Nekromanti Badass bok


Förlorad dotter
27 Dec 2001
Umeå, Västerbotten
I'm going to upload some of my leather work. While I'm not "good" at working in leather, I think it would be fun to show that you don't have to be that skilled to go do some awesome stuff.

For the book below was made with really basic sewing and cutting skills. It not beautiful but it is pretty badass.

Working time: 10-15 hours

* Some scrap leather of different qualities.
* Paper.
* Tread.

Tools needed:
* Exacto knife.
* Cutting board.
* Leather hole puncher
* 2 needles.

For punching the pattern around the sun in the front I needed some more tools.
* Hammer.
* A screw.
* Water.

And last of all I added some
* Some gold paint.

I made one stupid making the book, and that was not coloring the all the leather parts with leather paint putting it together. Halfway through I realized I wouldn't be able to color the edges without risking to ruing the paper. And that why the book got so raw and bright edges.

