Guns in the US and RPG characters.


13 Sep 2020
I hope that helps for more realistic campaigns if you are into this stuff.
Hur vanligt är det att folk gör sin egna ammunition, och hur svårt är det?
Jag hoppas balancera på on/off-topic-linjen...

Ammunition är något som normalt hanteras tämligen orealistiskt i rollspel. Ibland anses olika ammuntion göra olika skada, eller möjligtvis vara mer träffsäker.

Om man skjuter och färväntar sig precision (säg träff inom 10cm på 100m håll), så behöver vapnet vara inskjutet (alltså riktmedlen justerade) efter den aktuella ammunitionen. Med aktuell ammunition avses fabrikat, kultyp, krutvikt och även batch. För att få bästa precision med ett vapen (alltså ett unikt exemplar) behöver man prova sig fram till optimal ammunition.

Jag tolkar ursprungsposten som "mer realistiska inköp och hantering av skjutvapen i USA". Om man vill sträva efter det så är inköp av ammunition (eller handladdning), och inskjutning/övningsskjutning på skjutbana sådant som den detaljintresserade kan tänka på.


Ödestyngd världsvandrare
18 May 2007
Jag hoppas balancera på on/off-topic-linjen...

Ammunition är något som normalt hanteras tämligen orealistiskt i rollspel. Ibland anses olika ammuntion göra olika skada, eller möjligtvis vara mer träffsäker.

Om man skjuter och färväntar sig precision (säg träff inom 10cm på 100m håll), så behöver vapnet vara inskjutet (alltså riktmedlen justerade) efter den aktuella ammunitionen. Med aktuell ammunition avses fabrikat, kultyp, krutvikt och även batch. För att få bästa precision med ett vapen (alltså ett unikt exemplar) behöver man prova sig fram till optimal ammunition.

Jag tolkar ursprungsposten som "mer realistiska inköp och hantering av skjutvapen i USA". Om man vill sträva efter det så är inköp av ammunition (eller handladdning), och inskjutning/övningsskjutning på skjutbana sådant som den detaljintresserade kan tänka på.
Undrar om det legendarisk detaljerade rollspelet Phoenix Command har regler för sånt här?


29 Apr 2018
Not an expert here but I know for like sports shooters people put a lot of effort into what manufacturers are the most consistent and reliable when it comes to manufacturing ammunition. You can also hand-load your own ammo if you want to know the exact powder, volumes etc.
GURPS 3 had a rule in High-Tech for muzzle loaders where you got an accuracy bonus for carefully loading the weapon.

Military ammo, especially older stuff, can be all over the place. Makes you appreciate the skill of WW2 era snipers who shot 100 nazis with ammo made in a basement in Leningrad or something.

Björn Wärmedal

Björning Wheel
29 Dec 2007
Military ammo, especially older stuff, can be all over the place.
Oj! Är det så olika även idag?

Andra frågor:
Hur snabba är poliser egentligen på att dra fram pistolen vid interaktion med civila? Med det vi ser och läser om här är det lätt att tro att det är "skjut först, fråga sen" som gäller, även vid typ fortkörningar.
Hur vanligt är det med metalldetektorer på skolor och i offentliga byggnader?
Hur vanligt är det att lärare bär vapen? Händer det ens?


29 Apr 2018
Oj! Är det så olika även idag?
I dont buy a lot of ammo, but from my friends who are collectors modern ammo is generally pretty consistent. Old cold war stuff it can be uneven, since it was only made to be "good enough".

Andra frågor:
Hur snabba är poliser egentligen på att dra fram pistolen vid interaktion med civila? Med det vi ser och läser om här är det lätt att tro att det är "skjut först, fråga sen" som gäller, även vid typ fortkörningar.[/QUOTE]

Thats a really tough question. More often than it should for sure. There are major issues with how police is being trained and very very poor accountability for police violence and we have only just started to see it really change a little with some of the big cases from the last few years.
I don't think I can go into it more without it being about politics sorry.

Hur vanligt är det med metalldetektorer på skolor och i offentliga byggnader?
Our kids school don't have them and the last one he went to didn't either, but I know some big city schools do have them.

My understanding is that in a lot of cases they were originally installed due to worries about knives, spray cans and so on, but there's definitely schools that beefed up security when it seemed like shootings were a weekly occurrence.

Ive definitely heard from parents about schools where kids arent allowed to carry backpacks around etc. I think some of that is being afraid of drugs but we wouldn't let our kid attend a school like that.

Hur vanligt är det att lärare bär vapen? Händer det ens?
In the state I live in, this is not generally allowed. I've heard of it happening in the South but I suspect its not typical. Some schools have security guards though this has a bunch of its own problems (such as teachers relying on security guards when a student is misbehaving).

A lot of times this sort of stuff is being demanded by parents who want something visible to be done for security, but don't really understand anything about how a school environment functions.


