Nekromanti Hjälp med kines-amerikansk kultur (World of Darkness)


7 Jan 2010
Short description

Three old families, some more consolidated around their clan while others around their covenant, keep the city in their pocket while the independents fight for the scraps. For how long can they keep their power run going against the independents and for how long can their frail peace be kept? Will you be the diplomat and envoy who keep kindred society together and static or will you be the fuse and the bomb that send it all shattering?

Paranoia – You can trust no one, not even your own sire or childe. Everyone in the city has an agenda of their own and you can be damn sure that if they haven’t shown one yet, it’s only because they are good at hiding it.
Old power-structures – Coming to Portland as a new face will mean many steep uphill walks for you… While belonging to the right group or even being born with the right name will open many doors.
The long-term plan versus the instant change – Some will say that there has never been a greater time in Portland for the kindred to change with a single decisive move… While others will say that one fault and it will all be lost. When will be the right moment to strike?

The Kindred Food Chain – Portland has been in a stasis for some time with the old families ruling the town without question but it would seem like things are able to crumble. Who will stand fortunate when it is all over and who will not stand at all?
Mercenary for hire – The independents are there for a reason, so hire them. They’ll do your dirty work, perhaps even behind the eyes of your own boss, and in the turn of it all you might not get a little bit richer at the expense of your rivals… But very much richer at the expense of your allies too!
Politics And Backdoor Deals – The prince is powerless, but for how long will he accept that? There’s a frail peace in between old families, but for how long will it last? Only politics and diplomacy hold Portland together. Make a deal, surrender something to gain something. Go all in guns blazing and it will all end in a world of fire.

The kindred history of Portland is the history of two men and two women, the grid which the rest of the undead Portland community revolve around. Their power and status have shifted over the years but they have always been there in the past, lurking and watching from the shadows, waiting for the right time to make their move.


7 Jan 2010
The O’Donnells (Lancea Sanctum/Ventrue) “The Irish, The Green”

Patrick “Gran-pappy” O’Donnell was born sometime in the 1820’s in the county of Galway, Ireland. According to the family legend he was a shoemaker who inherited his little store from his father. Chances are high he would’ve lived his life like many other Irishmen at the time, oppressed by the British boot and starved in the famine to be nothing more. But fate had something different in store for Patrick and in the mid 1870’s he was embraced and born again. Facing the option of abandoning his family and kin to live in the shadows like other kindred before him or to stay loyal to his blood and lead it he chose the latter. Legend would have it that he slew whoever embraced him but the details are rather fuzzy. In either way he left Ireland soon after his embrace, along with his wife, his children and their grandchildren to come. The oldest son and his wife were informed of his condition and how things were going to change from now on. Once arriving on the east-coast the trail of the family set to the west, travelling across the Great Plains until they reached a newly founded city, Portland. Patrick claims he chose it because something about it reminded him of home while others whispered that he was running from something.
Either way it did not take long before Patrick embraced his oldest son and ghouled one of his daughters. The O’Donnell family was here to stay.

As the new century came creeping the O’Donnell family were prominent in the Portland community, with several county treasurers, church leaders, city councillor, advisors, district attorneys and so on and so forth hailing from their family. Human, the lot of them, of course, but always under the advice from their elders indirectly or directly, depending on how high their status was in the family.
Their golden age was during the years up until the prohibition where they took a serious blow in their conflict with the Qíang who recovered from the 1886 incident and now controlled the booze inflow and managed to push the O’Donnells away from the underground areas where the Qíang hid. Portland went from known as a sober frontier city to being known as one of the most dangerous port cities in the world, well up there with Shanghai. This reputation was hard to shake off and well and even when booze became legal again the crime gangs were there to stay. The O’Donnells found themselves in a constant battle until things cooled down by the 1960’s. The war with the Chinese had been culled, considered a draw by most, but not for long a new threat rose instead to the power, the witches.

As if the Chinese hadn’t been bad enough, these hippies talked about minority rights, gay rights, environmental issues, social “progression” and a break-down of power-structures that has tied society together for as long as anyone can remember. What had been an age long feud against the Qíang was put aside as the O’Donnells found their new undead enemy. A true rivalry grew in between the two organisations, although often The Circle of the Crone was the ones finding themselves on the run with the occasional challenge here and there.
Slowly the undead society cemented with various spheres of interest for the three families as they were now known, with the Qíang claiming ground in some corporations and city politics, often challenged by the O’Donnell alternative and standing on the side-line were the Circle who did not care as much for the long-term thinking of party politics but rather relied on the explosive powers of riots and protests, such as the little Beirut incident in the 1990’s.
What do they do these days?

