Nekromanti Bästa SW-repliken


7 Jun 2000
Uppsala, Sverige
Re: Bästa repliken NÅGONSIN

"I have come here to kick ass and chew bubble-gum, and I'm all out of bubble-gum."
- They Live

"Hellre kul i kaos
Än sur i kosmos" - Jenny Morelli


18 May 2000
"Hey Rippley, don't worry. Me and my squad of ultimate badasses will protect you.

Check it out! Independitly targeting particle beam Phalanx, WRAP! Fry half a city with this puppy. We got tactical smart missiles, phaseplasma pulse rifles, RPGs, we got sonic electronic wallbreakers. We got nukes, we got knives ..."

/Seinet - Har en massa citat från Alien-filmerna i wav-format.

<font size="3">Rädda smilisarna!</font>
<font size="1" color="#646464">Dom är roliga</font>

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17 May 2000
The Hood i Gävle (sätra)
Med en förkärlek för kejsaren så skriver jag en del av en mening från honom som vi brukar säga i oseriösa rollspelsträffar
"young fool"
Får inte glömma Vader heller
"I have you now"
han låter så jäkla överlägsen när han säger det :)


7 Feb 2000
Mölndal, Sverige
En kasse favvo-repliker...

"Mot Sherwoodskogen!"
- Broder Tuck (Robin Hood, den tecknade)

"Var inte orolig, sheriffen, hon är säker, gamla Bettan!"
- Trigger (Robin Hood, den tecknade)

"Händer små i det blå!"
- Trigger (Robin Hood, den tecknade)

"Har du säkrat gamla Bettan?"
"Jadåjadå, sheriffen."
"Det var det jag var rädd för. Du går först!"
- Sheriffen och Trigger (Robin Hood, den tecknade)

"If you have to shoot, shoot! Don't talk!"
- Tuco (The Good, The Bad and the Ugly)

"Dodge this!"
- Trinity (Matrix)

"Express elevator to hell! Going down!"
- Hudson (Aliens)

"They ain't payin' us enough for this shit."
"Not to wake up to see your face, Drake."
"What? Whazzat a joke?"
"Oh, I wish it were..."
- Drake och Ferro (Aliens)

"Look into my eye!"
- Apone (Aliens)

"Hey, Hicks, man, you look just like I feel."
- Drake (Aliens)

"Fåkk yå, ässhåul!"
- inga poäng för den gissningen (Terminator)

"Well, who wants to live forever, anyway?"
"I do, actually! But what the hell..."
- Ivanova och Marcus (Babylon 5)

"Ambassador, do you really want to know what's going on down there?"
"Boom! Boomboomboom! Boomboom! Boom! Have a nice day."
- Ivanova och ambassadör Mollari (Babylon 5)

"And then, as you so precisely put it, 'boom'!"
- G'Kar (Babylon 5)

"But... we heard you were dead?..."
"I were. I'm better now."
- Drazi och Sheridan (Babylon 5)

"Come to the Cals, share a few laughs..."
- John McClane (Die Hard)

"Yippie-kie-yeah, motherfucker!"
- John McClane (Die Hard)

Åsså avslutar vi med den ultimata översättningen:
"Give me your best shot, pal! I can take it!" översattes till "Ta i så du kräks! Jag pallar!"

- Krille
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31 May 2000
"At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last, we shall have revenge."
"You have been well trained, my apprentice. They will be no match for you."
-Maul & Sidious

Björn Paulsen

"Thanks for not contributing yet again." ---Kynes, to Eframepilot


18 May 2000
Re: Inte direkt officielt SW men skoj ändå

It was a Sith (To: "It's in his kiss"- the shoop shoop song)

Parody lyrics copyright 2000 by Steven Cavanagh
Date: October 2000
Episode: 1
Notes: A duet with Qui-Gon and the Jedi Council.

Fought a guy on Tattooine
He's a Sith Lord- he must have been!