1 Mar 2017
Since i assume alot of home owners and store owners (like liqour Stores , small convinient stores , gas stations ) have guns how common are shootouts when it comes to robbery atempts and burglary atempts ?


29 Apr 2018
Since i assume alot of home owners and store owners (like liqour Stores , small convinient stores , gas stations ) have guns how common are shootouts when it comes to robbery atempts and burglary atempts ?
Questions like that are difficult to answer because statistics are not really kept very well (sometimes for political reasons, sometimes due to pure bureaucracy).

There is a term called "defensive gun use" which is used to mean a situation where you are attacked or under threat and use a firearm to defend yourself. This does not strictly mean that you fire it. If someone threatens to steal your car and you draw a weapon and they flee, that would also be a defensive use. Thing is, it is very hard to find statistics for. One study I saw suggested that victims of direct crime used a firearm in something like 1% of cases. Some sources claim that it happens far more often, but they are often suspect.

You can look at it this way: Lets say that 1000 people who own a gun get robbed in one year in some town.

How many of those people are surprised by the attack and can't react?
How many of them are in a position or situation where they can't physically get the weapon and ammunition?
How many of them are ultimately not willing to kill a human being over their wallet?

Once you factor those in, there's probably only a handful left.
In the US, robbery rates (to use one kind of crime) are something like 75 per 100.000 people. Its probably not that out of the ordinary to assume that only 1 or 2 of those 75 meet all three conditions.

Straight up shoot outs (as in two people trading shots) are very rare and usually hit the news when they occur. If you start shooting at me, I am either going to be bleeding on the ground, running away or trying to do both. I am definitely not coming back to see if you want to continue shooting at me :)

One factor that is worth discussing here though, because it was completely alien to me as a Dane where we have no big wildlife, is that if you live in a really rural place (and a lot of places in America are VERY rural) carrying a weapon or very strong mace (canned pepper spray or tear gas basically) is often recommended for fear of things like mountain lions, bobcats, rattle snakes and so on. Its also pretty common for farmers in desert areas to have rifles or shotguns for fending off coyotes that might attack sheep and other livestock animals.


1 Mar 2017
Questions like that are difficult to answer because statistics are not really kept very well (sometimes for political reasons, sometimes due to pure bureaucracy).

There is a term called "defensive gun use" which is used to mean a situation where you are attacked or under threat and use a firearm to defend yourself. This does not strictly mean that you fire it. If someone threatens to steal your car and you draw a weapon and they flee, that would also be a defensive use. Thing is, it is very hard to find statistics for. One study I saw suggested that victims of direct crime used a firearm in something like 1% of cases. Some sources claim that it happens far more often, but they are often suspect.

You can look at it this way: Lets say that 1000 people who own a gun get robbed in one year in some town.

How many of those people are surprised by the attack and can't react?
How many of them are in a position or situation where they can't physically get the weapon and ammunition?
How many of them are ultimately not willing to kill a human being over their wallet?

Once you factor those in, there's probably only a handful left.
In the US, robbery rates (to use one kind of crime) are something like 75 per 100.000 people. Its probably not that out of the ordinary to assume that only 1 or 2 of those 75 meet all three conditions.

Straight up shoot outs (as in two people trading shots) are very rare and usually hit the news when they occur. If you start shooting at me, I am either going to be bleeding on the ground, running away or trying to do both. I am definitely not coming back to see if you want to continue shooting at me :)

One factor that is worth discussing here though, because it was completely alien to me as a Dane where we have no big wildlife, is that if you live in a really rural place (and a lot of places in America are VERY rural) carrying a weapon or very strong mace (canned pepper spray or tear gas basically) is often recommended for fear of things like mountain lions, bobcats, rattle snakes and so on. Its also pretty common for farmers in desert areas to have rifles or shotguns for fending off coyotes that might attack sheep and other livestock animals.
This question arose after i watched a YouTube clip from 2019/2020 with leaked bodycam fotage (unsure of the exact date) the Scenario is the following the highway patrol pulls a guy over and he gets in a argument with the cop that detains him and refuses him to leave and then the driver pulls out a gun and gets in a shootout with the cop that gets gunned down.

And i also seen clips of security cams where store owners pulls out guns and starts firing at robbers

Also cellphone videos of neighbours getting into arguments and pulling guns on eachother

People in the wallmart parkinglot shooting at eachother

And that got me thinking in a nation with tons and tons of guns and Where everyone can pretty much own a gun how Common is it that People pull out guns and get into shootouts .
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Ödestyngd världsvandrare
18 May 2007
Snubblade över en undersökning från Pew som visar att 73% av alla amerikanska poliser aldrig har avlossat ett vapen i vrede. Vilket alltså innebär att 27% har skjutit skarp minst en gång. Mycket eller lite? Det måste ju finnas hundratusentals poliser i USA (som är en polisstat). Minns att är jag jobbade på polishuset i Halmstad 1991 så skröt någon med att ingen polis i hela staden hade avlossat sitt tjänstevapen sedan någon gång på 60-talet. De var stolta över det.