While now as powerful as they were in ages past they are still a power to be dealt with many contacts in the church, amongst politicians and in different business corporations. As the decline of the traditionally religious has come to Portland the O’Donnells find that they must rely on other ways to gain influence in human society and as such the Irish mob is still strongly present in the O’Donnell home.
As for their leadership, Patrick is still alive and kicking, but since a few years back his mind has started degrading. There are whispers of a performed diablerie which has eaten at his mental health and that he nowadays goes from paranoid isolation to bursts of wrath. If this information is true it cannot be long until the other families move on them…
Who are they?

The O’Donnells consist primarily of direct descendants of Patrick O’Donnell. The extended family has some 100-120 humans or so living in the vicinity of Portland. They recruit mainly from this pool of people, more often than not turning them into ghouls for a couple of years before raising them to join the ranks of the kindred. Most O’Donnells, even humans, know who “Gran’pappy” is because of the large portrait of the stern man that hangs in the family mansion, known as the founder of the O’Donnell fortune. The story of the poor shoemaker who travelled to America and made it big is well known even by the smallest ones. Most would not guess that he rests in the basement of the family mansion and sits there during Christmas, St: Patrick and other festivities and plans with the other elders of what is going to happen next.

The organisation is tight and members meet up quite often, at the same time as the humans, during holidays and festivities. Additionally, the large family mansion is a common place to hang out on and update yourself with what is going on in the clan and the city. Ghouls are also available in the family mansion as they rarely work for a specific vampire but rather for the family as a whole.
With that said, the family does allow outsiders. It has happened before that the O’Donnells have taken in people of other ethnicities and even other clans to join their ranks, in particular those of Daeva blood, as long as they have shown themselves useful enough to the family. It’s hard though to become highly ranked in the family unless your last name is O’Donnell since birth.

The Qíang (Invictus/ Mekhet and Nosferatu) “The Chinese, The Asians”

The Qíang were originally founded by a Han-Chinese immigrant, a man called Daniu Zhang with a simple background from a farmer family in Eastern China and later on a prospector in the 1850’s in California. His embrace is believed to have been done in America where the Mekhet claimed him as one of them. By the 1870’s he moved with a coterie friend, the Nosferatu Meifen, to Portland and established themselves as figureheads of the growing Chinese community there and in particular The Underground. They soon enough found themselves challenged not only by vampires, but by humans in the form of the Anti-Coolie-Act. Attacked on many fronts with the culminating riots of 1886, the Qíang looked like they were dealt with but this was not the case. The Chinese that stayed were protected fiercely by their vampire elders who also expanded their operations in the shadows of the underground, aiding in human trafficking, establishing opium dens and controlling the growing illegal operations.

By the turn of the century the Qíang had bounced back on their feet and stood strong from their home in Old-town (later China-town). What followed was an age of corruption and criminality which lasted all the way up until the early sixties when the Irish and the Chinese finally found peace in between each other. The O’Donnells found a greater spiritual foe and The Qíang were left to their own devices, doing what Invictus does best; rule from the darkness. From below the earth the Nosferatu stalked the sewers and above ground the Mekhet sat in the shadowy corners of any business hall and helped seal the deals that would strengthen themselves… and ruin it for others.
The old underground tunnels were where they found the greatest trouble, finding themselves losing ground as they were unwilling to commit to a full-scale war. Some would claim that the old heads of the Qíang had become so comfortable with living above ground that they didn’t even in particular care when the independents claimed more and more of the old “Shanghai”-tunnels. The Nosferatu wing of the family, the descendants of Meifen, is naturally upset but unless they can convince the Mekhets to act they might find their ancestral home completely lost to the newcomers.
What do they do these days?

Possibly the most powerful of the three families they operate largely out of Chinatown but aren’t the least bit shy to reach further than that, whenever given the chance. Indirect influence in corporations, amongst politicians and especially in restaurant and pub-businesses is very common. Although they have left most of their criminal operations behind them there are still a handful of humans willing to deliver painful violence upon any enemies of their organisation.
The leadership (and group as a whole) is somewhat split for various reasons. Daniu and Meifen rarely meet up and talk in person, as they used to, being on ends with each other on how to deal with the various problems in the city. Daniu is a proponent of a live-and-let-live strategy while Meifen prefers to strike out with brutal violence against anyone who threatens their power. Additionally the Qíang has since the fifties recruited non-Chinese to their group, mainly other east-Asians such as Thai, Taiwanese and Korean vampires and ghouls, which creates a few culture clashes that they did not have to deal with in the past.
Who are they?

