Nekromanti [EON] Englishmen in the Jargian Empire


24 Mar 2014
Birmingham, UK

Jag har tagit mod till mig och börjat spelleda EON IV för min spelgrupp här i England (4 Engelsmän och 1 Nederländare), och tänkte att det kunde vara kul att föra en liten krönika här på forumet för att dela med mig av hur en internationell grupp utan tidigare erfarenhet eller kännedom av spelet/spelvärlden hanterar att bli insparkade i en Jargisk stad vid Vallabergets fot. Det är även fritt fram att ge förslag på plot-hooks och "world events" då mycket av kampanjens plot är outvecklad (det finns trådar och idéer men mycket beror på vad spelarna hittar på) och jag gärna tar emot inspiration ifall den erbjuds.

SESSION 0 - Karaktärsskapande
4 av fem spelare har nu skapat karaktärer, en medlem i gruppen har precis fått barn så han kommer hoppa in senare när saker lugnat ner sig lite och det finns tid över till att spela rollspel.

Eftersom spelarna är nya och inte riktigt kan läsa in sig på material utan att jag behöver agera översättare har jag placerat äventyret i en liten stad där det endast finns Jargier, Cirefalier, och Tauper (andra folkslag är slavar och därmed inte passande som spelarkaraktärer). Alla Jargier kommer dessutom automatiskt from Merun (spelets setting) då de är uppvuxna i staden.

Jag har även moddat om bakgrundstabellen för "Jargiens Befolkning" då det finns en hel del resultat som inte passar i settingen och jag behöver heller inte översätta en löjlig mängd material som inte kommer användas utanför karaktärsskapandet. Istället har jag skapat 7 stycken kategorier som är relativt breda, så spelarna får lite mer valfrihet kring exakt vad deras föräldrar/mentor/whatever har pysslat med (istället för "din pappa vallar får", punkt). De får därmed rulla 1D8x2 (8:or rullas om) och välja en av nedanstående kategorier som deras bakgrund:
  • Academics
    Folk med yrken som krävt någon typ av 'formell' utbildning, exempelvis läkare, apotekare, skrivare, lagmän, och forskare. De är relativt få till antalet men är viktiga för att stadens byråkrati ska fungera smidigt.
    +4 Kunskapsfärdigheter, +4 Sociala Färdigheter
  • Craftsmen
    Hantverkare av olika slag, många jobbar i trä eftersom skogen ligger nära till hands och materialet därmed är lättillgängligt, man kan hitta det mesta i någon av stadens små avkrokar dock.
    +2 Hantverk, +4 Rörelsefärdigheter
  • Grafters
    "Knegare": de allra flesta jobbar som skoggshuggare och timmermän i Vallaskogen men de som är desperata/modiga/risktagande söker sig istället till stenbrotten i "The Plateaus". Många extraknäcker som utkastare vid tavernor eller rycker in som stadsvakter när behovet finns.
    +4 Vildmarksfärdigheter, +2 Hantverk
  • Peasants
    Det odlas både spannmål, oliver, och druvor utanför staden, och i hagarna finns både kor, får och hästar. Bönderna är de som sliter på fälten och ser till att boskapen är trygg och välgödd innan slakt; mycket få äger egen mark utan arbetar istället åt någon annan (oftast en ädling).
    +4 Valfria Färdigheter, +2 Hantverk
  • Scum
    "Dräggen" är de personer som man talar om för barnen att hålla sig borta från, de som förför gifta män och kvinnor i bordellerna, och som får en att hålla lite extra hårt i penningpungen. Det är dessa personer som oftast får skulden när otyg sker i staden och det är inte helt ovanligt att de hamnar i stocken för sitt omoraliska leverne.
    +4 Sociala Färdigheter, +4 Rörelsefärdigheter
  • Veterans
    Veteranerna i staden är relativt få till antalet och många jobbar numera i stadsvakten eller som livvakter till de få akademiker som vill upp på Vallaberget och glo på ruinerna och/eller för att skydda dem resenärer och köpmän som vill ta en genväg genom "The Plateaus" till städerna i söder.
    +4 Stridsfärdigheter, +4 Rörelsefärdigheter.
  • Woodsmen
    Jägare, vägvisare, samlare, och skogsmullor (vafan är skogsmulle i plural!?), detta är de män och kvinnor som ger sig in i Vallaskogen på daglig basis för att förse sig själva (och andra) med mat, vackra djurhudar, medicinska ingredienser osv.
    +4 Vildmarksfärdigheter, +4 Rörelsefärdigheter.
Jag har även markerat vissa resultat i bakgrundstabellerna som slås om eller moddas för att de inte passar in i settingen, men jag tänker inte tråka ut er med detaljer om detta eftersom det inte riktigt kan föras över till andras spel (såvida settingen och storyn inte är typ precis densamma)

Hittills har alla spelarna tyckt om sättet man skapar karaktärer på i EON IV eftersom det gav inspiration till deras backstory och bidrog till att skapa mer tredimensionella karaktärer. De spelare som ofta brukar min-maxa sina karaktärer valde istället att lägga poäng på skills som passade deras karaktär och nästan alla har spenderat poäng för att köpa Expertiser och Kännetecken som gav flavour snarare än att vara superanvändbara.


ZENOS, 19, Jargian (Merun)
Motivations: Fame & Fortune
Zenos is from a military family but has elected not to follow in his forefather's footsteps and join the army, nor did he join the town guard (the next best thing). Instead, he has taken up an apprenticeship at one of the taverns (The Blind Pig) in the "lower-class area" of town. He has dreams of one day being able to own his own establishment where only the finest food and wine will be served; showing his family that there's more to life than duty and following orders, that it's possible to make a name for oneself through hard work and dedication no matter who you are and where you come from.

CUECILIUS, 26, Jargian (Merun)
Motivations: Curiosity & Sex
Like Zenos, Cuecilius came from a military family, and like him he has also elected not to follow in their footsteps. Instead, his curious nature drew him towards the one place that his parents banned him from visiting, Montania Valla. As he grew older and more independent, he started to explore the mountain and the ruins that lies on top of it, making notes on where the safest passages were and when to avoid others. He was able to start making a living as a guide on the mountain, helping eccentric academics who wished to study the ruins stay safe, and pointing out interesting things he'd found while investigating the ruins himself. He has a reputation as a pervert and fornicator (player still thinking of why), which has somewhat tarnished the stories of how he [is viewed as a hero] (Player have not yet decided what he did).

SARIUS, 25, Jargian (Merun)
Motivations: Friendship & Courage
Sarius has been raised by a single mother, unaware of whom his father is (or was) as his mother refuses to speak of him. He has a few siblings, none of whom share a father with him, and most shun him as he's secluded himself in the woods and lives an 'immoral life' (he frequents the brothel quite a lot). He feels closer to animals than to humans for the most part, and he genuinely considers his dog to be his best friend.

KIRON, 29, Jargian (Merun)
Motivations: Curiosity & Love
Once a peasant boy, he's now working as a Lumberer in the woods, a job he takes pride and pleasure in. He's quite well off by the standards of Valla, as he's come into quite a bit of money through he's marriage to a rival's daughter, but he still lives very modestly as he enjoys the simple life. He's had quite an eventful life, once being abducted by bandits, and has managed to stumble into recognition and some degree of fame due to discovering remnants of one of the many towns/villages that were abandoned after the great cleansing. He's found solace in Udar and practices self-mortification every now and ten order to achieve clarity.

Detta får räcka atm, är trött och håller på att somna framför datorn. Nästa uppdatering kommer behandla det första (om än korta) spelmötet.


