for contributing little at key moments and staying on the sidelines
  • Voting Pattern: His votes, such as the one for Vimes, seem lighthearted and lacking in strong rationale, which could be a sign of trying to blend in while not drawing too much attention
    . His playful reasoning for votes and avoidance of in-depth discussion suggest he might be a "varulv" attempting to fly under the radar.
  • Reactions to Night Murders: His responses to the murders often seem detached and calculated. He speculated about the existence of a protector in a vague manner, which could be a tactic to divert attention
2. Sidd
  • Role in Discussions: Sidd is quite active in pointing fingers and stirring suspicion, which could be a clever strategy to deflect attention from himself. His comments about the game's mechanics and insistence on pressuring specific players might be an overcompensation to appear too invested in rooting out the "varulv"
  • Contradictory Behavior: At times, he shifts his vote in quick succession, which could be an attempt to destabilize the village and create confusion. His fluctuating accusations, such as flipping his vote from Brynolf to other players before returning to Brynolf, suggest a manipulative strategy
3. Hägerstrand
  • Tone and Mood: Hägerstrand expresses frustration and disengagement at moments, notably after certain rounds that didn’t go as expected
    . While this could be genuine frustration, it might also be a tactic to appear as a less threatening player while still being deeply involved in the game.
  • Defensive Responses: When players like Brynolf are criticized, Hägerstrand often comes across as defensive or trying to shift the focus back to other players, which might suggest he's protecting a fellow "varulv"
These three users have displayed behaviors that align with typical "varulv" strategies: deflection, non-committal voting, and occasional manipulation of discussion dynamics to cause confusion among villagers.

....och så samma för R2 so far!

1. Brynolf:
  • Tone and Voting Patterns: His late vote switch in Round 1 (leading to Basenanji’s elimination) appears strategic and calculated. His explanations come across as vague and dismissive, which suggests he may be trying to downplay his involvement while still controlling key votes.
  • Defensiveness: Brynolf becomes more defensive when questioned, offering justifications that don’t fully satisfy the other players. His behavior aligns with a "varulv" trying to avoid further scrutiny.
2. StradhLestat:
  • Saved from Elimination: The fact that Brynolf’s vote shifted away from Stradh and contributed to saving him in Round 1 casts suspicion on Stradh. Other players begin to connect this to potential coordination between "varulvar."
  • Unclear Motivations: Stradh's relatively low engagement combined with the high stakes of the vote creates an impression that he might be deliberately staying under the radar, letting others handle the discussion while benefiting from protection.
3. Impetigo:
  • Activity at Key Moments: Impetigo’s behavior in Round 2 involves active participation at critical points, such as voting, but without strong justification. While being active, their posts often lack substance, potentially a tactic to blend in as a villager while subtly influencing the flow of the game.
  • Deflection Tactics: There’s a noticeable pattern of deflecting focus onto other players, which can be interpreted as a strategic move to avoid becoming a target while subtly guiding the narrative.
General Observations:
  • Voting Strategy: The overall voting strategy seen in Round 2, especially the focus on protecting Stradh and eliminating Basenanji, suggests coordinated effort among certain players to manipulate the outcome. The behavior of these three players is aligned with subtle manipulation tactics used by "varulvar" to influence the game without drawing overt attention.
The combination of these factors puts Brynolf, StradhLestat, and Impetigo at the top of the suspect list for Round 2. Their gameplay suggests a coordinated effort to protect each other while eliminating threats like Anthrox and Basenanji, both of whom had strong involvement in earlier discussions

Den gillar inte dig Brynolf xD
Vad var input?


8 Sep 2020
Okej, ska inte ta för hårt på detta, och jag har ju en liten febläss för sånt här, men spännande ändå.

Chat GPT 4:s dom över runda 1 (jag bad om en top 3 då den inte orkade så mycket mer utan att bli för urvattnad):

Based on the current gameplay analysis and interactions, here are the top three "varulv" candidates:

1. Brynolf
  • Suspicious Behavior: Brynolf has been accused multiple times of avoiding direct confrontation and providing non-substantial answers. He has been called out by multiple players, including Sidd, for contributing little at key moments and staying on the sidelines
  • Voting Pattern: His votes, such as the one for Vimes, seem lighthearted and lacking in strong rationale, which could be a sign of trying to blend in while not drawing too much attention
    . His playful reasoning for votes and avoidance of in-depth discussion suggest he might be a "varulv" attempting to fly under the radar.
  • Reactions to Night Murders: His responses to the murders often seem detached and calculated. He speculated about the existence of a protector in a vague manner, which could be a tactic to divert attention
2. Sidd
  • Role in Discussions: Sidd is quite active in pointing fingers and stirring suspicion, which could be a clever strategy to deflect attention from himself. His comments about the game's mechanics and insistence on pressuring specific players might be an overcompensation to appear too invested in rooting out the "varulv"
  • Contradictory Behavior: At times, he shifts his vote in quick succession, which could be an attempt to destabilize the village and create confusion. His fluctuating accusations, such as flipping his vote from Brynolf to other players before returning to Brynolf, suggest a manipulative strategy
3. Hägerstrand
  • Tone and Mood: Hägerstrand expresses frustration and disengagement at moments, notably after certain rounds that didn’t go as expected
    . While this could be genuine frustration, it might also be a tactic to appear as a less threatening player while still being deeply involved in the game.
  • Defensive Responses: When players like Brynolf are criticized, Hägerstrand often comes across as defensive or trying to shift the focus back to other players, which might suggest he's protecting a fellow "varulv"
These three users have displayed behaviors that align with typical "varulv" strategies: deflection, non-committal voting, and occasional manipulation of discussion dynamics to cause confusion among villagers.

....och så samma för R2 so far!

1. Brynolf:
  • Tone and Voting Patterns: His late vote switch in Round 1 (leading to Basenanji’s elimination) appears strategic and calculated. His explanations come across as vague and dismissive, which suggests he may be trying to downplay his involvement while still controlling key votes.
  • Defensiveness: Brynolf becomes more defensive when questioned, offering justifications that don’t fully satisfy the other players. His behavior aligns with a "varulv" trying to avoid further scrutiny.
2. StradhLestat:
  • Saved from Elimination: The fact that Brynolf’s vote shifted away from Stradh and contributed to saving him in Round 1 casts suspicion on Stradh. Other players begin to connect this to potential coordination between "varulvar."
  • Unclear Motivations: Stradh's relatively low engagement combined with the high stakes of the vote creates an impression that he might be deliberately staying under the radar, letting others handle the discussion while benefiting from protection.
3. Impetigo:
  • Activity at Key Moments: Impetigo’s behavior in Round 2 involves active participation at critical points, such as voting, but without strong justification. While being active, their posts often lack substance, potentially a tactic to blend in as a villager while subtly influencing the flow of the game.
  • Deflection Tactics: There’s a noticeable pattern of deflecting focus onto other players, which can be interpreted as a strategic move to avoid becoming a target while subtly guiding the narrative.
General Observations:
  • Voting Strategy: The overall voting strategy seen in Round 2, especially the focus on protecting Stradh and eliminating Basenanji, suggests coordinated effort among certain players to manipulate the outcome. The behavior of these three players is aligned with subtle manipulation tactics used by "varulvar" to influence the game without drawing overt attention.
The combination of these factors puts Brynolf, StradhLestat, and Impetigo at the top of the suspect list for Round 2. Their gameplay suggests a coordinated effort to protect each other while eliminating threats like Anthrox and Basenanji, both of whom had strong involvement in earlier discussions

Den gillar inte dig Brynolf xD
Jag ahr hela denna runda kännt mig extremt oskyddad.,,,snarare som en slagpåse...
Ska vi be chat gpt rita l.ote händer så kan vi räkna fingrar också ;)


4 Feb 2018
Varför svarar ChatGPT på engelska när alla svar i trådarna är på svenska? Bad du den översätta?


4 Feb 2018
Okej, ska inte ta för hårt på detta, och jag har ju en liten febläss för sånt här, men spännande ändå.

Chat GPT 4:s dom över runda 1 (jag bad om en top 3 då den inte orkade så mycket mer utan att bli för urvattnad):

Based on the current gameplay analysis and interactions, here are the top three "varulv" candidates:

1. Brynolf
  • Suspicious Behavior: Brynolf has been accused multiple times of avoiding direct confrontation and providing non-substantial answers. He has been called out by multiple players, including Sidd, for contributing little at key moments and staying on the sidelines
  • Voting Pattern: His votes, such as the one for Vimes, seem lighthearted and lacking in strong rationale, which could be a sign of trying to blend in while not drawing too much attention
    . His playful reasoning for votes and avoidance of in-depth discussion suggest he might be a "varulv" attempting to fly under the radar.
  • Reactions to Night Murders: His responses to the murders often seem detached and calculated. He speculated about the existence of a protector in a vague manner, which could be a tactic to divert attention
2. Sidd
  • Role in Discussions: Sidd is quite active in pointing fingers and stirring suspicion, which could be a clever strategy to deflect attention from himself. His comments about the game's mechanics and insistence on pressuring specific players might be an overcompensation to appear too invested in rooting out the "varulv"
  • Contradictory Behavior: At times, he shifts his vote in quick succession, which could be an attempt to destabilize the village and create confusion. His fluctuating accusations, such as flipping his vote from Brynolf to other players before returning to Brynolf, suggest a manipulative strategy
3. Hägerstrand
  • Tone and Mood: Hägerstrand expresses frustration and disengagement at moments, notably after certain rounds that didn’t go as expected
    . While this could be genuine frustration, it might also be a tactic to appear as a less threatening player while still being deeply involved in the game.
  • Defensive Responses: When players like Brynolf are criticized, Hägerstrand often comes across as defensive or trying to shift the focus back to other players, which might suggest he's protecting a fellow "varulv"
These three users have displayed behaviors that align with typical "varulv" strategies: deflection, non-committal voting, and occasional manipulation of discussion dynamics to cause confusion among villagers.

....och så samma för R2 so far!

1. Brynolf:
  • Tone and Voting Patterns: His late vote switch in Round 1 (leading to Basenanji’s elimination) appears strategic and calculated. His explanations come across as vague and dismissive, which suggests he may be trying to downplay his involvement while still controlling key votes.
  • Defensiveness: Brynolf becomes more defensive when questioned, offering justifications that don’t fully satisfy the other players. His behavior aligns with a "varulv" trying to avoid further scrutiny.
2. StradhLestat:
  • Saved from Elimination: The fact that Brynolf’s vote shifted away from Stradh and contributed to saving him in Round 1 casts suspicion on Stradh. Other players begin to connect this to potential coordination between "varulvar."
  • Unclear Motivations: Stradh's relatively low engagement combined with the high stakes of the vote creates an impression that he might be deliberately staying under the radar, letting others handle the discussion while benefiting from protection.
3. Impetigo:
  • Activity at Key Moments: Impetigo’s behavior in Round 2 involves active participation at critical points, such as voting, but without strong justification. While being active, their posts often lack substance, potentially a tactic to blend in as a villager while subtly influencing the flow of the game.
  • Deflection Tactics: There’s a noticeable pattern of deflecting focus onto other players, which can be interpreted as a strategic move to avoid becoming a target while subtly guiding the narrative.
General Observations:
  • Voting Strategy: The overall voting strategy seen in Round 2, especially the focus on protecting Stradh and eliminating Basenanji, suggests coordinated effort among certain players to manipulate the outcome. The behavior of these three players is aligned with subtle manipulation tactics used by "varulvar" to influence the game without drawing overt attention.
The combination of these factors puts Brynolf, StradhLestat, and Impetigo at the top of the suspect list for Round 2. Their gameplay suggests a coordinated effort to protect each other while eliminating threats like Anthrox and Basenanji, both of whom had strong involvement in earlier discussions

Den gillar inte dig Brynolf xD
Denna post känns fake


13 Dec 2016
Fråga 4 - Vad gör byn om jag hängs ikväll och ni får se att jag var en vanlig lirare? För det är nämligen vad som kommer hända i den här takten.
Kanske att bybor är försiktigare med Honungsfällor som kaosar andra bybor i fortsättningen 😇👍🙏


4 Feb 2018
Har dock aldrig använt ChatGPT för några ulvspel (av uppenbara skäl). Den kanske alltid länkar till gamla partier???


19 Sep 2013
Denna post känns fake
fast skulle han alltså lagt tid på att fejka detta och skriva ihop en saga, känns helt galet dedikerat!
men vad skulle effekten vara, att ytterligare brunsmeta en spelare som redan är på väg till galgen?