Fantasy bilder


22 Dec 2013
Armand Bodnar | The Mouth of Sauron | Instagram

"While the majority of my favorite Tolkien characters belong to the 1st and 2nd ages, the Mouth of Sauron ranks very highly. I love his brief appearance in the books as well as the ways creators have interpreted him. I'm still feeling out the design, I dont have a cohesive vision for what my ideal tolkien word would be but I have always gravitated towards the feeling of simplicity. (My earliest tolkien was the rankin bass hobbit and it left a big impression)
I havent really nailed the look yet, This take on the Mouth of sauron is maybe too simple, too generic. For me he is just a man, no magics or elaborate design, but while I'm pleased with the look of the robes, the full helm robs him of any truly defining factors that may relate to his station. Maybe he spends most of his time with the helmet off."