7 Jan 2010
Jag lirar bara Eon på engelska och har ett engelskt rollformulär ifall du vill ha det!


24 Mar 2014
Birmingham, UK
Alla krönikor kommer skrivas på Engelska eftersom det är språket vi använder i spel, dessutom har jag en Engelsk dator vilket betyder att jag slipper sitta och göra specialkommandon för att få till svenska bokstäver stup i kvarten.

Möten kommer antagligen delas upp i ett flertal delar varje gång eftersom jag valt att skriva krönikan i 'romanform' snarare än att sammanfatta saker i bullet points eller liknande. Why? För att det är kul att träna sig på att skriva och det hjälper mig dessutom spåna på idéer för framtida sessioner då jag tänker på händelserna i större detalj.

Det var allt jag ville säga innan ni läser vidare på introduktionen till kampanjen som (stereotypiskt nog) hamnade i en Taverna (spelarnas beslut, inte mitt).

Players: Kevin (Zenos)
Steven (Sarius)
Antony (Kiron)

It’s Saturday evening and Sarius and Kiron have decided to meet up after work at The Blind Pig, the tavern where their friend Zenos happens to work. Upon arriving Zenos quickly tends to them, pouring them both a pint of beer – which surprisingly enough is somewhat cold still. The two friends pay and Kiron even tips Zenos a couple of silver, making Zenos’ face light up a little.

They talked about work for a bit while Zenos rushed around tending to other clients; however, as he was more focused on getting back to his friends and re-join the conversation, he ended up serving a customer a barely half-full pint, causing a bit of a scene.

After resupplying the client with a now full pint of beer and narrowly avoiding having to pay out of his own pocket for the service, he rejoined the others at their table – feigning that he’s taking orders and wiping up a spill.

Looking around himself briefly, Zenos leans in towards the others and lowers his voice a little. “Did you hear about Aemilio?”

Kiron nodded slightly, while taking another sip of his beer “yes, I heard from some of the others at work that his shop was broken into or something”.

Sarius, being generally oblivious to the goings on in town, raised an eyebrow quizzically, ”Really, what did they steal?

“That’s the interesting part. Apparently there’s nothing missing from the shop. No money, no products… nothing” Zarius answered.

“That is strange…” Sarius mumbled, Kiron nodding in agreement, furrowing his brow slightly. “Indeed, why would someone go through the trouble of breaking in some place like that without taking something to show for it?” He pondered.

Zenos shrugged “I heard things were broken in the shop and that Aemilio has been pretty roughed up, so maybe they couldn’t find what they were looking for and were interrupted in their search by Aemilio?”

“He was attacked?” Sarius and Kiron asked, both surprised.

“Yeah, I haven’t seen him for myself but from what I’ve heard whoever it was must have roughed him up real good; blood and bruises all over apparently…” Zenos explained, taking a seat at the table and dropping the act of wiping an imaginary spill.

“Have they caught the guy who did it?” asked Sarius, taking another sip of his now lukewarm beer.
Zenos shook his head “No, there’s not very many leads as Aemillio apparently didn’t recognise whomever it was that attacked him, says he’s never seen them in town before”.

“That can’t be right, Aemilio knows everyone and their dog” Sarius scoffed, looking down at his own pooch who was curled up under the table.

“Well, that’s what I’ve heard” Zenos stated, “but he must be keen on getting the guy as he’s offering a reward of 120 silver if you can help the guards bring the person to justice.”

“I guess Aemilio must be even richer than I thought if he’s can offer a reward of that size without even batting an eye” Kiron noted, maintaining his composure.

“Mhm, but that’s also why I don’t believe that ‘nothing was stolen’” Zenos exclaimed knowingly, a smirk on his face. He leaned in closer and lowered his voice to a whisper “I’ve heard rumours about Aemilio having ‘secret items’ that are not accounted for in any official documents”.

“What kind of ‘secret items’” Sarius whispered back, looking intrigued.

“I don’t know, but if it’s secret it probably means it’s worth quite a bit of money” Zenos stated and leaned back in his chair.

“So the information is useless then,” Sarius stated, leaning back and shooting Zenos a tantalizing smile.

Zenos scowled and opened his mouth as if to defend himself, but was interrupted by another patron looking to get served. He settled for the scowl and stomped off to tend to the other patrons once more.

“While you’re up, get some water for my dog as well!” Sarius called after him and laughed a bit to himself before turning back to Kiron. “So… how’s the wife?” He asked, sipping on his beer.

“Alright I guess… though she’s a bit worried about what’s been going on in the woods lately” Kiron said.

“What do you mean going on in the woods?” Sarius asked, “I haven’t noticed anything and I live in the bloody woods”.

“There’s been strange people walking around there at night, apparently they’ve gotten the hunters worried enough to stay out of there after dark.” Kiron explained; looking slightly worried himself.

Sarius furrowed his brows in disbelief “Who did you hear this from?”

“Briella and Iros, I ran into them the other night and I found it strange she was with him as she usually goes into the woods at night to set traps”.

“Maybe she’s just scared of the dark, you know how women are. Get scared of everything they do” Sarius laughed.

“Who’s scared of the dark?” Zenos asked, re-joining the others at the table once more, not even bothering to appear busy this time around.

“Kiron’s wife and Briella apparently” Sarius said, still laughing to himself.

“They are not scared of the dark!” Kiron exclaimed, looking annoyed. “I’d think you’d know better than to claim such things about Briella. I thought you used to work together!”

“Oh we have, during the day.” Sarius pointed out “I just find it hard to believe that I wouldn’t notice if there were strange people in the woods, or if the hunters stopped coming in at night, that’s all”.

Kiron looked around, “Well go ask Petros, he’ll back me up on this I’m sure” he exclaimed, pointing towards a man at a nearby table.

Having gotten Petros’ attention Zenos and Sarius questioned him about the information Kiron had shared.

“It’s true, we don’t go in there no more after those people started showing up about a month back” Petros explained, as his colour started to drain from his face. “There’s something off about ‘em, they don’t leave no tracks and they appear and disappear out of thin air,” He continued, voice shaking slightly. “It’s like witchcraft… no, it must be witchcraft!” He exclaimed, quickly chugging down the last of his beer; Zenos making sure to fill it up for him.

The three friends left Petros’ be after that, allowing him to get back to his pint. “See, it’s not just a case of ‘women being scared’” Kiron said, sitting back down at their table.

Sarius nodded, looking thoughtful, to then chug down the rest of his beer. “I’m going to go hunting!” He exclaimed, standing up and shooting the others a smile.

“Wait, what?” Kiron sputtered, “Did you not just hear what Petros said?”

“I did. No hunters in the woods. Strange people. Yadda yadda yadda. Point is, there’s no competition at night, so I’m going hunting.” Sarius pointed out matter-of-factly. “Maybe I’ll even have a look around for those people and see what they’re up to” he added, “they’re in my home after all”.

“Wait, no fair! If you’re going to check those people out I want to come too!” Zenos complained, feeling upset about being stuck at work.

“I have to admit I’m a bit curious about them myself, and maybe if we find out more about them I can at least put the wife’s mind at ease” Kiron agreed.
“Well, come with me then!” Sarius said nonchalantly, getting his things together.

“I don’t finish my shift until 11!” Zenos Moaned, “can’t you wait for me?”

“Fine, I won’t go looking for the people until you’ve closed up shop here” Sarius agreed “I’m still going hunting though, because I’m not sitting around here for several hours waiting for you” he added before leaving the tavern, his dog in tow.