The Mekhet and Nosferatu of the Qíang are stricter on human ethnicity than they are on clan- or covenant-affiliation when they recruit new members. For instance, it’s very possible for a part-Korean Gangrel Ordo dracul to become a member of the Qíang while it’s nearly unthinkable for a white Mekhet Invictus to be accepted as a worthy member. With that said, they do hire the services of non-east-Asians from time and some have even joined on a longer basis if they have very particular skills, but it’s common for them to be considered second class members. They in particular look for Ordo Dracul members to fill their ranks, enjoying the knowledge even from someone who is not from the right ethnicity.
Many members of the organisation do not meet each other very often, but are rather expected to run their own business while paying off a higher ranking member in a feudal system that goes all the way up the top. The most commonly exchanged goods are blood, hunting rights, information, protection and favours, just as you’d expect from an Invictus organisation.

The Mother’s Army (Circle of the Crone/Gangrel) (The witches, The circle)

The other kindred of Portland may think that the Circle came to Portland with the hippie wave, but they couldn’t be more wrong. Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. The first time the Circle came in numbers to Portland was shortly after the Rogue River Wars, when several witches of the Chinook Native American tribes were forced to flee from their territories in the 1850’s. The most prominent of them was Elvamox who led her few survivors to live in the outskirts of Portland, in hiding. They gathered human followers for their ancient pagan rites and didn’t even identify as members of the Circle of the crone until they finally revealed themselves. They were simply survivors and nothing more. Whenever they needed blood, they moved in silence and picked off travellers and tourists. Whenever they needed a haven they hid in the outskirts of the city or simply dug themselves underground. It’s, of course, easier to hide if no one is expecting you to be out there, and the O’Donnells and the Qíang were too busy at each other’s throats to know what was lurking out there in the dark.

When the hippie waves of the sixties and seventies hit Portland they brought up not only environmental and gay rights but also the rights of minority groups, in particular the Native Americans from which the Circle of the Crone rose. At first the Circle could be considered just another independent group on the fringe of Portland kindred society but they quickly grew too strong to be ignored or simply brushed aside. They challenged not only for good hunting grounds inside the city but also for power in both kindred and mundane world. When the old families snickered at their feeble attempts they found that they grew out of hand and when they tried to react with claw and teeth they found themselves beaten back with a ferocity that they hadn’t experienced since the turn of the last century.
It all peaked during the Little Beirut incident when The Mother’s Army once more rose with their chin high. When challenged they bite back and their rivals have soon learned that it is better to negotiate than to headstrong challenge the witches as they are willing not only to shed the blood of their enemies but also their own if they believe it will bring them victory or gains in the end.
What do they do these days?

While the crones do not control large corporations or whisper into the ears of the politicians they still hold some power in human society, in particular the unofficial power. Several activist groups, which can be very efficient when trying to put pressure onto something in the human world, are directly or indirectly controlled by the members of the Circle. Some of them because they genuinely believe in what the people of these organisations propose while others simply because it offers a safe area for hunting. More important than the specific message of any group is the overlaying tone sent to the world: change is happening no matter if you will it or not. For the Circle, after all, there is only evolution or destruction and they are done hiding.
The Mother’s Army are probably the least organized of the major players of Portland, finding that you are encouraged to do your own thing for the most part, even forming your own little human cult to whatever ancient deity or power you chose to worship. With that said, they do meet up every so often, discuss guide-lines and where to go from there… And the crones are generally fiercely loyal to each other once threatened from the outside, no matter past grudges that might be seething within the group. And it is especially important to do so now considering how Elvamox is seen less and less often amongst the kindred and some start to believe that she has grown tired of it all and simply intends to leave… Or is she just trying to hint at weakness, inviting possible rivals to make a move so that she can root them out?
Who are they?

While the founders may have been Gangrel, The Mother’s Army accept any kindred from any walk of life as long as they swear allegiance to the Circle of the Crone. Native Americans, whites, blacks, Hispanics, mixed races and more are present in their numbers and they see no issues with it. The same goes for Mekhet, Daeva, Nosferatu and Ventrue who are all welcome to fill their ranks which in turn makes this group the most diverse, aside from the independents that is.