(Do you really think?) Oh yeah, it had to be!
(But they're all extinct) Just listen up to me:
If you wanna know just what fought me so,
It was a Sith (that's what it is, oh yeah)

(But was he wearing black?) In scorching desert heat!
(Jedi trained attack?) Impeccable technique!
If you wanna know what forced me to go,
It was a Sith (that's what it is)
Oh oh, the guy's a Sith (that's what it is)

Whoa oh, he gave me a saber fight
It told me what I wanna know.
He is one, yes they do exist:
Dark Lords of the Sith!

(How 'bout the way he looks) Red tattoos on his face!
Little horns all around the place!
If you wanna know just what fought me so,
It was a Sith (That's what it is)
Whoa, oh, the guy's a Sith (That's what he is)


Whoa oh, he gave me a saber fight
It told me what I wanna know.
He is one, yes they do exist:
Dark Lords of the Sith!

(But there are always two) That's all I've got to say!
I'm not giving the plot away!
If you wanna know just what fought me so,
It was a Sith (That's what it is)
Whoa, oh, the guy's a Sith (That's what he is)
oh yeah, the guy's a Sith (That's what he is)
I said, it was a Sith (That's what it is)


18 May 2000
Imperial Rhapsody

[color:red]Imperial Rhapsody
Sung to the tune of Bohemian Rhapsoody by Queen.</font color=red>[color:orange]
____________________________________________________________</font color=orange>
[color:green]Lando:</font color=green> This is the good life
This is a fantasy
Working on Bespin
An escape from Reality.
[color:green]Leia:</font color=green> Open your eyes
Stand up to their guys and see.
[color:green]Luke:</font color=green> I'm just a farmboy, I need some sympathy
Cus who's my dad, I dunno
Little whine, little moan.
[color:green]Han:</font color=green> Anywhere the Force goes, doesn't really matter, to me

[color:green]Piett:</font color=green> Vader just killed a man.
Raised an arm up in the air
Now his life is no longer there.
Vader, we had just begun,
And now I've gone and lost the reb-el scum.
Vader, oooooooo.
Did mean too make you mad
If I'm not alive again this time tomorrow,
There'll be a new admiral, as if nothing ever happened.

[color:green]Yoda:</font color=green> Too late, my time has come,
Sends shivers down my spine
Body's aching all the time.
[color:green]Luke:</font color=green> Goodbye everybody, I've got to go
Gootta leave you all behind and learn the Force.
[color:green]Piett:</font color=green> Vader, ooooooooooo,
I don't wanna die
I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all.

[color:green]Luke:</font color=green> I see a little silhouetto of a man
Palpatine, Palpatine, can it be the Emperor?
Thunderbolts and lightning, very very hurting me!
R2-D2, R2-D2,
R2-D2, R2-D2,
R2-D2, Where'd ya go? C-3PO O O O O O OH!

I'm just a farmboy, nobody loves me.
[color:green]Rebels:</font color=green> He's just a farmboy, with a dead family.
Spare him this life of such mundacity!
[color:green]Han:</font color=green> Spice'll come, spice'll go. Jabba let me go.
[color:green]Jabba:</font color=green> Boo shuda! (NO, we will not let you go)
[color:green]Han:</font color=green> Let me go!
[color:green]Jabba:</font color=green> Bo shuda! (We will not let you go)
[color:green]Han:</font color=green> Let me go!
[color:green]Jabba:</font color=green> Bo shuda! (We will not let you go)
[color:green]Han:</font color=green> LET ME GO!
[color:green]Jabba:</font color=green> WILL NOT LET YOU GOO!
[color:green]Han:</font color=green> LET ME GO! Jabba: WILL NOT LET YOU GO!
[color:green]Han:</font color=green> LET ME GO!
[color:green]Jabba:</font color=green> NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!

[color:green]C-3PO:</font color=green> Oh R2-D2, R2-D2, R2-D2, Come along.
[color:green]Leia:</font color=green> C-3PO has a rebel put aside for meeee, for meeee.