24 Mar 2014
Birmingham, UK

Kevin (Zenos)
Steven (Sarius)
Antony (Kiros)

Several hours passed and the three friends met up again outside of The Blind Pig as Zenos was locking up after his shift had finished. He hadn’t managed to make any additional tips in the last few hours and he also managed to annoy several of the customers by trying to gather additional information about the people in the woods, even upsetting some of the hunters who’d come in close contact with them. Sarius hadn’t had much luck while out hunting; he was not used to the conditions at night and he found himself completely at loss, as his normal strategies didn’t do him much good.

They made their way to the woods, stopping by Kiron’s cabin so he could gather some things and let his wife know what they were up to. She wasn’t too pleased with the news, but knew there was no use in trying to convince her husband otherwise. When he found something that intrigued him there was little that would prevent him from exploring it further.

“Did you see any sign of anyone when you were hunting by the way Sarius?” Zenos asked as they made their way towards the edge of the woods, where they had heard the people tended to appear.

“No, it was completely dead, barely even saw animals to be honest” Sarius admitted, shifting the weight of his bag on his shoulders.

“I think we should move along the edge of the woods, hopefully we’ll be able to see them appear” Kiron suggested, “keep your eyes and ears open so we don’t miss them”.

The others nodded and they all worked together to move silently along the forest line and keep lookout for these mysterious people. Sarius however, spent his time looking for tracks, having completely forgotten that the hunters had told them that the people did not leave any behind.

After a few hours of scouting to no avail, both Kiron and Sarius decided to risk lighting their lanterns, hoping that the additional lighting would help them in their search.

“Hopefully they won’t notice the light from our lanterns and take off in the other direction,” Zenos noted, looking into the woods.

“Well, we don’t have much choice, you can barely see past your own nose in this darkness” Kiron sighed, making sure to use the shutters on the lantern to direct the light emitting from it in a single direction. “If we can’t find any sign of them in the next hour or so we should leave it though, I can already feel myself getting tired and unfocused” he added.

They looked around for another hour, but could not find any sign of any other people. However, just as they were about to give up and head home, Zenos started flailing his arms about and signalling for the others to keep quiet and follow him. “Voices” he whispered, pointing into the woods.

The others listened but could not hear anything, though they still decided to sneak into the woods alongside Zenos, trusting that his mind was not just playing tricks. As they ventured further into the woods they too were able to hear multiple voices, though they were unable to make any of the words out from the distance they were at. From their position they were also able to see the shapes of two people in the distance, moving around ever so slightly.

“We should get closer, I’d like to get a better look at them” Sarius whispered, making a move as to circle around the people in the distance to get a better vantage point. The others nodded “Good idea, maybe we’ll be able to hear what they’re talking about as well” Kiron chimed in.

The three moved slowly and quietly, keeping a watchful eye on the strangers in the distance in case they were spotted. As far as they could tell, the strangers were too preoccupied with whatever they were up to to notice them. From their new location they were able to tell that there was a total of three people moving around a short distance away from them, all clad in cloaks. However, they couldn’t make out their faces due to the low light. They kept quiet for a while, listening intently, hoping to make out what the three figures ahead were talking about.

“I still can’t make out anything” Zenos whispered, sounding frustrated. Sarius shook his head signalling that he was unable to make sense of anything as well.

Kiron swore slightly under his breath. “Typical, they’re speaking Imperial Jargian” he sighed.

“No wonder we’re struggling” Zenos muttered in reply.

Kiron furrowed his brow and turned his head slightly, trying to focus all his energy on listening in the hopes he would catch something he could make sense of. “I think they’re looking for something… or maybe someone” he whispered, “I can’t tell which though”.

“Ok, I’m going out there” Sarius whispered, being met by surprised looks from his friends. “We’re not going to find anything out this way, so let’s just go ask them”.

Kiron and Zenos shared a look but Zenos then nodded in agreement. “He’s right. Besides, they haven’t hurt anyone so maybe we’re all just worrying for nothing” Zenos pointed out.

With that, Zenos and Sarius both got up and started walking towards the people in the distance. Kiron, not being certain this was a good idea, hesitated but then walked after them, keeping some distance between them and holding his hand on one of his axes in case things turned sour and they needed to protect themselves.

“I’ll handle the talking” Zenos whispered to Sarius as they got closer, then putting on the best and friendliest smile he could muster in order to not appear threatening. “Hello there, strangers!” He called out, getting the attention of the three people.

As they turned around they could tell the people all wore masks with intricate patterns and designs over their faces, concealing their identities from the three friends. Zenos was taken aback slightly by this as he had not expected them to be masked, but quickly managed to regain his composure. “Eh, may I ask what you are doing here in the woods at night?”

He was met by silence as the three masked strangers studied Sarius and Zenos, looking at each other briefly and moving closer to one another. Zenos’ smile twitched slightly as their silence was making him a bit uncomfortable, then cleared his throat “we heard voices and we haven’t seen you here before, are you lost?” he enquired once more.

At that, the three masked people started mumbling words in an unidentifiable language, looking up towards the night sky and raising their hands up slowly. Both Sarius and Kiron immediately reacted to this, drawing their weapons and moving closer, sensing something was not right.

The three masked strangers fell silent, two of them pointing towards Kiron and Zenos. At that Zenos let out a terrified scream and started moving backwards in panic, stumbling slightly. Another yell came from Kiron, who’d gotten a wild look in his eyes looking quickly around him before locking his eyes on Zenos who was running straight for him. With another rage filled yell, he raised his axe and swung it downwards, aiming for his friend who barely managed to dodge the oncoming blow. The surprise from the attack managed to snap Zenos back into reality, realising that his mind was playing tricks on him and assuming something similar must have happened to Kiron.

Sarius, not missing a beat, swung his staff at one of the masked individuals and ordered his dog to attack another, both of whom missing their targets as they elegantly stepped out of reach from the oncoming attacks and resumed their chanting.

Kiron swung his axe at his friend once more, but again Zenos managed to avoid the oncoming attack. “Calm down Kiron, it’s me Zenos!” he yelled in desperation, hoping that Kiron would recognise his voice and be able to get a hold of his senses.

The masked people stopped chanting once more, pointing at Zenos and Sarius, both of whom immediately becoming completely overcome by a feeling of intense sadness and starting to sob violently. In doing this however, Sarius managed to hit one of them across the arm with his staff, causing them to cry out in pain.

Zenos, now in a weakened mental state - still trying to reason with a raging Kiron, failed to get out of the way from an incoming attack from his friend. He cried out in pain as Kiron’s axe struck him across the shoulder, ripping the skin open and causing some light bleeding. “KIRON STOP!” he cried, feeling the sense of sorrow wash away from him, but now tearing up from the pain instead.

At the sound of this Kiron managed to calm himself down, looking confused and horrified at the same time. “I-I’m so sorry Zenos” he sputtered, taking a step away from his friend and covering his mouth in shock. “I don’t know why I did that… I, I just…” his voice trailed off, then he scowled and looked towards the masked strangers, now chanting once more, gripping his axe tighter. With a roar he started rushing towards them, while Sarius desperately was trying to strike them with his staff while violently sobbing, and his dog trying to put it’s jaws in the strangers threatening his master.

Once again, all three of the masked people finished their chant and pointed at the three friends. Once more Zenos cried out in horror, scrambling to his feet and running off into the woods; Kiron stopped in his tracks and his war cry changed to one of pure terror as all colour drained from his face and he turned on his heel and set off in the opposite direction. Sarius on the other hand wiped the tears out of his eyes and glared at them, swinging his staff violently at all three of his assailants. He managed to hit two of them, causing them to wince in pain before re-joining their comrade’s chanting.