7 Jan 2010
The independents (Any/Any) “Loners, The Mercenaries”

The independents have existed in Portland for as long people have settled the area and while they are on paper are the most influential organisation, since the roles of prince and sheriff are both drawn from their ranks, they still find these roles to be merely figureheads and are easily brushed aside by the other, larger organisations. When they aren’t sidelined or ignored they find themselves the pawns of the larger families, who happily hire their services, temporarily or permanently, to perform different tasks for them be it ranging from muscles to intelligence gathering. If the Qíang’s intend to spy a little bit in O’Donnell territory you’d rather send some independent to do it rather than risking your own men, after all.

The key survival strategy for the independents has been, for as long as anyone can remember, to sit down and not rock the boat. The big fish will ignore you if you just stay low and when the rabble has become too loud-mouthed it has happened that the independents have taking a harsh beating from one of the established ‘old families’. As a result they almost completely lack any structure above coterie level, even if Ordo Dracul and in particular the Carthian movement often try and rise up and form something larger and broader than this. While the Ordo Dracul are rarely considered a threat and rather a resource to be tapped, the old families all agree that the Carthian movement can easily become a problem if it gets out of hand. As such the independents are appeased with fake gifts more intended to keep the status quo in between the old families, such as the role of Prince, Sheriff and Keeper of the general Elysium.
Most people who look at it with clear eyes soon understand that the prince has been chosen because they are the one most likely to sit down and act as a diplomat in between the larger families and avoiding taking one side over the other. The sheriff finds their hands tied down too, “supported” by deputies from the Old Families who want to protect their own interests over anything else.
The poorly hidden truth is even that the Old families have their own ‘Sheriff’ who patrols their own areas, dealing with the law as they see fit.

The greatest chance the independents have to influence though is in the Elysium, in particular through the harpies, who can spread word, true or not, to undermine the status of the old families and still be protected by the law in doing so. The alternative is to work for the families and accept the way things are… Or work from the shadows to start a conflict so big that the families couldn’t possible recover from it. The most notable success that the independents have held would be the rise of the Mother’s Army and second to that would be the claim of the underground which is controlled by a group of different coteries.
What do they do these days?

Anything and everything. They influence local human and kindred politics, they survive, they feed, they hunt. They plot for the fall of those in their way and they are happy to just be alive. Just like in the old families ghouls are common here too and they often work more or less openly as mercenaries for whoever can pay them in blood, finding themselves hanging out in the Elysium.
Since the independents lack a unified voice they also lack a unified leadership, although you could in theory claim the current prince or the harpies as powerful players in city politics.
Who are they?

Anyone and everyone. The independents bring kindred and ghouls from all walks of life, young and old, idealistic and cold. They lack a unified goal and are by far the most split group. Some of them are Ordo dracul who simply wish to study while paying for protection from one of the larger families while others are carthians who wish to fight to liberate Portland while the third group is the dreamer who hopes not to change the power structures, but rather who holds the power. Amongst the oppressed are those who wish to oppress after all…

City relationships

The city relationships have been touched upon above, but to make it short the O’Donnell’s are tightly connected to the human world, not only in general through the church and what not, but also directly to their own family, often using them as herd and very often using them as a place to find new ghouls and vampires to join their ranks.
The Qíang are businessmen and the shadows sitting in the corner of the lobby before the city council meeting and most humans wouldn’t even know that they were there before they left, but their decisions would be strongly influenced by what they had to say. They are more public specifically in China town, keeping their family-specific Elysium in one of the finer restaurants there.
The Mother’s Army are closely connected to a chosen few of humans, either through interest groups or through straight up cults where they either act as the leader or as the ‘advisor’ for a blood-bound front of the cult.
The independents find their own way to influence and connect but should they ever try and bite onto something too big you can be certain that the bigger families will snap back and they will do so hard.


7 Jan 2010
Fy fan Ymir. Detta forum vore lika tomt som mitt CV om du inte fanns på det.

Ymir;n147151 said:
Old WoD-modulen San Francisco by Night borde ge en hel del tips, liksom Kindred of the East i allmänhet. Det är orientalistiskt, absolut, men innehåller samtidigt extremt koola kinesiska koncept som vävts in på fantastiska vis med WoDs vampyr-mythos.

