Looking for a language partner

Ivan NWG

8 Aug 2023
So as Ive mentioned in a couple places, I am looking to improve my Svenska particularly writing and speaking which is far behind my ability to listen and read. I am checking if anyone might be interested in:

A: Exchanging emails, basically like being pen pals where we can have a simple conversation in swedish.

B: Chatting over some sort of voice or video chat.

Looking for someone who is VERY patient and don't mind explaining when I screw things up or repeating when my dumb ass Danish brain doesn't pick up on something :) It wouldn't have to be the same person for both email and voice chat.

If you are also looking for chances to practice your English, I would be happy to help you in return. I pass for a native English speaker and speak typical, conversational American English.

The conversation could be about basically anything, I am interested in military history, tabletop gaming (of course), football, fantasy, old literature and a bunch of other stuff.

Sömniga Isaac

9 Feb 2008
Skulle inte ha något emot brevväxling genom mail. Tålamod har jag efter att undervisat både sva och sv. Så är van vid kloka och nyfikna frågor om språket. Dock långt ifrån expert på området 🙂


5 Nov 2021
So as Ive mentioned in a couple places, I am looking to improve my Svenska particularly writing and speaking which is far behind my ability to listen and read. I am checking if anyone might be interested in:

A: Exchanging emails, basically like being pen pals where we can have a simple conversation in swedish.

B: Chatting over some sort of voice or video chat.

Looking for someone who is VERY patient and don't mind explaining when I screw things up or repeating when my dumb ass Danish brain doesn't pick up on something :) It wouldn't have to be the same person for both email and voice chat.

If you are also looking for chances to practice your English, I would be happy to help you in return. I pass for a native English speaker and speak typical, conversational American English.

The conversation could be about basically anything, I am interested in military history, tabletop gaming (of course), football, fantasy, old literature and a bunch of other stuff.
Sömniga Isaac låter som en utmärkt kandidat! Om det skulle visa sig finnas några hinder ställer jag gärna upp. Är också svensklärare, och har studerat en del danska.