Sarius moved in for another attack, but just as he was about to strike the three masked assailants disappeared right before his eyes. Both Sarius and his dog cried out in surprise, looking around themselves to make sure they were not being ambushed from another direction.

“Fucking witchcraft” Sarius muttered, as all he could see around him was trees and darkness. He listened intently to ensure that they weren’t just hiding somewhere nearby, but all he could hear were the calls of owls and the cries of fear from his friends, growing fainter as they were moving further and further away from the area. Sarius sighed and motioned for his dog to follow him “Come on boy, let’s find the others before they get lost, hurt, or eaten”.

After about half an hour’s worth of searching Sarius managed to track down his friends, both of them looking absolutely terrible. They were both shaking profusely in fear and their hearts were beating faster than a gerbil’s. Sarius could tell that they were in no condition to walk home on their own, as they were barely able to stand on their own without their knees giving out underneath them.

“Ok let’s get you two out of the woods and into bed” he said, picking them off the ground and supporting them as they walked out of the woods and back towards the town, dropping Kiron off at his cabin on the way.

“I’m n-never setting f-f-f-foot inside the-the forest e-ever-r again” Zanos stuttered, as they were approaching the tavern once more. Sarius letting out a low grunt in reply.

“Will you be ok getting up the stairs and into your room?” he asked, looking at Zanos who was still shaking and wincing in pain from his wound.

“I’ll just need a drink to calm myself, I’ll be fine, promise,” he said, waving his hand dismissively while shakily pouring himself a pint.

“Do you mind if I have one as well?” Sarius asked, more out of courtesy than anything else as he was already in the act of filling up a pint with beer.

“No go ahead, it’s not like anyone is going to fucking notice anyway,” Zenos answered, chugging down his own pint and moving towards the stairs. “I’m going to try to get to sleep, I’ll see you tomorrow” he mumbled, staggering up the stairs.

Sarius just nodded, downed his drink and left the tavern once more; heading back to the woods where he had his camp set up. He felt a little uneasy that night, wondering if the masked people were still out there, maybe even watching him as he was getting to sleep


24 Mar 2014
Birmingham, UK
Omdömen so far:
Spelarna verkar inte haft några större problem med att greppa spelmekanikerna och spekulerar gärna kring vad som kan användas när. De tyckte det var lite märkligt att attributen inte kan höjas med skill-points (jag nämnde att jag skulle kunna husregla detta men att det knappast skulle vara värt att satsa på jämfört med att höja vanliga skills), och att skill points hamnade i kategorier och använder tärningsslag för att se om man blir bättre krävde lite förklarande (de är vana att man spenderar X poäng för att höja en skill och/eller köpa en ny skill).

Alla verkar tycka det är roligt med en spelvärld som är helt okänt för dem sedan tidigare, där de och deras karaktärer vet precis lika mycket (eller snarare lite) om hur saker fungerar och de får ta reda på saker själva i spel för att klura ut saker och ting. Att de inte kan systemet sedan tidigare verkar de också tycka är intressant, då detta betyder att de kan prova sig fram och till viss del verkar det främja diskussioner 'in character' istället för att de rullar tärningar i onödan.

Jag önskar att jag inte kastat in dem i en strid så snabbt och istället behållit mystiken kring 'fienden' (eller är de fiender? ;) ) genom att låtit dem prata med dem, dock rullade de ganska skitdåligt (förutom ett bra slag på impression) och de mystiska personerna hade definitivt inte något intresse av att tala om vad de pysslar med.

Funderar på att lösa detta genom att låta en annan maskerad person besöka en av karaktärerna under natten för att be om ursäkt för hennes 'kollegors' beteende. Självklart finns risker med detta, exempelvis att karaktären i fråga attackerar henne, men det känns som att det är det bästa sättet att ret-conna och göra dem lite osäkra på ifall de maskerade personerna egentligen vill dem illa. Jag har annars funderat på att lösa detta genom att en av karaktärerna får en lapp som ursäktar beteendet från dem i skogen, men detta känns som ett osäkrare alternativ imo.

Välkomnar andra idéer för att möjligen lösa detta!

Reflektioner kring story etc:
- Vad letar de maskerade personerna efter?
Sarius har upptäckt ett träd i skogen som är ihåligt och har symboler ristade i sig. Han är den ende som verkar veta om dess existens. Tanken är att det är detta träd som de maskerade personerna letar efter i skogen eftersom de behöver det (eller delar av det) till en speciell ritual. Detta är fortfarande lite 'up in arms' så folk får gärna komma med förslag på andra saker som kan vara intressanta.

- Rånet hos Aemilio
Jag har inte ännu bestämt mig exakt vad för vad för 'hemligt föremål' som stulits från honom, men detta ska också ha kopplingar till ritualer som de maskerade personerna planerar att göra. Spånar kring detta atm välkomnar gärna förslag om folk har idéer kring saker som kan vara hemliga men samtidigt inte nödvändigtvis används till mystiska/magiska saker.

Ifall ni har frågor om storyn, karaktärerna eller annat så får ni gärna ställa dem. Denna tråd är en diskussionstråd lika mycket som det är en krönika :)


8 May 2011
Det var kul att läsa om Engelsmännens äventyr i Jargien, hoppas nästa session dyker upp här också :)

En skriftlig ursäkt plus lite silver känns som en början på att vinna rollpersonernas tillit och kanske intresse?

Känns som att det ihåliga trädet skulle kunna vara en nu stängd portal eller eventuellt en plats där någons själ har bundits för länge sedan. Om det skulle vara en bunden själ kanske sällskapet vill befria denne då den bundne är grundaren av ett gammalt mystiskt sällskap som gick "under jorden" då denne fick lite hett om öronen i samband med någon av Daak-kyrkans jakter på magiker. I så fall skulle det som togs från köpmannen kunna vara någon form av minnesmärke som restes på platsen där namnet på den själsbundna finns nedtecknad. Sällskapet har dessvärre glömt exakt vad grundaren hette till följd av att gamla skrifter där grundarens namn fanns nedtecknat har beslagtagits av Daak-kyrkan och de behöver namnet för att befria grundaren.

Om det är en portal kanske denna leder till en plats i bergen där en gammal vis sagitaur håller till som sällskapet vill intervjua om ruinstaden Aviadeium som ligger längs med Skymningsvägen. I så fall kan det som har stulits från köpmannen vara en vindflöjel som när vinden ligger rätt avger ljud som har en särskild betydelse på vindens språk, ventus, och som öppnar portalen ifråga.


24 Mar 2014
Birmingham, UK
Tack! :D

Jajamen, jag kommer fortsätta uppdatera här när vi spelar mera. Ingen uppdatering denna vecka dock eftersom den RPG-club vi spelar via har någon slags specialgrej denna vecka, vilket är helt okej imo eftersom det ger lite extra tid att planera "world events". Kanske kommer hinna skapa sista spelarens karaktär dock så möjligtvis kan första posten uppdateras (om man nu kan göra det på något vis) med info om henom.

Ska klura lite på det, insåg att endast en av karaktärerna faktiskt kan läsa så måste ha en backup ifall han inte är där. Kan bli lite extra konstigt om de måste gå till prästinnan eller liknande för att läsa lappen liksom :p

Att koppla in Aviadeium känns definitivt intressant, speciellt eftersom det finns gamla tempelruiner och liknande uppe på Montania Valla (som bebotts av Gargyler en lång tid, de lämnade dock berget och flög söderut nyligen... they don't usually do that). Detta har definitivt sått lite idéfrön i min hjärna så tackar ödmjukast för detta Nirbulas! :D


24 Mar 2014
Birmingham, UK
SESSION 1.5:1 The Visitor
Players: Kevin (Zenos)

“If you are going to enter my room without permission, at least have the decency to introduce yourself.” Zenos called out as he arose from his bed, stark naked. His sleep had been disturbed by the sounds of movement and he sensed a presence in his room, feeling watched. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness he could see his ‘uninvited guest’, a masked woman in a silvery robe.