I övrigt tycker jag det är svårt att hjälpa till med så här oerhört generella frågeställningar, eftersom jag skulle behöva skriva en hel utläggning för att besvara dem adekvat. Hur är en kinesiska-amerikansk vampyr? Var fan ska jag börja? Du kan inte liksom försöka narrow it down till mer specifika frågor? Det hade underlättat oerhört.
"Grundarna" till vampyrerna i Portland är två hankineser från Hong Kong, en man och en kvinna. Portland hade en väldigt stort Chinatown fram tills 1886 när The Anti-Coolie league slängde in dynamit stavar på china-town market och gav de övriga kineserna trettio dagar på sig att dra innan de började klubba ihjäl dem som sälar på gatorna. Borgmästaren var tvungen att kalla in milis och dubbla polis-styrkorna för att skydda medborgarna men ändå drar en stor grupp av kineser, antingen till Kalifornien eller hela vägen hem till Kina.
Mer information om när mina vampyrer kom till Portland finns ovan.

Ymir;n147151 said:
Något jag dock kan säga direkt är att kines-vampyrerna nog INTE har kommit till USA några år före första världskriget. Mellan 1882 och 1943 fanns nämligen en amerikansk lag som förbjöd all kinesisk immigration. Vampyrerna är därmed sannolika att ha kommit antingen tidigare eller senare än så. Observera även när du betänker detta att typ 99% av alla kineser som kom före 1882 var män, och att kvinnor födda i Kina efter medeltiden fram till sent 1800-tal ofta har lindade fötter och därmed svårt att gå. En kvinna med lindade fötter i WoD-USA i modern tid vore ett vandrande (stapplande, snarare) maskeradbrott. Därmed vore en sådan karaktär givetvis skitkool att ha med. Tänk även på att kinesmän på 1800-talet hade med vår tids mått mätt skitkonstiga, kejserligt ordinerade frisyrer; också det en vampyr-giveaway, åtminstone för tränade ögon (jag antar här att Requiem följer Masquerade-konceptet, dvs att vampyren för alltid ser ut som i ögonblicket då hen blev vampyr).
Såklart, fan vad gjutet. Jag har ju en nosse nosferatu som är en dam från gamla kina. Klart som fan hon stapplar runt när hon smyger och ska busa med folk. Och det är inte Requiem (USCH OCH FY! SPOTT OCH TVI!) Men ja, många vampyrer tycker om att klä sig och bete sig som på gamla dar. Jag tänkte på religion från artonhundra-talets Hong Kong. Är de buddhister? Taioister?

Ymir;n147151 said:
En annan sak man bör betänka är kinesernas dharmiska världsbild. Olikt kristendomen, som genomsyrar vanliga WoD-vampyrers självmedvetenhet, har kineserna inget klart definierat koncept om synd, religiös underkastelse och Guds vrede. Hjältar i kinesisk kultur kan rentav vara figurer som Sun Wukong, som jävlas med gudarna på alla möjliga sätt. Men kineserna hade haft svårt att förhålla sig till odödligheten eftersom den betyder att de bryter samsara genom att aldrig återfödas - inte ens gudarna är odödliga i den dharmiska kosmologin, de bara lever extremt länge. Därmed är det möjligt att de kinesiska vampyrerna antingen hade sett sig själva antingen som en styggelse i hela världens kretslopp och ordning, eller som något som fyller en extremt specifik funktion i kosmos genom att vara låsta till en specifik existens i samsara. WoDs befintliga kines-kosmologi, Kindred of the East, kör på en mix av båda dessa idéer. Men det är väldigt oklart i KotE hur vampyrer ackumulerar respektive drabbas av karma, vilket blir ett filosofiskt problem just eftersom karma (kausalitet) tenderar att drabba en inte omedelbart, utan genom hur man återföds till nästa liv. En av vampyrfraktionerna i KotE, Path of a Thousand Whispers, förhöll sig till detta genom att med ojämna mellanrum anamma olika identiteter, och försöka leva dessa liv fullt ut innan de rituellt gick vidare till en ny identitet. Kinesisk kultur post medeltiden har en slags gudagestalt i den himmelska buddhan Amithaba, som i diverse berättelser ofta kuvar de som verkligen brutit mot världens ordning (till exempel Madame White Snake). Möjligen kunde dina kinesvampyrer, om du vill ha en mytologi som liknar de västerländska vampyrernas, på något sätt se sig som förbannade av Amithaba, och eftersträva att åter komma i hans gunst och beviljas inträde i det västra paradiset.
Det sköna med Chronicles of Darkness är att det inte finns någon officiell historia på hur vampyrer blev till. Somliga tror att den första vampyren var romar-vakten som stack Jesus med spjutet och fick hans blod på sina läppar medan andra tror att det var de missformade barnen som spartanerna satte ut för att dö i skogen etc. Så ja, chansen är mycket god att de inte har en västerländsk förklaring på varför och hur de är vilka de är.

