Piratmedia som inte är baserade på europeiska 1600- till 1700-tals pirater


I'd rather be different than indifferent.
17 May 2000
Port Kad, The Rim
Pulp-drottningen Leigh Brackett skrev 1953 en marsiansk piratroman (makes sense in context): Sea-kings of Mars, utgiven på svenska under titeln Rhiannons svärd. Stilen bör nog kallas John Carter Noir. Swashbuckling, gravplundrare och sjörövare på ett forntida Mars.

Round-hulled trading ships lay against the quays and the shouts of stevedores and sweating slaves rose up to him on the evening air. Shallops came and went amid the ships and out beyond the breakwater he saw the fishing fleet of Jekkara coming home with sails of cinnabar dark against the west. By the palace quays […] a long lean dark war-gallery with a brazen ram crouched like a sullen black panther. Beyond it were other galleys. And above them, tall and proud, the white towers of the palace rose.
Jag ger berättelsen betyget :kaffe::kaffe::kaffe::kaffe::kaffe: kaffekoppar.

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