29 Apr 2018
Just a reminder that I will be avoiding questions too far off topic to avoid the mods having to get involved if there’s a fight or people get weird.

Issues like police brutality, police-civil relations etc. are pretty dense and heavy topics and tend to attract unsavory white nationalist bros online.
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Björn Wärmedal

Björning Wheel
29 Dec 2007
Just ja! Konstigt att jag inte kommit på att fråga om det här tidigare.

Vi har pratat om tillgång till pistoler och gevär för privatpersoner, men hur är det med tyngre saker? Kulsprutor, granatkastare, granatgevär, handgranater, osv. Kan privatpersoner få tag i sådana på något lagligt sätt?


1 Mar 2017
("FOPA") (1986): Revised and partially repealed the Gun Control Act of 1968. Prohibited the sale to civilians of automatic firearms manufactured after the date of the law's passage. Required ATF approval of transfers of automatic firearms.

Federal assault weapon ban (1994–2004): Banned semiautomatics that looked like assault weapond and large.capacity aummution feeding devices. The law expired in 2004.

Cannon shells are classed as destructive devices in the U.S. under the 1934 National Firearms Act (NFA). They must be registered with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and, though legal under federal law, are prohibited from being owned by civilians in certain states. Muzzle-loading cannons themselves, however, are – remarkably – not deemed to be firearms in the U.S. and are therefore not regulated by the NFA

A grenade launcher is a weapon you might expect to see in open warfare, but owning one is actually permitted in the U.S. under federal law – albeit with restrictions. Classified by the National Firearms Act as a destructive device, the grenade launcher is legal in many places, as long as owners have correctly registered the weapon and passed the necessary background checks. That said, those interested in procuring and using one may not be allowed to fire anything more explosive than flares. In 2005, when Seattle police were tipped off about a rocket launcher seen in a car, they promptly called the bomb squad and then confiscated the weapon – although they later confirmed that it was unloaded and therefore legal to possess.

in the case of the M134 Minigun, up to 6,000 rounds a minute. Astonishingly, such large, deadly weapons are legal to own in the U.S. owing to a law passed in 1986 that permitted ownership of any fully automatic weapon built prior to that year. That said, the process of obtaining one may prove difficult and expensive. Relatively few miniguns make it onto market, and even then one is likely to set prospective buyers back roughly $400,000. Then there’s the fact that firing the weapon costs approximately $60 a second thanks to the price of the ammunition


1 Mar 2017
While military flamethrowers use combustible liquid, commercial flamethrowers like those utilized in agriculture often employ high-pressure gas. When it comes to the civilian arena, America has a different approach to other countries, and privately owning a flamethrower is not forbidden under federal law. Still, these devices are controlled in certain states, including California, where possession of one without a license could result in a one-year prison term or a fine of up to $10,000. In contrast, possession of one of these weapons in the U.K. can lead to a jail sentence as long as ten years.


29 Apr 2018
As posted, you can own a machine gun with proper licensing and so forth. I suppose in a weird way, its almost not worth restricting: You can't really rob a bank with your Maxim gun so it ends up just being for hobby purposes :D

That is an extremely expensive hobby though.

Lupus Maximus

13 Jan 2012
De flesta i USA verkar rekommendera att vapen bärs med en kula i loppet. Så begreppet "US carry vs Israel carry" används ofta, då Israelerna har sin rekommendation att vapnet bärs utan kula i loppet.

För någon som tränat mycket, så är skillnaden bråkdelen av en sekund om man har båda händerna tillgängliga. Det finns trix att göra mentelrörelse utan tillgång till båda händerna, men det är mycket långsammare. Men att ha kula i loppet ökar som sagt risken för vådaskott.

Vissa delstater är "open carry" och där behövs varken licens eller träning att bära vapnet på gatan. "Concealed carry" kräver i vissa delstater enbart en veckoslutskurs, och det handlar mer om det juridiska runt att använda vapnet.

Har man licens för Concealed carry i en delstat är den oftast giltig i flera andra, men inte i alla delstater.

You should write about what it is like to visit a gun range. All the details.

I have just been at a US gun range once, it made an impression, but I can not give the details properly.
Om du menar en skjutbana där man kan hyra vapen och pistol så har jag varit på en klubb i Florida och en i Texas, och kan beskriva lite om så önskas.


13 Sep 2020
Om du menar en skjutbana där man kan hyra vapen och pistol så har jag varit på en klubb i Florida och en i Texas, och kan beskriva lite om så önskas.
Lite så! Personligen har jag varit på en skjutbana i Texas och jag spelar inga relevanta rollspel. Men för den som vill använda tråden för att göra vapenhantering i nutidens USA mer ... köttigt... så tror jag det vore intressant läsning.