Ymir;n147151 said:
Kinesisk popkultur är sedan sekler tillbaka besatt av konceptet tragisk romans mellan en mänsklig man och en odödlig kvinna (en demon, en fé eller ett spöke), som världens ordning sätter sig emot. Detta förkroppsligas till exempel i Madame White Snake, Painted Skin, A Chinese Ghost Story, The Fox Lover och en uppsjö andra berättelser som blivit koola fantasyfilmer många gånger om. Med andra ord vore en slags reverse Twilight helt rätt om man vill få lite kinesisk feel på en vampyrståry.
Coolaste sido-eventet någonsin. "Ja, uh, chefen. Du vet din högra hand? Ja, hon har fått och fått en människa nedkärad i sig... och hon har kärat sig tillbaka. Hon vägrar ghoula honom eller blood-binda honom, för hon säger att det inte är äkta kärlek då."

Ymir;n147151 said:
Kinesiska namn till fiktiva karaktärer är bland det roligaste som finns att komma på, eftersom man kan förse dem med dubbla lager av subtila innebörder genom de olika elementen i tecknen respektive språkljuden. Min extensiva kinesnamntabell i nya Western borde ge en ganska bra introduktion till dessa fantastiska möjligheter. Ska karaktären ha ett namn som motsvarar hennes koncept, eller något som kontrasterar mot det, eller något som innehåller ledtrådar om större ting? Jag valde reverse-approachen till min hårdföra Western-rollis, vars namn betyder "vacker orkidé" när det snarare borde betyda "fröken bodycount".
Jag gav orginal-namnet på de två grundarna baserat på att mannen kom från en bondby (jag googlade artonhundra-tals namn och hans betyder typ stora oxen eller något på det hållet) medan hon, nossen, kommer från en något finare familj och har ett mer traditionellt medelklass/överklass namn för fina damer.


7 Jan 2010
God45;n147196 said:
Hela poängen med Ventrue är social makt. Irländarna har inte slutat utsättas för massiv rasism förrän relativt nyligen, mindre än hundra år sedan. Så varför har man givit the Embrace till endast Irländare? Jag säger inte att du inte kan ha crime, street eller trailerpark Ventrues men det krävs en bra förklaring till varför hela klanen begränsat sig till en folkgrupp som inte uppfyller deras syften.
Om du inte orkar läsa allt, så summa summarum: Portland är en ung stad, utan särskilt många vampyrer om ens några alls. En vampyr som råkar vara Irländare kommer dit tillsammans med sin familj. Han embracar sin son och ett barnbarn. Nu finns det tre ventrue vampyrer i staden.

Tjugo år senare kanske det finns vem ventrue vampyrer och sex ghouls. Eftersom pappa vampyr inte vill embraca någon som inte är av hans blod så finns där fem ventrue vampyrer i staden. Andra vampyrer börjar uppmärksamma att Portland kan vara en stad med möjligheter i. Familjen vampyr ser antingen till att isidosätta dem genom att politiskt begränsa dem eller att våldsamt banka ihjäl dem om de vågar sätta nosen över stadsgränsen.
Ad infinitum.

Mekhet Invictus var svårare att fajtas med även om de nästan lyckades i slutet på artonhundra-talet.


10 Aug 2012
Inkognito;n147138 said:
Nämn inte det i Western-forumet med risk för tillägg och förseningar! :)

Jag är inte insatt i World of Darkness, men vampyrer porträtteras ju ofta som tillhörande de finare skikten. Mest sannolika vägen till makt för en kines i "vilda västern" var nog inom Tongen. Kineser från överklassen ansåg ju Amerika vara barbariskt... Men det är klart, de kan ju ha tvingats fly från Kina.
Som jag förstått det så levde de lite i sin egen värld iaf (assimilerade sig inte, isolerade sig i China towns osv.)
Senaste säsongen av Hell on Wheels involverar en hel del kineser och kan vara ett tips. Vet inte hur historiskt korrekt de porträtteras, men det känns autentiskt! :)

Såg nu att det var "före första världskriget" och inte "före inbördeskriget"... sorry. Är lite insnöad inför kommande Western IV släppet skulle jag tro! :D


7 Jan 2010
Inkognito;n147247 said:
Såg nu att det var "före andra världskriget" och inte "före inbördeskriget"... sorry. Är lite insnöad inför kommande Western IV släppet skulle jag tro! :D
Nja. Jag ändrade åren. Så nog blir det lite western av det hela!