[color:blue](Stormtroopers start headbanging)</font color=blue>

[color:green]Luke:</font color=green> So you say you're the dear old dad of mine?
But you cut my hand off and left me to die!
Oh Vader, can't do this to me, Vader.
I know there's some good, I know there's still some good in you.

[color:green]Obiwan:</font color=green> May the Force be with you.
Use the Force to see.
May the Force be with you,
May the Force be with you, alwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaays.

[color:green]Han:</font color=green> Anywhere the Force goes, doesn't really mat-ter, to meeeeeeeeeee.[color:orange]
____________________________________________________________</font color=orange>

/Seinet - Ännu en sång att sjunga på SW-festen (där man spelar barwars och tittar på: [color:green]Star Treak</font color=green>? Neeeeeeej! Starwars så klart.

<font size="3">Rädda smilisarna!</font>
<font size="1" color="#646464">Dom är roliga</font>

<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>


18 May 2000
Re: SW the musical

It was a Sith (To: "It's in his kiss"- the shoop shoop song)

Parody lyrics copyright 2000 by Steven Cavanagh
Date: October 2000
Episode: 1
Notes: A duet with Qui-Gon and the Jedi Council.

Fought a guy on Tattooine
He's a Sith Lord- he must have been!

(Do you really think?) Oh yeah, it had to be!
(But they're all extinct) Just listen up to me:
If you wanna know just what fought me so,
It was a Sith (that's what it is, oh yeah)

(But was he wearing black?) In scorching desert heat!
(Jedi trained attack?) Impeccable technique!
If you wanna know what forced me to go,
It was a Sith (that's what it is)
Oh oh, the guy's a Sith (that's what it is)

Whoa oh, he gave me a saber fight
It told me what I wanna know.
He is one, yes they do exist:
Dark Lords of the Sith!

(How 'bout the way he looks) Red tattoos on his face!
Little horns all around the place!
If you wanna know just what fought me so,
It was a Sith (That's what it is)
Whoa, oh, the guy's a Sith (That's what he is)


Whoa oh, he gave me a saber fight
It told me what I wanna know.
He is one, yes they do exist:
Dark Lords of the Sith!

(But there are always two) That's all I've got to say!
I'm not giving the plot away!
If you wanna know just what fought me so,
It was a Sith (That's what it is)
Whoa, oh, the guy's a Sith (That's what he is)
oh yeah, the guy's a Sith (That's what he is)
I said, it was a Sith (That's what it is)

To Credence Clearwater Revival's "Bad Moon Rising"
(As sung by Joro Kal, Force Adept of Alderaan)
By Steven Cavanagh (

I see a small moon rising
I see trouble on the way
I see that thing throwin' lightning
I see bad times today.

Don't fly out tonight
and it's bound to take your life
there's a small moon on the rise.

I feel a cold wind a-blowin
I know the end is comin' soon
I hear of big plans from Tarkin
I know that moon ain't just a moon.

Don't fly out tonight
and it's bound to take your life
there's a small moon on the rise.

Hope you have got your things together
Hope that your ship has hyperdrive
Looks like we're in for nasty Vader
This guy is takin' for the sky.

Don't fly out tonight
and it's bound to take your life
there's a small moon on the rise.
Don't fly out tonight
and it's bound to take your life
there's a small moon on the rise.

The Reign of Palpatine (To: Bryan Adams' "Summer of '69")
Parody Lyrics copyright 1993 by Steven Cavanagh
Episode: N/A
Notes: My first effort, back when I wasn’t sure if it was pronounced “een” or “eyan”

I got my brand new X-Wing
right off the assembly line
White, 'n with that streak of red
I loved to hear the engine whine.

Me and some guys from home
we shot womp rats out in my backyard
Deak just quit, Windy got drafted
Biggs was blown into a million shards.

But flying over the Death Star
I thought that he would last forever
and when I heard old Ben
I knew that it was now or never
that was the best shot of my life.

I got trained but my friends were in trouble
so I had a job to do
I flew to Cloud City on Bespin-
an' that's when I met you, yeah!

