Och för en som spelar D&D 3... (ännu OT)
New Feat:
Telling Stories of Life in the Army
Prerequisites: Proficient in at least one Military Weapon, must be male.
The character has spent some time in a military force, in any capacity. Regardless of whether he really learnt anything or experienced anything, this gives him the Extraordinary ability to invoke a certain camraderie with other people of a military background.
Effects: When associating with anyone who has the prerequisites for this feat, the character can attempt to invoke a feeling of fellowship with them by telling a story from his time as a recruit. The story doesn't have to be true. This gives him a circumstancial +4 bonus on all checks vs. Cha to influence reactions, or any use of the skills Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Perform or Sense Motive. The effect lasts as long as the character continues to tell his stories. Anyone not applicable for this feat must make a Will save vs. 10+the Feat's user's Cha-bonus or leave the area in disgust or attack the user. The bonus from the feat does not apply towards these people.
Note: PCs can be affected by this Feat. Note that most Warrior NPCs probably have it, including all those humanoids PCs practice ethnical cleansing on.
Nightowl, ännu en meningslös post...
We're damned if we do.
We're damned if we don't.
So let's DO it, dammit!