“Oh good, you are awake” she stated matter-of-factly, ignoring his demand for her to introduce herself to Zenos. “I have little time so let us skip the pleasantries” she began, pausing for a second before continuing. “I have come to apologise for the behaviour of my associates earlier tonight in the woods. They were never meant to bring harm or distress to anybody and they directly disobeyed my orders by attacking you instead of just disappearing as I’ve instructed them”.

“Then I shall apologise for my friends as well, they should not have drawn weapons against your people” Zenos said, crossing his arms and shifting his weight.

The masked woman shook her head in response. “No, there’s no need for you to apologise, they were simply defending themselves and I cannot put them at fault for that.” She declared adamantly, refusing to place any responsibility on Zenos or his friends. She stood in silence for a while, seeming to gather her thoughts before sighing. “I understand that you may not believe me when I say this considering what has happened, but you really have nothing to fear from us. We are not here to harm you, or anybody else, and you can rest assured that those who acted out of turn has been thoroughly punished”. At this she produced a mask that Zenos recognised as one belonging to one of their assailants’ from the woods, covered in blood.

Zenos was surprised, he had not expected that the people in the woods were answering to anyone else, and much less that any such person would punish them for their actions. The sight of the mask had him dumbfounded for a few seconds before he managed to compose himself, trying to steer the conversation into a new direction. “You say that you’re not here to harm anyone, but you haven’t told me what you are actually up to. What are you doing in the woods for example?” He asked, squinting slightly to help his vision in the low light.

“I’m afraid I can’t tell you, if it gets out a panic could ensue and that wouldn’t help anybody. All you need to know is that we are looking for something in the woods that will help protect everyone,” She answered, shifting and seeming to contemplate whether to go on or perhaps if she had already said too much.

“Protect us?” Zenos mumbled, “Protect us from what, is something bad coming?” he asked, a hint of unease in his voice. The woman remained silent, looking away from Zenos and moving towards the window, bathing her in the dim light of the moon. “Please” Zenos pleaded, “If something bad is happening and you have a way to protect us I want to know about it, maybe I can even help you”.

At this the woman stopped and after a moment of hesitation she turned around to face him once more. “That is kind of you, Zenos, but I am not certain that I can trust you with this information... if this comes out there could be a panic and that will only make things more difficult”.

“I will not cause a panic, but if something horrible is about to happen and you have a way to stop it, I want to help you” Zenos reiterated, staying adamant about his position. “However, if you don’t tell me what is going on or what you are up to, I can’t help you” he added, hoping that this could convince the woman to tell him more.

He could tell that the woman was considering his words carefully, weighing the risks of sharing the information against his offer of assistance, then she cleared her throat and nodded. “You make a fair point, and I suppose allies is not something we can have too few of” she started and then paused, seeming to pick her words carefully. “I shall tell you more, but understand that if you betray my trust my retribution shall be swift and without mercy”, her words were sharp and Zenos could tell she was serious about her threat. He gulped slightly and nodded to show he understood, sitting back down on his bed as she shared her story.

“A great destruction is heading for Mundana which will claim the lives of untold thousands and destroy the world as we know it. It’s a destruction that has come in times before, but so much time has passed since then that most records have been lost and the people of today are ignorant to the danger teetering on their own doorstep. I am part of a society that has collected and researched what little information exists around this occurrence, due to the unreliable dating of the old records we cannot be entirely sure when it will strike, but we can sense that it is close.

Luckily, we have been able to identify means that will protect us when the end times come, which is why we have come to Valla and why we have been wandering through the woods at night. In records from a civilisation that was lost a long time ago, a special type of tree was mentioned, and one such tree has been traced to Valla Silva. Finding this tree is of utmost importance, as it’s a key component to us being able to protect ourselves and the people of Valla from what is to come”.

Zenos listened intently to her story and while it sounded unbelievable he found himself trusting that her words had truth to them. He wished to know more, but the woman claimed that she was unable to answer any further questions. He wasn’t sure if it was because she did not wish to share any more information with him, or if she did not know the answers to the questions herself. As she finished, the room fell silent for several minutes as Zenos was digesting everything he had been told.

“While your story sounds incredulous, I still believe that you are telling the truth” Zenos stated as he stood back up and met the woman’s eyes, “Some of my friends are experienced woodsmen and know the forest like the back of their own hand, I believe we can help you find the tree” he added.

“That is kind of you Zenos, but I’m not sure they will be as willing to trust me or my associates as you have been and I cannot risk putting anyone in danger” She answered, sounding apologetic. “However, I am willing to accept your help by working separate but sharing information” She suggested, “that way neither party needs to worry but will still enjoy the support of the other”.

“That might be for the best, at least for now” Zenos agreed, knowing his friends might not be happy to aid the people who had attacked them earlier. “I know of some places where we should be able to meet and talk undisturbed, because I don’t think we should keep meeting like this” He then added, smirking a bit at the last part.

“Ah yes, it would be untoward for a lady to come into a young mans room at night… especially when he’s unclothed” the woman added, and while her face was hidden Zenos was certain she was smiling. “I know all about your secret places and secret meetings, so you just decide one and I, or one of my associates, shall meet you there at night to discuss things further” The woman added, and while her words and her voice seemed sweet, Zenos was certain there was an undertone of a threat in there. He nodded and mentioned the place where he had buried an item from his childhood, believing this would be a good spot for the two to meet in secret to share information. The woman agreed the place was suitable for their purposes and then bid him farewell.

“Please don’t be alarmed, this will not harm you” the woman said and then started to chant in a language unknown to Zenos to then disappear without a trace, just like her associates had done in the woods. Zenos walked over to the small window in his room and opened it, looking out into the night for the mysterious woman but she was nowhere to be found. He stood there for a while contemplating the events of the night before heading back to bed to try to get some more sleep before his shift in the morning.
17 May 2000
jensofsweden;n173174 said:
“If you are going to enter my room without permission, at least have the decency to introduce yourself.” Zenos called out as he arose from his bed, stark naked.
“Ah yes, it would be untoward for a lady to come into a young mans room at night… especially when he’s unclothed” the woman added,
:grin:Han var alltså näck hela konversationen.


23 Sep 2013
Ohh... 10.000 års grejen eller? :grin:

Ska bli roligt och se vad de, spelarna, tycker om det när de tillslut får veta vad det handlar om. :)


24 Mar 2014
Birmingham, UK
Rhodryn;n173319 said:
Ohh... 10.000 års grejen eller? :grin:

Ska bli roligt och se vad de, spelarna, tycker om det när de tillslut får veta vad det handlar om. :)
yup, mörkret är på ingång! Har dock inte specificerat året så det kan ta allt från ett par månader till flera år "in game" innan det slår till mot Mundana beroende på vad som sker i spelet. Har inte 100% beslutat ifall de maskerade personerna faktiskt vet ett sätt att skydda Valla med omnejd eller ifall de helt enkelt är en grupp vilseledda personer som TROR att de gör något bra, men egentligen spelar 'mörkret' i händerna.


