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    Eon Personal opinion on Eon IV after On-shot session

    First of all, thank you all for helping me during these last weeks figuring out certain things of the game. Particularly thanks to @Thalaski for recommending to me the scenario "Vito Chaseres sista färd". It is a great scenario for one-shots. Also particular thanks to @Zeedox for some handy...
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    Eon Rules question: Combat example

    Hi all, On page 178 of the core book, in Runda1, under Närstridsfasen, it reads "Då Amira redan har agerat får hon inte slå något slag (och anses ha slagit 0)." Which if I have translated properly it means that since Amira has already acted she cannot roll to defend herself. I don't recall...
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    Eon Eon IV ifyllbart rollformulär

    Hi! I checked in the Helmgast web page and I could not find a fillable character sheet for Eon IV. Does anyone have made one (and does not mind sharing it)? Cheers
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    Eon Grundrustning house rules

    Hi, Its me again, the annoying English speaking guy (actually I am Spanish). My game is appointed for Sunday 25th of February. We are all very excited. I wanted to hear some opinions from all the Eon veterans (or non veterans as well) about Grundrustning. Normally, systems that use damage...
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    Eon Damage in Eon (I,II&III) vs Eon IV

    Hi, Since I don't know a word in Swedish, translating and reading a book of Eon is a considerable effort. I have done so with Eon IV core and Eon Strid books. I have also translated Eon I, but I have not read it yet. I want to know if the damage system has changed considerably or not. A quick...
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    Eon One shot

    Hi gang! I have finished my translation to english of the Eon IV corebook. I am planing to introduce the system to my players with an one shot session. Could you recommend to me a good one shot for Eon IV? Be it a Eon IV specific scenario or for another system, thx
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    Eon Why this game has not been translated to English?

    Hi! As I read the game, I am amazed how much quality it has. I find it amazing. There are several Swedish games that have been translated to English to reach a wider aufience with great success. Why not Eon?
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    Eon Small help with translation

    Hi all, I apology in advance as I know no Swedish. Due to my personal taste on rpg systems, I was suggested recently to check out the Eon rpg. I grab the pdf for the EON IV core book, and with the help of a software I started translating it. What I have read so far leaves me wondering how is it...