Duelling there among the clouds
you told me that we'd rule forever
and when you cut off my hand
I knew that I would join you never!
that was the worst day of my life.

Oh yeah!
Back in the reign of Palpatine

I had to go get Han from Jabba's palace,
the poor guy was sick and blind-
I thought Yoda would last forever, forever, Oh!

I fought you again above Endor
Your boss, he tried to make me mad.
I said no, so then he tried to kill me
That's when you really came through, Dad.

Standing with him held up high
You threw him and he fell forever.
People would say it was me, but
I knew that we did it together.
That was the best day of my life.

Oh yeah!
Back in the reign of Palpatine
uh huh..
It was the reign of Palpatine..

You’re the one that I want (To: “You’re the one that I want” from the GREASE soundtrack)

Parody lyrics copyright 1997 by Steven Cavanagh
Notes: One of my favourites- it follows both the original song and the RotJ scene very closely.
Episode: VI
THE SCENE: underneath the landing platform at the Endor garrisson. An AT-AT
clanks up and Luke is delivered into the hands of Darth Vader.
Vader: "Good work, commander. Leave us; conduct your search and bring his
companions to me".
<They turn and walk along the corridor. Vader turns to Luke as music starts>.
Vader: I got kills, they're multiplyin'

And to rule is my goal

When I'm Emp'ror, we'll be smilin'

It's electrifyin!

Luke: You better shape up

'Cause my Dad's in there.

Yes, I feel the good in you

You better shape up

You cut off my hand,

but my heart is just as true.

Vader: Join me, son!

Luke: Dad, I came back here for you!

You're the one that I want

hoo hoo hoo, sonny!

The one that I want

hoo hoo hoo, sonny!

The one that I want

hoo hoo hoo, the one I need

Oh yes indeed!

<Vader ignites Luke's saber>

Vader: I see you've made a new weapon <saber retracts with a hiss>

And I'm so proud of you

but the Dark Side holds my affection... <door slides open>

Walk this way...

Luke: You better shape up

You were Anakin

You can still be sanctified!

Vader: You better shape up

You learned much from Ben

but you don't know the Dark Side!

It's too late!

Luke: Then my father's truly died!

You're the one that I want

hoo hoo hoo, sonny!

The one that I want

hoo hoo hoo, sonny!

The one that I want

hoo hoo hoo, the one I need

Oh yes indeed!

<Repeat Chorus>

The Stormtrooper's lament (To: Elvis Presley's "Heartbreak Hotel")
Parody lyrics copyright 1997 by Steven Cavanagh
Episode: IV
Notes: The most famous 'blooper' in episode IV is a stormtrooper hitting his head during the trash compactor scene.

Well since drafted into the army
I've found a new place to dwell
It's roaming all over the galaxy in a
white armoured shell,
and I'm feelin' so

I'm feelin' so clumsy, baby
I'm feelin' so clumsy
I'm feelin' so clumsy I could die.

I can't hit a damn thing with blasters
my helmet vision is poor
while coming into the room just then I
hit my head on the door,
and I'm feelin' so

I'm feelin' so clumsy, baby
I'm feelin' so clumsy
I'm feelin' so clumsy I could die.

The Reign of Palpatine (To: Bryan Adams' "Summer of '69")
Parody Lyrics copyright 1993 by Steven Cavanagh
Episode: N/A
Notes: My first effort, back when I wasn’t sure if it was pronounced “een” or “eyan”

I got my brand new X-Wing
right off the assembly line
White, 'n with that streak of red
I loved to hear the engine whine.

Me and some guys from home
we shot womp rats out in my backyard
Deak just quit, Windy got drafted
Biggs was blown into a million shards.

But flying over the Death Star
I thought that he would last forever
and when I heard old Ben
I knew that it was now or never
that was the best shot of my life.

I got trained but my friends were in trouble
so I had a job to do
I flew to Cloud City on Bespin-
an' that's when I met you, yeah!

Duelling there among the clouds
you told me that we'd rule forever
and when you cut off my hand
I knew that I would join you never!
that was the worst day of my life.

