Nekromanti Enkelt stridssystem


14 Mar 2003
1) Determine turn order of players 1a) Here you state if you choose to focus or recover which will make you act later.
2) Roll dice and allocate them. 2a) One die value is kept as combat value. Rest is used either as quality increase of the combat value or as other actions. 2b) Any bonus dice is rolled at the same time separate and used as quality increase of either combat value or skill quality.
3) Resolve combat, movement, fatigue and actions in turn order. 3a) Players are allowed one step of free movement at their timeslot as part of, before or after, the combat resolution.
Meaning you could strike and move away or move in to strike, as well as moving away to lessen a strikes impact by increasing the distance.
This kind of free movement is as well resolved in turn order.
3b) Compare combat result value and lower fatigue of the player with the lower value of the two with the difference between the higher and the lower value.
3c) Primary actions is resolved in turn order.
3d) Secondary actions is at next appropriate timeslot, secondary actions is resolved in turn order.