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  1. Y

    Eon Mysterium och besvärjelser

    Thx. That were exactly my thoughts
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    Eon Mysterium och besvärjelser

    Hi! Just another brief rules question. In Eon IV, spells come in "bundles" of 3 in what is called a Mystery. The game has rules on how to learn a mystery, from page 71 in the Magi sourcebook: "Normalt lär man sig mysterier och besvärjelser genom att införskaffa en kodex eller bli undervisad...
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    Eon Rules question: Kosmotropi spells

    My interpretation is that you can still defend, but you cannot use Discipline, you have to use the other options, Disrupt or Dodge.
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    Eon Rules question: Kosmotropi spells

    A follow up question if you don't mind. The roots Mörk nebulosa från Alrechalir (page 48), and Mörk nebulosa från Razalgenar (page 49) have a similar text regarding the way they attack and you defend against it that I quite don't understand. Mörk nebulosa från Alrechalir Svårigheten att...
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    Eon Rules help: Kosmotropi

    by chance! Thanks!
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    Eon Rules help: Kosmotropi

    The Kosmotropic spell Anomia granda reads: Besvärjelsen påverkar de normer och ideal som är grunden för målets identitet och välmående, och sätter dessa i ett stadie av upplösning. Målet har svårt att identifiera sig eller känna sig delaktig i samhällets normer och förlorar 1 Välmående varje...
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    Eon Rules question: Kosmotropi spells

    Thank you very much!
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    Eon Rules question: Kosmotropi spells

    Hi! The kosmotropi spells Mörk nebulosa från Alrechalir (page 48), Mörk nebulosa från Kalangazeb (page 49) and Mörk nebulosa från Razalgenar (page 49) summon a nebulosa that affects /attacks creatures within the area of effect during the mystikfase. What happens the round that the spell is...
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    Eon Help me creating an armor spell

    Hi all! I want to create a spell that grants armor. I know it is not really necessary because mages in eon can wear armour without penalty, but I guess I am a nostalgic and I am missing those mage armor, bark skin, stone skin spells and the like. So, I was thinking on something along the...
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    Eon I think my translated pdfs are ready for printing

    No worries mate!
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    Eon I think my translated pdfs are ready for printing

    Never heard of that, but ok. I’ll make sure the printer deletes all files after printing.
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    Eon I think my translated pdfs are ready for printing

    Thanks for the tip. I am sure the books are full of this sort of mistakes and more.
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    Eon I think my translated pdfs are ready for printing

    Well, everything belongs to helmgast, I have “only” translated the text and formated the pdf so that it looks like the original. I guess, since I own the original pdfs there is no problem that I print the translated versions. Whether I can share this with others, I don’t know. May be if this...
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    Eon I think my translated pdfs are ready for printing

    I am very excited, it is a tough work, but I have finished translating the core book, the mages book, Strid and Pyrotropy and I think they look good for pritning! I drop you here some examples.
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    Eon Strid: Rusning (Stridskonsttekniker)

    Is it me or the Rusning Stridskonsttekniker is does not appear in any of the Strid's book martial arts?
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    Eon Eon IV pdf missing the cover page

    Exactly, those two and others, like Troll & vättar, which does not have the back cover neither. It is annoying, I am sure there is a reason, but annoying nevertheless.
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    Eon Eon IV pdf missing the cover page

    Hi, I have realized that most of the Eon IV pdfs I own are missing the cover page. Is that normal? and if so, why?
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    Eon Thoughts on speeding up Eon IV combat

    Now we are talking! This is great, thanks for sharing. I will look into it with more time and see what I steal from it.
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    Eon Thoughts on speeding up Eon IV combat

    This is of course an option, challenges and conflicts are such a nice mechanic! Notice though that I like the level of detail of Eon IV combat. I do not really want to skip the combats rules. The detailed and quite realistic combat of Eon is one of the things that draw me to the game, and me...
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    Eon Thoughts on speeding up Eon IV combat

    These are all very good points. As an old GM, I already use most of them since a long time. I would have loved back in the day, that someone would have told me this before, specially when I was playing AD&D... :)