vilket underbart språk, kolla detta!
Detta är Nàmá, pratat av hottentottarna
Sample text
Xam-i ke ʼa ǀúrún hòán tì kàóʼao káísep ʼa ǀaísa, ǀóm ǁxáí, xápú kxáó, tsií ǃháése ra ǃxóés ǃʼáróma.
Tsií maátsekám ǁóakas hòásàp ke ǂxam xam-à ǃárop ǃnaa ǂʼoá tsií ǁʼiip tì ǀaísìpà síí kèrè ǀnoóku náú ǀúrún ǀxáa. Tsií maá tsèes hòásàp ke ǁʼiipà kèrè ʼóa-ǀxií tànʼaose. Tsií nee ǂhòas ke ǀúrún ǃhúùp hòárákap ǃnaa kè ǁnàúhè tsií ǂʼánhè ʼií xam-i ʼa ǀúrún tì kàóʼao ǃxáisà. Tsií maá tsèes hííʼap kèrè ʼóa-ǀxií tàn tsiís kxáóǃáa ʼoos ke ǁʼiip tì ǁuusà kèrè koápi "tíí ʼóátse! ǀóm ǃnórótse! xápú kxáótse! ǀóm ǁxáítse! ʼáore kxòetse!" tí.
Xapes ke ǀúí tsekám ǁóaka kxàí-máá tsiíp ke ǂxam xam-à kàrósn ʼoo ǃxóóǀxáapi "ǀóm ǁxáítseǃ ǀóm ǃnórótse! xam ǁ’oatseǃ xápú kxáótseǃ" tí, !xóóǀxáapi tóá tsií kè míí "amʼaseta ke ra ǂóm saáts maá ǀúrún hòán xaa ʼa ǀaísa ǃxáisà. Maá tsèes hòásàts ke saátsà ǂʼoá ǃárop ǃnaa tsií ʼóa-ǀxií tsií ra ǁaute ʼamʼasets saátsà ʼa ǀúrún tì kàó’ao ǃxáisà. Xape, tíí ʼóátseǃ ǀúí tsèets ke nìí ǂʼoá ǃárop ǃnaa. Tsií ǂʼoá tsiíts ǃárop ǃnaa ra ǃuumaa hííʼats ke ǂxarí xuuróp ǂhanúse ra ǃúu ǃxoótì ǃnaa ǂnùa tànásepà nìí mùu. Tsií, tíí ʼóátseǃ ǀóm ǁxáítseǃ ǀóm ǃnórótseǃ xápú kxáótseǃ ǁnaá ǂxarí xuuróp ǀxáats kàrà ǀhaóʼú tsèes ǁnaás ʼáís ke sóresà nìí ǂaa ʼóa-ǀxií tamats hàa hííʼa. ǁnaá xuuróp tì ǀʼòns ke "kxòep" tí ra ǂaíhè.
English Translation
The lion is king of all the beasts because he is very strong, thick of chest, slim of waist, and runs fast.
Every morning, the young lion would go out into the forest and compare his strength with the other beasts. And every day he would return the victor. This news was heard and known throughout the animal world: that the lion was king of the beasts. Every day that he would return victorious, his mother would praise him, "Son of mine! Thick of neck! Slim of waist! Thick of chest! He-man!"
But one morning, when having got up the young lion was stretching, she praised him, "Thick of chest! Thick of neck! Lion-armed! Slim of waist!," finished praising him and said, "I truly believe that you are strongest of all the beasts. Every day you go out into the forest and return, and show me that you are truly king of the beasts. But, my son, one day you will go out into the forest. And while you are out walking around in the forest, you will see a little thing which walks straight, its head sitting on its shoulders. And, Son of mine! Thick of chest! Thick of neck! Slim of waist!, the day you meet that little thing, on that day the sun will set while you have not returned. The name of that little thing is called 'man'.