23 Sep 2013
Är inte helt insatt i just den här 10.000 års cyceln i Eon igentligen... Visste att där var något med 10.000 år, men det var inte förrän jag började hänga på detta forumet som jag blev helt medveten om dess faktiska existens. Så jag vet inte igentligen hur pass stor förödelsen är efter det händer.

Om det bara är något där alla folk måste slåss mot vad det nu än är i några år tills de vinner och driver bort det, eller bara stå ut under tiden som det händer... och när det är klart så tickar man av en "ny 10.000 års era har startat" eller något. Varpå man sen måste återbygga, eller något.

Eller om det faktiskt är en katastrofal världsförstörande grej, typ som meteoriten som utplånade de flesta dinosaurierna m.m back in the day, där efteråt så måste de få som finns kvar återstår återbygga hela världen, och återpopulera världen också för den delen.


24 Mar 2014
Birmingham, UK
Personligen har jag tagit mycket inspiration från Ymers megalosaurie-tråd som länkats här och var på forumet ibland (för det som var kanon i Legender och Hemligheter var skittråkigt och B), med lite egna tweaks så såklart. Förstörelsen kommer vara katastrofal och jag funderar lite på att meteoritnedslag kommer inkluderas (har för mig att det finns en profetia som nämner att 'stjärnor ska falla över Daaks hjärta' or whatever (Jargien alltså), men minns inte vart detta finns omnämnt eller vem som sade det (Om ngn har svar/källa på detta skulle det uppskattas!).

Aviadeium/Aviadernum (vad sjutton heter det nu igen?) kommer blandas in och tanken är att detta är en civilisation som överlevde det förra mörkret men sedan gick under av andra anledningar.. vilket antagligen inte kanon men vem fan bryr sig? ;) Tanken är alltså att folket i Aviadeium (supposedly) hittade ett sätt att skydda sig eller förmildra mörkrets effekter för dem som var i staden och det är detta som de maskerade personerna försöker imitera.

Om spelarna faktiskt kommer hjälpa dem eller ej återstår att se såklart :)


24 Mar 2014
Birmingham, UK


Players: Ian (Azagelus)
Kevin (Zenos)
Steven (Sarius)

Sarius was woken up early from his dog making a ruckus, barking at some squirrels up in a tree. He was still tired from last night as they had been up late, and while there was nothing he wanted more than to roll over and go back to sleep he knew there was no use in trying. In a way, the rude awakening might have been for the best, this way he’d have time to get to morning service; hopefully he’d also be able to catch Prisca afterwards to talk to her about last night’s events. With a grunt he got up, whistled for his dog and started walking towards the town, hoping the walk would wake him up.

As it was a Sunday, there was a big turn out for the morning prayers, so big that Prisca had relocated the service to the town square as the tiny church could not fit everyone. Sarius was quite happy that it was held outside, he preferred being outdoors to cram into a small building with far too many people invading his personal space. Prisca read a few excerpts from the Libera and preached about the importance of charity and helpfulness, stating that these virtues would help build a town that was stronger and happier for everyone; the congregation sang hymns and prayed together. During the final hymn Prisca walked around the congregation collecting donations from those who were able to spare something, Sarius decided to part with two silver, Prisca’s nodding in approval and smiling.

As the service concluded and people had dispersed, Sarius decided to walk up to the Priestess as she was collecting her things. “Prisca” he greeted her, the young priestess looking up in response, tucking her libera under her arm. “yes my child?” She answered, immediately making a face and shaking her head slightly. “Sorry, I don’t think I’ll ever get used to calling people ‘my children’” She explained, noticing how Sarius looked a bit taken aback by her reaction to him greeting her. “Especially when the ‘child’ in question is about my age” she added, smiling apologetically and clearing her throat. “Don’t worry about it, no need for formalities” Sarius reassured her, and smiling back at her; Prisca nodded, looking relieved. “What can I help you with, er..?” she trailed off slightly at the end of her question, looking concentrated and hand grasping slightly in the air as she was searching her mind for Sarius’ name. “Sarius” he filled in for her, raising his eye brows slightly in amusement. “Ah yes, sorry, so many people and so many faces.” Prisca retorted quickly, though Sarius could tell she was a bit flustered from being caught out not remembering the name of someone in her flock. Sarius waved his hand slightly to signal that there was nothing to worry about and quickly steered the conversation back on track. “I would like your guidance” he explained, Prisca raising an eyebrow in surprise but nodding slightly to show she was intrigued and was willing to listen.

Relieved Prisca seemed to have time and was willing to listen Sarius started recounting the events of last night, answering Prisca’s questions as best as he could. The more he told her the more concerned she was becoming, and she quickly hushed him when he started mentioning magic and witchcraft, telling him to keep his voice down when speaking of such things, as she did not want people to overhear and start spreading rumours that could start a panic. Upon hearing that him and his friends had been exposed to the masked people’s witchcraft she demanded that he’d bring them to her later so she could examine them and ensure that they were not still under the influence of some spell. Sarius agreed to this and said he’d bring them to her as soon as he could, bidding her farewell and heading towards the Blind Pig, where he was sure to find at least one of his friends.

Zenos was rushing between tables, delivering food and drinks to customers and wiping up spills in an attempt to make the place look marginally less like a dive. As it was a Sunday many people were out to eat and drink with their families and friends, enjoying their resting day, meaning the place was packed with customers. One of his friends and a regular at the pub, the Taup Azagelus, was stationed by the bar, steadily ordering himself new pints as he finished them. Zenos would have liked to talk to him about what had happened last night, especially as Azgelus was a learned man and might know something about the masked people or their apocalyptic prophecy from his studies. However, he had too many things to do to even attempt starting a conversation with anyone, so he did his best to serve people quickly in hopes that the place would clear out quicker.

A few hours passed and as lunch time was over the pub had cleared out a bit, leaving Zenos free to take shorter breaks to talk to his friends. By this time Sarius had also come by the pub, sitting by the bar with Azagelus and filling him in on the events of last night. Azagelus was intrigued by their stories, but he was also very concerned about his friends’ wellbeing considering they had been exposed to dark magic. “Are you sure you guys are ok?” He asked, looking both Zenos and Sarius over, trying to gage whether there was anything out of place about them. “I’m fine, but I’m not sure about him or Keron” Sarius said, nodding in Zenos direction, “they took the blunt of it to be honest” he added. “Speaking of which, I spoke to Prisca about what happened and she really wants to see you two to make sure that there are no traces of magic left on you” Sarius continued, telling his friends of how she had been very concerned about what happened and will raise it with the council as soon as possible. Zenos shrugged nonchalantly “I’m telling you that I’m fine, but if she wants to check up on us then she’s free to do so” he said. At that Zenos excused himself to go take a few orders and clear a table after some guests left. “Azagelus” Sarius said, turning towards his friend, who’d gone rosy cheeked from the alcohol, “Have you ever heard anything about things like this before?” He asked. “Masked people that can manipulate your emotions I mean” he then added, making sure to be as clear as possible as he was not sure how ‘sober’ his friend was. The Taup stroked his chin and looked upwards, as if the answer would be floating just above his head, and then shook his head, “can’t say I have, no,” he said.

