I mainly play english language games or games that are originally not from sweden. For obvious reasons the game I currently play the most and put most effort into is Call of Cthulhu Sverige, so a swedish translation of an english game, but the reason why I ended up as a part of the Eloso-team with a focus on that game in the first place is directly tied to my interest in the original. I work with CoCS because of CoC.
Most other games I play, have played or have an interest in are international titles. I have basically zero nostalgia for the "Äventyrsspel"-era of swedish game publishing (except for Mutant 2089 and DoD: Chronopia), and started playing english language games pretty early on in my TTRPG career (such as V:tM, Nephilim, Cyberpunk, DnD 3e etc), and in my opinion pretty significant parts of the swedish TTRPG-scene is still heavily influenced by that era.
Unfortunately, the swedish games that are not part of the Ä-spel legacy don't really peak my interest that much. I Love that they exists, but for some reason games like Vindsjäl, Troublemakers and Coriolis just don't do it for me currently.
The games that I'm currently most eager to play is Mothership, Unknown Armies and Delta Green. I would also like to play Blades in the Dark, Cthulhu Dark and basically any OSR game.
The only swedish game that I really wish I would get to play more regularly is Eon, but that alway seems like such a big endeavour to actually get going.