Oh yeah!
Back in the reign of Palpatine

I had to go get Han from Jabba's palace,
the poor guy was sick and blind-
I thought Yoda would last forever, forever, Oh!

I fought you again above Endor
Your boss, he tried to make me mad.
I said no, so then he tried to kill me
That's when you really came through, Dad.

Standing with him held up high
You threw him and he fell forever.
People would say it was me, but
I knew that we did it together.
That was the best day of my life.

Oh yeah!
Back in the reign of Palpatine
uh huh..
It was the reign of Palpatine..

Help (To: The Beatles' "Help")

Parody lyrics copyright 1997 by Steven Cavanagh
(As sung by Luke, from Bespin weather vane).
Episode: V

When I was younger, so much younger than today
I hadn't traveled all around this place far, far away.
But now those days are gone, I'm not so self-assured
I've been had, and Darth's my Dad,
and now I've lost my sword.

Help me Obi-Wan, I've fallen down
And it's such a bloody long way to the ground
I think my hand is at the lost and found
Won't you please, please help me!

Oh boy, how things have changed in oh so many ways
Looking down, I think my hand just vanished in the haze.
This weather vane I'm on, it doesn't feel secure
I know that I just need you like I've never done before

Help me Obi-Wan, I've fallen down
And it's such a bloody long way to the ground
I think my hand is at the lost and found
Won't you please, please help me!

When I was younger, so much younger than today
I hadn't travelled all around this place far, far away.
But now those days are gone, I'm not so self-assured
I've been had, and Darth's my Dad,
and now I've lost my sword.

Help me Obi-Wan, I've fallen down
And it's such a bloody long way to the ground
I think my hand is at the lost and found
Won't you please, please help me!
Help me
Help me!!!


18 May 2000
Tema på nästa forumträff [WF]

DEF. [WF]: Wrong Forum
[color:blue]Korrekt placering av detta inlägg hör hemma på wrnu-forumet men efterssom det relaterar till tidigare inlägg läggs det här.
________________________________________</font color=blue>
Kan man inte ha olika teman på forumträffarna? Så man kanske klär ut sig (dom som vill, med andra ord 'inte jag') och man kanske kollar på nå'n film och lyssnar på musik tillhörande temat.

I detta fallet föreslår jag Starwars som tema på nästa forumträff där man kan sjunga dessa låtar och spela barwars /images/icons/smile.gif, med CocaCola då, självklart dricker ju inte rollspelare öl, eller?

/Seinet - Seriös med Tema-idéen

<font size="3">Rädda smilisarna!</font>
<font size="1" color="#646464">Dom är roliga</font>

<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>


18 May 2000
Re: Angånde öl

sjungs till Marcolia mål mål sången
Jag vill ha öl öl öl mera öl
nu super jag öl igen
jag vill öl öl öl mera öl
kom så super vi igen
vi vill öl öl öl mera öl
vi ska supa öl igen..



18 May 2000
Re: Angånde öl

Låter nästan som en studentsång vilket påminner mig om balladen om Theobald Thor /images/icons/smile.gif

[color:green]För det var en stoooooor pung,
lång, kraftig och tung!
Från dess topp till dess rot
var den tre, fyra fot
och en medelstor ryggsäck till pung!</font color=green>

/Seinet - Har ett häfte med några roliga låtar (som kanske kommer ut på nätet om det är någon som vill det).

<font size="3">Rädda smilisarna!</font>
<font size="1" color="#646464">Dom är roliga</font>

<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>


31 May 2000
"...but... it was so artfully done..."
-Grand Admiral Thrawn


"Thanks for not contributing yet again." ---Kynes, to Eframepilot


12 Oct 2000
ST-replix delüx

Från film numero 9:

Data när han upptäcker att Worf har en finne (och en stor sådan):
"-You klingons don't do anything slow, do you?"

[ Excutioner - Slayer of the light. Desecrator, Violator, Devastator - Messenger of Death ]


31 May 2000
Re: En bra en...

"I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."

Björn Paulsen