Zenos, who’d returned to the bar again by this point, stood in silence for a little while, contemplating whether he should tell his friends of his meeting with the masked woman last night. He breathed in deeply and then blurted out “I had a woman in my room last night”, his friends cocking their eyebrows at him and then bursting out laughing. “Sure you did” Sarius exclaimed sarcastically, rolling his eyes, “not like we haven’t heard that one before”. “No, I don’t mean like that!” Zenos defended himself, clearly flustered. “She was one of the masked people, but not one that attacked us” He explained, lowering his voice slightly to avoid anyone overhearing them. “Why the hell would you let one of those masked people into your room!?” Sarius whispered back through gritted teeth, doing his best to not yell at Zenos for his sheer stupidity. “I didn’t let her in” Zenos explained, “I woke up and she was inside my room, I have no idea how she got there”. Sarius fell silent, opening his mouth as if to say something or yell at his friend, but then just sitting back down again in silence, not sure what to make of that. “Did she harm you?” Sarius then asked, giving Zenos a once over to make sure he hadn’t somehow overlooked a wound or mark of some sort. “No” Zenos answered leaning closer to his friends, “She actually came to apologise for what happened in the woods” he explained. “As she should’ Sarius scoffed, furrowing his brows and grumbling slightly.

Zenos went on to recount the woman’s story of the coming destruction, what they were looking for, and that they had nothing to fear from the masked people. “Do you mean to tell me that you actually believed her?” Sarius asked, looking concerned, feeling as if he was talking to a stranger rather than a close friend. Zenos nodded, “Yes, I genuinely believe that she was being truthful and is trying to help” he said, looking his friends in the eyes. Azagelus shook his head slightly in disbelief, “why would you trust her, she could be seeking to bring destruction to our home rather than protect us from it”. Sarius nodded in agreement, “Indeed, and how do you know that she hasn’t placed some kind of spell on you to make you believe her?” he questioned, not really expecting an answer. “Again, I feel absolutely fine” Zenos reassured them, “and considering the fact that she did not want to accept help it doesn’t seem like she had much reason to lie in order to gain my trust” he added. Sarius’ jaw dropped slightly in surprise at the last point, “you offered to HELP her!?” he exclaimed, forgetting to keep his voice down and drawing some attention to the group; Azagelus absentmindedly chuckling at his outburst while taking another swig of his beer. “Yes, if there’s even a slight possibility that she speaks the truth and has a chance to stop something terrible from happening I am sure as hell going to help” Zenos stated, crossing his arm and looking as determined as he could possibly muster. Sarius growled slightly in frustration, “Daak damn it, you’re such a fool…” he muttered, shaking his head and breathing deeply in order to calm himself. “You are coming with me to Prisca, immediately after your shift is over” he muttered, before sitting down and looking at Zenos with a mixture of anger and concern, “and bring me another pint, your stupidity is giving me a headache”.


24 Mar 2014
Birmingham, UK

Session 2:2
Players: Ian (Azagelus)
Kevin (Zenos)
Steven (Sarius)

Sarius stayed true to his words and as soon Zenos had finished his shift he marched the young man over to church so it could be cleared up if he was bewitched or just plain stupid. Zenos didn’t protest, he didn’t see a point to it and he was sure he wasn’t under some kind of spell so he had nothing to worry about. Besides, Prisca could perhaps clear up if the stories of a coming destruction were lies or if there could be some truth to it. While Azagelus wasn’t necessarily involved, he had decided to come along, as he was concerned about Zenos’ possibly being under the influence of some sort of spell.

Upon arriving at the church, they found that Prisca was nowhere to be seen but one of the women who help tend to the church notified them that she had gone to the joint orphanage and poorhouse. “She’ll be back for evening service though, so you should be able to grab her then” she said, before getting back to setting up the altar so it would be ready for when Prisca got back. Sarius thanked the woman but said their matter was urgent, so they’d go to her instead in hopes she could talk to them before the service. The woman looked intrigued but decided not to pry, “May Daak’s light shine upon you” she said, smiling at them. “And upon you as well” the three friends responded almost in unison, before giving a slight bow and leaving her to her duties.

The walk to the orphanage and poorhouse was an unpleasant one, forcing the three friends to walk through parts of the roughest and dirtiest part of town, as they did not wish to take the long way around. Azagelus gagged a little as he caught a whiff of something that could only be described as piss soaked burnt bread, picking his pace up a little and doing his best to breathe through his mouth. The poor-house and orphanage was a small structure, though relatively well kept as the church had spent some money on renovating it to ensure the old wood wouldn’t rot though and collapse the building over the unfortunate souls calling it their home. The inside of the building had a very musty odour of dirt, sweat, and whatever the greyish liquid in a nearby cauldron was.

Prisca could be found praying with an elderly resident of the poorhouse, a thin and sickly looking fellow who they presumed was dying. Some of the children were playing nearby; seemingly un-phased by the scene just a stone’s throw away, suggesting it was a commodity to them. As Prisca finished the payer, Sarius cleared his throat in an attempt to get her attention. The young priestess looked surprised to see him there, but quickly excused herself from the man and walked over. “Sarius, I did not expect you to fetch your friends so quickly” she said, looking at Azagelus and Zenos who seemed unsure what to do with themselves. “Well, I assumed it was a matter of urgency so I thought I’d bring them to you as soon as possible so you could ensure they are alright” Sarius answered, glancing back at Zenos and looking him over once more as if some sign of witchcraft would have surfaced. “Well I admire your promptness Sarius” Prisca started, sounding apologetic, “it is indeed important but I will not be able to do anything here, it is better we leave it until after tonight’s service as we’d be away from prying eyes and ears and also on holy ground, you can never be too safe around these things” she added the last part hastily, almost as an afterthought, but her tone of voice stressed the importance of it. Sarius was a bit disappointed as he would have liked to get it over and done with, but trusted that Prisca knew what was best. He told the others what she had said and they all agreed they’d meet at the church for the sermon. Sarius decided to stay behind at the orphanage and poor-house to give a helping hand, much to Prisca’s joy, while Zenos and Azagelus returned to the pub to drink and catch up with each other on non-witchcraft related things.

A few hours went by and the three friends met up once more in the church, which was now full of people. Luckily, Sarius had managed to save them all a seat so they didn’t have to stand in the back or in the aisles the whole time, which was appreciated. At the evening sermon Prisca told the story of Albus, a local saint who lived in Merun about 1600 years ago, who walked through the night to hand food and clothes to the poor, surrounded by a radiant aura of Daak’s power to light his path. “We can all learn from Albus’ kindness towards those who were less fortunate, because by aiding those who are weakest in our midst we will all grow stronger” she argued, some people nodding and smiling while others rolled their eyes at her ‘preachy non-sense’. Once more she gathered whatever donations the congregation wished to make during the final hymn, which both Azagelus and Zenos contributed towards. Sarius abstained as he had already donated both time and money towards the church today. Prisca nodded to him to show it was ok, but his decision prompted some nasty glares from other members of the congregation, assuming he was just being a ‘tight-arse’.

As the service came to a close, the three friends remained in their seats, waiting for the congregation to clear out. However, there were plenty of people who wished to pray individually with Prisca or ask her guidance on spiritual issues afterwards, so they were left waiting for almost an hour before everyone else had left. “Sorry about the wait” Prisca said as she walked up to them, the three friends’ responding that she didn’t need to apologise for doing her job. Prisca nodded and then quickly grew more serious, turning to Zenos. “I heard you were exposed to witchcraft the other night” she stated. “How are you feeling?” she asked, squinting as she looked into his eyes to make sure they were not glazed over or showing any signs of possession. Zenos nodded and then confirmed that he was feeling perfectly fine, but had been quite shaken up just after their encounter. “Sarius has already told me about the events of last night, but I’d like you to explain what they did to you if you can” Prisca continued, almost starting to sound as if she was interrogating Zenos. “They made me see, hear, and feel things that weren’t real” Zenos responded, explaining how he’d experienced sheer terror and deep sorrow interchangeably, and how Keron had been manipulated into attacking him with his axe. Prisca was listening intently to him, nodding every now and then and asking him to further clarify how the witchcraft had affected him, and how he knew that the feelings he experienced were not real. At this Zenos fell quiet and shrugged slightly, “I can’t really explain it” he mumbled, “It was kind of like dreaming I guess, while I was affected it all seemed real, but as soon as I started getting control of my senses again I just knew there was something off about the way I felt”.

