Nekromanti Damarien på Engelska - Hobbyöversättning


Omöjlig att ha att göra med
13 Feb 2014
Eftersom jag har planerat spela Eon här i Kanada med frugan och flickvännen kände jag det nödvändigt att ersätta i alla fall lite av bokens material. Känns enklare att ha det så istället för att lära ut allting via on-the-fly-översättningar. Jag kommer främst översätta lore-bitar som känns mest relevanta för vår kampanj. Just nu planerar jag att översätta Brasiva-texten, geografitexten om Järvskogen och Norra Damarien, van Culnar-beskrivningen, och diverse småtexter om Vallanborien och sådant.

Om någon är intresserad lär jag väl posta häromkring när jag gör något. Till att börja med, här är min första draft av sida 9 i Damarien-boken. Orkar inte fina till det mer än såhär, det är ju trots allt bara för privat bruk LOL. Om Helmgastarna börjar jaga ner mig för publicering av deras material så bugar jag givetvis inför deras makt. :)

The Great Princedom of Damaria is an isolated country on the western coast of the Asharina peninsula that for large portions of its history has been shaped by the power struggles between rulers and religious groups, while the people has often been left to live in poverty and oppression. Despite its small size, there are large geographic, cultural and religious differences between the ends of the country and its regions.

Below is a list of information points to keep in mind, both as a player and a game master.

The Great Princedom
  • Since some decades back, Damaria has been ruled by the brutal jargian great prince and autocrat Thamas Whitefeather. After defeating the noblemen's armies during a civil war, he married to the previous great prince's daughter Ariadna, and has since then consolidated more and more direct power for himself and his allies.
  • Many members of the old nobility have been cleared out through exile or execution and been replaced with Thamas' personally appointed officials.
  • The country's six cities are run by a city council, which reports directly to the great prince.
  • The countryside is still run by princes, dukes, counts and estate owners, but these noblemen have lost much of their power during the Whitefeather reign.
  • Some nobles still put up a resistance against the great prince, like the counts in Culnar and Bors van Duncarck in Greycastle County. These nobles continually challenge Thamas' power, either openly or more subtly.
  • According to legend, Damaria got its name from the wizard Damas the Black, who over 2000 years ago united the city states of western Asharina. During the Daybreak War, he freed the country from the undead lamias (vampires) that previously ruled in the region. The innumerable amount of songs and stories that the damarians have tolds about Damas and his allies since then form the basis of the extensive group of legends called the Damarian Cycle.
  • Damaria is split into six shires. The shires consist of the four princedoms Targatia: inland and seat for the capital of Targus, Hammerness in the southwest, Deogotha by the southern edges of the Wolverine Forest, and Vallanboria in the north. The two other shires are the duchies Krylomar in the south by the Westmarkian border, and Porfyria on the Purple Coast.

Life in the Great Princedom
  • Most damarians are poor farmers. Most of them are serfs treated as their land owner's property. They do not have the right to move or marry without their lord's permission.
  • The burgess living in cities are usually more free than rural commoners.
  • The damarian law system has changed considerably under Thamas' reign. Previously, each noble would judge cases by themselves. Since Whitefeather took over, this has changed into an unforgiving but uncorrupted system with judges that answer directly to the great prince and his chief justices, the praetors.
  • Compared to the Empire of Jargia, Damaria is much less corrupt. Being in the great prince's favor is a far more important factor of power than gold.
  • Damaria is infamous for its cruel, draconian punishments, the most terrifying of which is impalement, where the victim is slowly executed by being impaled alive on a wooden pole.
  • In the last few years, many damarians have been drafted into the constantly growing royal armed forces. Rumor says the great prince plans to invade and conquer the lands to the east, Westmark and Soldairn.
  • Dwarves are accepted and respected in Damaria, but elves and tiraks are looked upon with contempt, suspicion and outright hatred.
  • The damarian people are generally a superstitious kind and suspicious of strangers. Despite this, they also have a strong sense of honor and family loyalty.
  • Slavery is rare, but in later years many prisoners have been sentenced to lifelong servitude under the crown.

  • There are several common religions in Damaria, and in general the people enjoy a large degree of religious freedom, at least compared to their northern neighbors in Jargia.
  • The largest religion is the Daak faith, which dominates among the nobility, in the cities and along the coasts. The damarian Daak church often has their common worshippers not give prayer to Daak directly, as to not awaken the god's wrath. Instad, worship of the saints and the prophets is more common, and the faithful ask them to carry the prayers to Daak. The merciful prophet Milargok is known as the most likely to still Daak's wrath, and is because of this very commonly worshipped. The Earthern Soldier's Witnesses, a religious group condemned as blasphemous in Jargia, is accepted and widespread among the commoners of Damaria.
  • The Heathen Faith, or the Old Faith, is the name for a number of ancient religions that have survived among the damarians even after its cults were persecuted and driven out of Jargia. Some of the most popular gods to worship are Leticia the Earth Mother, Navare of the Sea, and the death god Dibuk. Most heathen worshippers live inland and in the north of the country.
  • The Wind Faith is an esoteric religion centered around a number of monastaries around Damaria. The most famous and important of these is The White Monastary in Silvianestia. Worshippers are split between wards and monks, and the faithful worship animal spirits and mystic entities called The Five Winds.
  • Some religions are actively forbidden and prosecuted, among these the dark god Xinu's cult and the various blood sects that worship vampires. There are rumors that these movements have influence among the ruling class of the country, and that the powerful and rich protect the cults' members.
  • The Crystal Order is a militant, well organized order faithful to the Old Faith that primarily wages war on the Wind Faith, and secondarily fights everything they consider a threat to the faith.


Omöjlig att ha att göra med
13 Feb 2014
Eftersom det är ganska mycket text, och tanken är att mina kära spelare ska ha tid och vilja att läsa det mesta av det, bestämde jag mig för att sätta upp en Google Drive-mapp med det jag skrivit. Jag namnger dokumenten efter rubrik istället för sidanvisning för att göra det lite intressantare för spelarna. Kartorna hämtade jag från Helmgasts hemsida. :)
Det här är det jag gjort hittills. Finns lite info från grundboken där också, frugan ska spela Daaktroende. I slutändan lär det komma en del dokumentation specifikt för min kampanj här också, men just nu är det bara översättningar.


15 Jun 2000
Fan, Kraetyz. Är det inte frestande att skriva in några av dina favorit-rollpersoner som mäktiga SLP:er i materialet? Jag tänker på typ Thaige Ærlaander och Helm Steepling.


Omöjlig att ha att göra med
13 Feb 2014
Här har ni en fråga från mig till er: Hur skulle ni översätta "Daaktroende". Just nu har jag gått med "Daak worshippers" eller något liknande, men det är inte särskilt bra. Letar efter ett ord som är lättare att använda, typ som "christian" eller "hindu". Daaki/Daakis känns sjukt fel. :p Samma sträcker sig till vindtroende.


27 Nov 2013
Är det någon som roat sig med att försöka översätta grundreglerna till engelska? :p Eller som skulle vilja göra det tillsammans med mig?