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  1. Ackerfors

    Svensk rollspelshistoria efter Äventyrsspel - vad hände?

    Utan att jämföra framgångar är väl Supergänget det Kaleidoskopspel med indiegrund som haft störst spridning och dessutom översattes av andra till franska. (Annars hade vi en kort men intensiv period mellan 2008-2010 då vi släppte Supergänget, Terone, Nostalgi, Haragada, Magneter & Mirakel och 7...
  2. Ackerfors

    [#dungeon23] Did you know that there's a tunnel under Hagberry Road?

    Jag gav ju upp i förtid med detta, men i gengäld har jag nu satt ihop de (eventuellt) mest användbara delarna till The Ruins under Hagberry Road. Ladda ner gratis via Itch (och framöver DrivethruRPG). Cheers!
  3. Ackerfors

    Drakar och Demoner i Östergötland

    Hej! Jag söker en spelgrupp i Östergötland för ett reportage i en större morgontidning inför släppet av nya versionen av Drakar och Demoner. Spelar ni nya Drakar och Demoner nu eller snart med start när spelet levereras fysiskt? 🙂 En stor bonus är om ni har någon koppling till ett äldre DoD...
  4. Ackerfors

    Någon typ av presentation av DD EEE

    Oh well, ivrigt påhejad av @Anthrox fortsätter jag visst pula med det här. Några punkter: Jag har hittat en palett jag gillar (rosa, lila, orange, petroleum). Det är otroligt befriande att inte överhuvudtaget fundera på bilder. Vissa saker var ändå enklare att peta färdigt än andra. Många av...
  5. Ackerfors

    Fantastiska klass/enhetsnamn som någon borde skapa och som du hade spelat

    Pontifex Dr ÖL Dessförinna Håvmarskalk Mittnia Järnsexa Batterist Vankelmodist
  6. Ackerfors

    Någon typ av presentation av DD EEE

    Okej, min totala brist på självdisciplin visar sitt tryne igen, så nu har jag börjat göra en layout till det. En pdf med 1,5 h arbete som ser ut som skrutt:
  7. Ackerfors

    Någon typ av presentation av DD EEE

    Och en PDF för den som föredrar det: DDEEE2023-07-01.pdf
  8. Ackerfors

    Någon typ av presentation av DD EEE

    Them Poor Survivors Piyenas In the distance you hear a vaguely human laugh, soon joined by others. It’s way too loud and crescendo into a roar. Suddenly: silence, save from an echo slowly fading. Soon you’ll be surrounded by a sounder of large boar with stiff brittles along their spine, giant...
  9. Ackerfors

    Någon typ av presentation av DD EEE

    Travelling Moving through the landscape is a large part of Destination Dymaxion and here, you’ll learn how to generate the world around the explorers as they move about and, well, explore. Each zone has one kind of landscape, although in border areas one kind transform into another. As for...
  10. Ackerfors

    Någon typ av presentation av DD EEE

    The Architect’s Guide to Dymaxion Hi there, the Architect. From here on, this is your part of the book. Here, you’ll see what you are to do, and what tools you have to your disposal. You’ll also find prepared places for the explorers to visit, and secrets for them to uncover. The Architect Some...
  11. Ackerfors

    Någon typ av presentation av DD EEE

    Travels and world exploration [chronofile bonus] The map The Dymaxion map is your tool to the travels. It consists of twenty triangles (called continents), with twenty-one smaller triangles inside (called zones). The continents are not quite as the ones in our world, rather it’s a larger unit...
  12. Ackerfors

    Någon typ av presentation av DD EEE

    Rules The superbasics To be fair, even in themselves, the rules are quite basic. You roll a D20, add relevant quality, add relevant skill, add other things that might help or topple your explorer’s ambition, and hope for a result equal to or over the attempt difficulty. High is always good...
  13. Ackerfors

    Någon typ av presentation av DD EEE

    The expedition The expedition is what we call the campaign in Destination Dymaxion, as well as the group of explorers. Here you’ll learn how to draw the outlines of your group, keep track of their in-game development [etc etc]. The Dome There’s no place like the dome. Completely safe, nothing...
  14. Ackerfors

    Någon typ av presentation av DD EEE

    Rivals Rivals, huh? They are the worst. But it wouldn’t be the same without them. In Destination Dymaxion the rivalries are a fundamental part of the excitement. As you set out from the dome, some gang followed you, probably people you’ve known, bickered with, and possibly loved in some way or...
  15. Ackerfors

    Någon typ av presentation av DD EEE

    Name and pronoun You have a name, of that you are sure. This is, however, not necessary information for the rulership of the dome. Make one up or randomise with the table X.X on page ##. It is handy for your co-explorers to know what to call you. Along with that, decide what pronouns you prefer...
  16. Ackerfors

    Någon typ av presentation av DD EEE

    You are The Pest Control (Fixer) Opportunities to practice were scarce in the dome, but that did not stop you. As the rats came (they asked you “where from?”) you made it your priority to eradicate them. Choose 2 qualities that helped you in the dome (+2), and 2 qualities that put you in...
  17. Ackerfors

    Någon typ av presentation av DD EEE

    Explorers and WAYHs Each player (beside the Architect) has one character. The characters are explorers, and they are your avatars in Dymaxion. It’s with their eyes, ears, and skin you experience this world. The explorers were quite bored with their existence, but as the world is suddenly...
  18. Ackerfors

    Någon typ av presentation av DD EEE

    The Explorer’s Guide to Dymaxion The world of Dymaxion Dymaxion is the name of the world, yes, but it is also a let’s-call-it philosophy of the visionary thinker R. Buckminster Fuller. He himself does not occupy this world (or does he?) but his spirit is hovering about here and there. This...
  19. Ackerfors

    Någon typ av presentation av DD EEE

    What is this about Destination Dymaxion is a role-playing game for those of you who wish to explore an open world, travelling high speed with wind in your hair, in search for exciting places, lost things, and other survivors. Especially before your rivals get to them. It’s a bonus if you like...