Prisca started pacing slightly, deep in thought, “I think I understand what you mean, though the fact that they can manipulate our minds and emotions is of great concern to me” she stated. “I’ve heard stories of such things, but I never imagined people with such powers actually existed” she explained, “our thoughts, memories, and emotions are some of the most important things we have, if they can control those who knows what damage they can do?” she pondered, sounding worried. “That’s not all though” Sarius said, Prisca looking up at him, “One of the masked people were in his room” he added, Prisca audibly gasping and looking back at Zenos. “Yes, the person who I believe is their leader came to visit me last night” Zenos confirmed, sounding slightly annoyed that Sarius had brought it up before he could tell Prisca on his own terms. Prisca briskly walked over to Zenos and grabbed his hands and started investigating him for ‘witch marks’. “Did they hurt you?” She asked, turning his head from one side to the other to check for marks on his face and neck. “No, she actually apologised for what had happened, and then we just talked for a bit” Zenos said, figuring he didn’t have much choice than to be honest as Sarius would surely fill in any blanks that he might omit. “I’m relieved to hear that” Prisca said, content that Zenos had no marks on him and seemingly spoke the truth, “What did you talk about?” she then asked.

“She told me that we don’t need to fear them, that they are here to protect us from some kind of danger that’s coming” he answered, brushing some creases out of his tunic after Prisca’s somewhat forceful inspection. “Lies of course” Prisca retorted, feeling the urge to spit but refrained from doing so. “Zenos seems to believe her though” Azagelus piped up, causing Prisca to look worried once more. “Why would you believe the word of a heathen, Zenos!?” She exclaimed, sounding both angry and exasperated at the same time, starting to pace once more. “And why did you let her into your room in the first place?” She continued, her voice growing louder “You can’t just invite strangers into your home like that, especially ones in masks!”. She kept venting her frustrations before she managed to calm herself, though her eyes still held a trace of frustration. “I didn’t invite her, nor did anybody else, I woke up and she was already in my room” Zenos explained, starting to feel more and more like he was being on trial. At this Prisca’s pacing came to a halt, and she had to sit down for a moment. “They can enter our homes” she whispered to herself in shock, resting her forehead in her hands.

The church fell silent for a moment as Prisca was trying to process what she had just learned. She sat up straight and looked at Zenos once more, “you didn’t tell me why you’d believe a heretic like her”, she stated her eyes somewhat blank. Zenos shifted a bit, “she seemed genuine, and if there’s a slight chance she’s speaking the truth I think we might do well in listening so we can protect ourselves from whatever is coming” He stated, trying to be as truthful as he could be without making himself sound like a heathen. “How do you know she didn’t just cast a spell to make you believe her?” Prisca asked, “We know they can manipulate your mind after all”. “Like I said, I could tell I’d been manipulated before, I don’t feel like that about this” Zenos stated, reiterating his point of ‘knowing’ his feelings had been false upon the effects of the spell leaving his system. “Maybe you’re still being controlled” Azagelus suggested, Zenos glaring at him in response. “I am not under a spell, nor am I being controlled, I just think we shouldn’t dismiss her story” he exclaimed, clearly frustrated. Prisca arose from her seat and started walking towards Zenos, “sit down” she ordered. Zenos obliged, but kept talking about how they should at least consider what she had said. “be quiet” Prisca muttered, putting a finger in front of his lips, her tone suggesting she did not wish to ask twice. Zenos begrudgingly fell silent, looking away from Prisca and the others while she started praying and letting one of her hands traverse over his body.

“Well, you don’t seem to have any magical residue on you” Prisca said, letting out a sigh of relief, “Which means you’re just a victim of stupidity rather than witchcraft” she added. Azagelus chuckled a bit at her comment, but then walked over to sit next to Zenos. “I wouldn’t pay too much attention to her story if I were you, it’s very likely they are just misguided individuals who’ve interpreted the nomad star as an ill omen and are acting out of desperation” he said. Zenos looked confused, “the nomad star?” he queried, glancing over at Prisca and Sarius who both looked equally perplexed. “Ah, yes, sorry… I forget that not everyone’s parents force their children to study the stars” he excused himself. “The nomad star is a peculiar star that moves through the night sky, passing through constellations, and that’s seems to be giving off a brighter light today than it did in the past.” Azagelus explained, “because of its behaviour there’s plenty of people who believe that it’s an omen, though whether it’s good or bad depends entirely on the theory you apply.” He explained, “Some even claim that following it will lead you to your hearts desires and…” his voice started drifting off, realising that he was rambling. “Sorry, I’m rambling, but the point is that her belief the world is ending is likely misguided” he summarised, clearing his throat a little and laughing nervously.

Prisca nodded, stating she’d heard stories of this star before but never really noticed any ‘travelling stars’ in the sky herself. “See Zenos, there’s your explanation” she said, “there’s no reason to help this heretic, she’s just misguided”. Zenos looked slightly disappointed but nodded, “I suppose that makes sense, but I’m still worried that something could be coming and destroy us all” he admitted. “Don’t worry Zenos” Prisca said, her voice filling with warmth once more as she realised that Zenos’ willingness to believe a heretic might be rooted in fear, “Daak will keep us safe”.


30 Dec 2010
Kul Jens. Jag gillar din berättarstil och atmosfären i berättelsen.

Äventyret tog en snabb och spännande start. När jag läste att de letade nästan hela natten utan att hitta någon, så tänkte jag: hoppas de inte hittar något. Det skulle öka mystiken ytterligare om de verkligen fick anstränga sig för att få fram svaren. Jag tror det var manusförfattaren av TV-serien Lost (J.J. Abrams) som sade att mysterier är en utav de viktigaste inslagen i en berättelse. Så håll i hemligheterna; och ge bara bort svar om spelarna verkligen söker de!

Jag ser fram emot att läsa nästa del. Åter igen, du är en duktig skribent. Lycka till!


24 Mar 2014
Birmingham, UK
Tack Isak, jo det ar en hel del mystik i just detta aventyr men de har luskat reda pa ganska mycket redan. Hoppas pa att kunna skriva lite i helgen pa kronikan sa forhoppningsvis kan jag fa upp en del eller tva da :)


Nybliven Stockholmshipster
18 May 2000
Malmö/Lund Metropolitan Axis
jensofsweden;n173667 said:
Aviadeium/Aviadernum (vad sjutton heter det nu igen?) kommer blandas in och tanken är att detta är en civilisation som överlevde det förra mörkret men sedan gick under av andra anledningar.. vilket antagligen inte kanon men vem fan bryr sig? ;) Tanken är alltså att folket i Aviadeium (supposedly) hittade ett sätt att skydda sig eller förmildra mörkrets effekter för dem som var i staden och det är detta som de maskerade personerna försöker imitera.
Om du studerar Codex Mundana till analretentiva nivåer kan du hitta mystiska kopplingar mellan Aviadeum och ett sjunket rike som nämns annorstädes i boken. Codex Mundana har talrika sådana kopplingar, metareferenser och genomtänkta antydningar om Mundanas beskaffenhet, och den riktigt, riktigt Eon-nördige kan rentav märka att boken verkar flytta fram Mundanas tidslinje och antyda en dramatisk förändring i spelvärldens status quo, långt bortom introduktionen av de nya rikena.